Chapter Fifty One

What else am I good at?

Eating, watching Netflix, picking out outfits, doing my edges...

I kiss him back instantly and he smiles against my lips before bringing me back to my standing position.

"I meant it, when I said I could kiss you for hours." He whispers lowly and kisses me again, pulling back so quickly, that I miss his lips.

"We could do some Netflix and chill, but without the chill?" He asks and I nod.

"Hop on." He says, turning around and leaning forward.

A piggy back ride.

I do as he says and hop on, holding onto him tightly so I don't fall off. He strides over to the bed and rolls me off of him so I fall with a small thud on my back.

"Get comfortable." He says and I move to one side of the bed so he can sit. I pull the covers over me and grab the ice cream, holding out a spoon for him. He gladly takes it as I practically rip the container open.