Chapter Ninety One

"So you two, will be standing by that intersection, and you.." Evan says, leading everyone and telling them exactly what to do.

It's been two nights since we decided on taking the one option they gave us. Friday, I am supposed to go there. And it's already Wednesday.

Two more days.

I've called in sick for school, I can't bother about that right now. I'm passing all my classes, even failing all my exams won't make me fail a single class.

So I'm good, at least I think I am.

As the hours go tick tock, I get more scared. Evan's told me to go in armed, with two mini guns and knives, just in case he decides to pull a stunt.

We've already gone out and bought an outfit for me to wear. A few layers actually.

I can't believe Evan actually came inside Victoria Secret to pick out lingerie for me, I made sure to have Corey record it.

We got a lot of 'cute couple' comments. Ew.