Chapter Forty Eight

"Daddy, I'm hungry."

"Say that again, and no food for you." Elijah scolds him playfully, pushing him forward and he runs down the hall, probably to his brother's apartment that's I'm assuming is familiar with.

"But, you can say that in a few years, when we have a little Eli running around." He whispers to me and smirks. I cringe at the way he says his own nickname, and scrunch my face. I can feel it heat up, once again.

Did I ever get a heater implanted in my face? Because it sure feels so.

"You're turning into a tomato. Can I eat you?" He asks, playfully, but I can hear the sexual tinge in his voice.

"Stop! And no, you can't!" I say, hiding my face from behind my hands.

"Both you and I know exactly what you want. Being honest doesn't cost a penny." He says, nonchalantly, walking over to his door and putting his key into the lock, turning it and pushing it open.

"Welcome home, babygirl!" He chirps.

Wait, home?