
Mad Virtues smiled at Yavin after the introduction from Vanya. But looking at the smile she was giving to him, it felt like there was something behind that smile - a predatory smile that finally found its prey and ready to chew on it.

Yavin gave a tentative smile at the professor and bowed at her. "Nice to meet you, Professor Mad Virtues."

"Such a formal way to greet someone, boy," she said. "If I recalled correctly, Vanya already gave you a crash course orientation about the world of exorcists. Is that correct?"

"Y-Yes!" He stammered as Yavin was being overwhelmed by the presence of the woman before him. "She even told me about the Unwanteds residing in the astral plane," he shot a glance to Vanya where she nodded also to verify his claim.

"Good! Then we can move forward to the test!" Then Mad Virtues started laughing who seemed very delighted about what comes next.

"Oh boy," sighed the girl beside the professor. She was a petite girl with jet black hair extending only down her neck. The girl was wearing also a white and blue-themed school uniform while holding a tablet in her left hand.

Yavin could feel a sense of familiarity with her. He didn't know why, but he had this feeling that she'd already met this girl.

"Come on, Miyuki. We need to go to the sideline before the professor started rampaging the room," the boy said, the last companion of Mad Virtues. He scratched his black messy taper-styled hair. Unlike his companion, Miyuki, this guy was just wearing casual clothes - a plain red shirt and jeans while holding also a tablet in his hand.

What a minute! Did the guy just say rampaging? he shouted in his head.

Miyuki and the other guy moved to the side beside Vanya. Then the guy tapped something on his tablet, and a dome-shaped force field appeared before them, shielding them from external forces.

"Hey! What's happening?!" Yavin sounded alarmed as he no longer understood what was happening.

Then the professor unbuttoned her coat and let it dropped on the cold ground, revealing the black shirt underneath it.

"One thing I dislike, boy is giving lectures, so thank you Vanya for doing the boring part. I'm more of a practical kind of instructor. So show me, Yavin your powers. Survive my attacks and land an attack on any part of my body, and you'll pass," she challenged the boy before her.

"Wait! Is this some sort of an entrance exam?"

Mad Virtues raised her right hand, and from Yavin's position, he spotted a diamond ring on her ring finger. "Jewel Suit - Diamond Knight!"

"Such a battle freak," Yavin heard Vanya muttered under her breath as she looked displeased with her professor.

Then a light erupted from the diamond ring and started covering the whole body of the professor. The whole body of Mad Virtues glowed from the light until it took shapes on certain body parts of her. The light slowly diminished until what appeared in front of Yavin was an armored person.

The whole body of Mad Virtues was covered in armor made of diamonds from head to toe. The armor was perfectly fitted on her body making her look like a divine knight straight out of a fantasy book.

Yavin's jaw was left hanging after the transformation which made the professor chuckled.

"Now, show me yours, boy," she ordered.

This made Yavin gulped. They were all in the astral plane so anyone can summon their powers in this realm.

Yavin focused all his energies on his right arm and remembered what Vanya told him earlier. His powers reacted based on his emotion. So he recalled what he felt when he successfully summoned the flames back in the school ground.


A red-orange aura swirled around his right arm until it fully covered his whole arm. He could feel again the intense heat radiating from it.

"That's more like it," Mad Virtues commended as Yavin successfully summoned his powers. "But based on the video, you can wield the power of water and some sort of purple energy. Don't you ever hold back on me, boy."

Yavin never had the chance to summon those powers she'd mentioned since Vanya interrupted him earlier. He tried to focus on summoning on those remaining powers, but after so many tries nothing was happening.

"It seems that you don't have yet the full control of your powers. I guess that fire thing on your arm will do for now," the professor changed her stance and shifted to an attacking position. "Here's come my fist!"

Mad Virtues launched herself towards the unprepared form of Yavin and swung her fist at him. Fortunately, Yavin made the last minute dodge and crouched his body.

The professor licked her lips, delighted at the fast reaction of the young man.

"Let's see if you can dodge this again!" Mad screamed at him and swung her left leg this time targeting the crouched form of Yavin below her.

Yavin was still processing how the hell he evaded that attack, but then he spotted another incoming attack from the professor. Her legs were encased in a pair of greaves made out of diamonds. And one of those legs was coming at him.

By reflex, he shot his right arm to the ground and let out a large volume of fire through it. When the ground could no longer absorb the fire from Yavin's arm, the fire erupted from the ground throwing Yavin in opposite direction, while the professor lost her momentum and found her butt on the ground.

Mad Virtues laughed maniacally as she was enjoying her battle with Yavin.

"Again!" she shouted at the young man who collapsed on the ground after being thrown out by the fire he conjured.

Yavin grunted in pain as he tried to stand up and face again the professor.

Then, both of them pulled themselves up at the same time. Yavin and the professor didn't put their guard down as they prepared themselves for the incoming attack of their opponent.

Mad Virtues pointed her finger at him and flashed her wicked smile. And that was when a couple of diamond shards appeared before her then it multiplied to hundreds more. These diamond shards were all floating in the air and pointing in the direction of Yavin.

"Professor!" Vanya yelled at Mad Virtues. She wanted to get out of the force field and halt the onslaught of her professor. "Are you actually planning to kill him?"

Mad Virtues just ignored her and snapped her fingers.

Yavin saw that the diamond shards twisted in the air and catapulted towards his direction. He was panicking now. This madwoman was actually trying to kill him. And he couldn't find a way to land an attack on her.

Then a plan popped into his mind. Since she was planning to kill him, then there was only one option left.

Yavin commanded the red-orange aura covering his right arm. The aura grew larger on his arm, and he quickly punched the ground and unleashing an infernal fire filling the whole room.

Vanya and her companions yelped as the whole room was filled with waves of fire. It was like hell on earth as they witnessed it, but thankfully the force field was protecting them from the deadly fire.

The diamond shards that were aiming at him never came, and slowly Yavin could feel that his energy was depleting. The same thing happened also on his fire. As Yavin lost his energy, the whole fire returned to his arm like being sucked in by a vortex.

When the fire returned to Yavin, he found the figure of Mad Virtues still standing and remained unscathed.

"H-how?" he groaned.

"The winner is Yavin!" the guy beside Vanya shouted.

"What?" Yavin groaned in surprise.