Chapter Eight

The noise is overwhelming, people are already drunk and it's only 9:00.

High school party, here I come.

Mason's mansion is huge, to say the least. No wonder he throws parties so often. It's among all the other mansions located in the nearby city, the one I had to pick up nose piercing boy to drive to his so called "meet-up."

Once we get here, we realize it isn't only for high school kids. College and uni kids are here too. Only because I recognize some of the kids that graduated from our school a few years ago.

Sliding the thought, I walk inside with Avery and Reagan, hoping to look not so new to this. I follow them into the kitchen, to where they both grab a beer each. Apparently Reagan's brother will pick us up. I just stick with a popcan.

I follow them into the next room, where people are dancing, more like grinding against each other and the walls. Gross.

I tell them I'll be outside and step outside into the backyard to get some air. Of course the backyard is also crowded. In the distance, I notice a group of familiar boys, but I can't point out who. Ignoring them, I walk over to the bonfire, to where people are roasting marshmallows and doing a lot of smooching.

It's fairly warm outside for late October, so I don't mind staying outside for a little longer. I keep walking, but bump into a guy. More like he bumps into me. I trip over my own feet from the immediate contact and drop my pop and marshmallow, also falling backwards. I look around cautiously to see if anyone noticed, but it seems like no one, other than the guy that bumped into me in the first place.

"Sorry about that. Would you like a hand?" The guy says in a thick, but sexy accent. His large hand falls right before me and I gladly take it, as he effortlessly pulls me up.

I look him up and down. He has dark brown eyes, and has his hair combed perfectly, with a single lock falling over his forehead. I resist the urge to move it myself. He's wearing a black shirt that emphasizes his biceps and dark jeans, paired with basic black boots. He notices my long checking out session and coughs to make me aware of his presence. I quickly remove my eyes from his chest. Oh great Erin.

"Are you okay?" he asks gently and unsurely, tilting his head slightly.

"Um, yeah I'm fine, thank you." I say shifting on he balls of my feet. I'm surprised I didn't stutter. Progress.

"You're not hurt, but you seem kinda new to this." He notes and I look up to his eyes with my widened ones. How did he-

Erin you should never, EVER be an actress.

"Uh, well it's my second party." I admit nervously, hoping he won't judge my inexperience in high school parties.

"Still fairly new. Did you come alone? I hope not."

What does he mean? He hopes not?

"No, came with my friends." I shake my head and say casually.

"Seems like they ditched you for some hot guys." He says shoving his hands into his pockets. I simply laugh to keep the conversation not awkward at all.

"I can keep you company if you like. All my friends are super drunk and are with their girls. I'm the DD, can't get drunk for shit. I'd be dead meat tomorrow." He says, laughing slightly, revealing his perfectly straight and white teeth.

"Um, yeah. That'd be great, thank you." I say truthfully. Phew, we got a buddy right here.

"Well it seems like you've had a taste of the marshmallows." He says looking down at my half eaten marshmallow on the ground. My eyes follow his gaze to the marshmallow that's laying flat on the grass. There are already little insects swarming around it and I cringe.

"As well as the pop." Looking down at the now spilt pop around my feet. Luckily, my heels aren't wet with pop.

"Yeah," I say kinda embarrassed. I'm so clumsy. I mentally face palm myself.

"Stay right here." He says striding off, before I could even say anything.

In minutes, he's back with a perfectly roasted marshmallow and a cup of coke.

"I figured you wouldn't be able to finish a whole pop-can so I poured some for you myself." He says handing it to me, as well as the barbecue stick with the marshmallow perched onto the end of it.

"Don't worry, it's safe. Nothing is mixed in it. I poured it fresh myself." He assures me.

I take a sip and notice he was right. It tastes the same, I think.

We decide to go for a little walk to an empty space on the side of the mansion. There's a little bench so we both sit on the edges of it. I decide to spike up a conversation and say,

"I didn't get your name."

"Logan. What about you?" He smiles back, turning to face me.

"Erin." I say shortly.

"That's a nice name." He replies with a smile, nodding.

"Thank you. Most people like my twin, Evelyn's name better though, including me." I admit with a dry chuckle.

"Oh, I think Erin is super unique and it suits you." He whispers the last bit.

"Well that's nice to hear." I say to the air, offering him a warm smile.

"So where do you go? I assume you're in high school." He asks me.

"Yeah a junior at Lanaor Besette."

"Oh I'm a sophomore at Ridgewood, the uni right by here." I simply nod. He's an oldie.

"So let's get to know each other. You can ask first." He begins and I nod, humming a bit before popping up with a question.

"Well okay, tell me a little bit about your family and siblings."

"Odd first question, but okay. I have an older brother, getting married to love of his life of 9 years this upcoming summer, and then my parents." I mentally punch myself for asking such a stupid question.

"Oh, for me it's me, my twin sister, my older brother and my parents."

"Nice. So my turn. How would you describe yourself in three words?" He asks, and I UFO in my lip trying to honk.

This makes my brain go all over the place. I think before saying, "Nerdy, introverted and super lazy."

He looks a little shocked at what I'd said.

"What do you mean? You're outgoing! Who told you that? I'm not sure bout the nerdy part and you being lazy, because tons of girls are lazy but you are definitely not introverted." Happy that he thought I was outgoing, I just smile.

"What about you?"

"Well I'm loveable, athletic and captivating. Come on look at these looks." He says motioning towards himself. Are all guys so overconfident about themselves?

"You wish." I say.

"You better take that back! He says getting up and closer to me, playfully, trying to catch me. I get up and try to run away, but in seconds I'm pinned to the hard brick wall by two large toned arms. His arms are placed at the top of my arms, by my shoulders and his grip is tight but not painful. Kind of in a protective way.

He leans in slightly and whispers,

"I got you Erin." And offers me a huge smile, that I can't resist myself from releasing a few giggles at how he looks.

"You know one thing you didn't mention in the three words that describe you is beautiful. You could have said gorgeous or pretty too." He says looking deep into my eyes. It feels wrong, because it's so soon. I've only known the guys for a few minutes! But then again it feels right, because no guy has ever been so sweet and gentle towards me. Scratch that, no guy has ever taken interest in me.

He leans in more, lowering his hands down my arms, causing goosebumps to pop up on my skin down the trail of his huge warm hands. They stop at my hands, which he loosens his grip on. He removes his hands and places them against the brick wall beside my waist, shifting forward. We both smile in this awkward moment, but footsteps nearby become louder and louder. Not just two feet, but several.

They are padding against the rocks and the grass and in seconds, at the end of the aisle, a groups of boys stand. About the same age as Logan. I can't make out their faces in the dark, but they quickly walk over to us. In a split second, two of the boys grab Logan off of me and push him down on the ground. Shocked I scream stop, but no one pays attention to me.

He gets kicked in the stomach and gets a few blows to the face. At this point, I'm terrified, and cover my eyes, which are spilling with hot tears down my cheeks. I feel a warm hand touch my shoulder and I instantly look up to see a face looking down at me with those familiar dark eyes.