Sorry but I'm broke!

In front of Morgiana's father's office, Morgiana knocked on the door three times.

Following that was a man's response, "come in."

Tilting the doorknob, Morgiana came in and Xu An followed with Reona behind him.

As soon as they entered, Xu An saw a man with a rough face sitting behind the desk and was looking at him. 

On the opposite of him was a woman and as she heard the door open, she shifted her line of sight.

What a beauty...  Xu An said to himself as he was shocked. She had outstanding beauty and Xu An had to admit this, her beauty was many times superior to Morgiana. He was shocked but quickly regained his calm.

He sized up the woman from top to toe. Her smooth, jade white skin. Her beautiful eyes and exquisite facial features. She wore a luxurious sect robe and had an insignia on the black belt.

It was a black wolf with sharp eyes and there was a symbol of red flame on its forehead. Beneath the wolf was a cloud.

Although Xu An didn't recognize this insignia, it can't be said otherwise to Morgiana.

She quickly recognized it and she stared at the woman with admiration in her eyes. This did not escape from Xu An and he asked through qi telepathy.

"You know her?"

Morgiana turned her head to Xu An as if he was a fool, "You didn't?"

Xu An shook his head.

"Her name is You Yi. A cultivation genius who appears one in a million years and she's a core member of the Cloud Jade sect and has won many tournaments.

"Rumors said that she also had killed five otherworldly tribes and whether it is true or not, I believe it is." Her voice was fawning and filled with excitement.

She was like a fan meeting their idol.

Xu An hummed in acknowledgment as he said, "Hum, she's a pretty important character then. I wonder what's her relationship with your father?" Xu An pondered.

"That's what I want to know too, let's just see."

They were talking through qi telepathy without maintaining eye contact and stood there, not daring to make a move.

There was an important person before them! How could they dare? They were nervous and did not want their first impression of You Yi to be bad.

You Yi seemingly noticed this and smiled, Xu An felt like he was in spring with flowers blooming.

"Both of you, sit," The man ordered and the both of them followed.

Just as they were about to, Morgiana noticed a boy next to You Yi.

"Big sister Morgiana!" The boy shouted happily as he rushed to her and opened his arms to embrace her.

Morgiana's mouth twitched as she knew who this boy was. It was Huang Yin!

Morgiana avoided at the last moment and Huang Yin embraced nothing but empty air.

You Yi palmed herself as she softly sighed and shook her head, "Honey, please don't make a ruckus. This isn't our place."

"Honey?" Xu An blurted out as he wore a puzzled expression and looked at Huang Yin.

This kid is her husband? What? Is there an FBI in this world? Xu An was baffled.

Seeing his expression, Morgiana explained, "Huang Yin is a species that has a long lifespan. Even though he looks like a boy, he is four years older than you."

"He's in his twenties?! What?" Xu An was shocked as he looked at Huang Yin as if he was a monster.

No, that wasn't important. What was more important was that this kid married the number one beauty in the capital, You Yi!

A bit envious, Xu An lamented his bad luck and couldn't help but compare it with Huang Yin.

This kid is so lucky that it could topple down a city! I must invent the machine to transfer his luck to me! Xu An made a nonsense vow to himself.

"Enough joking, we should get to the topic." The man said solemnly. Xu An and Morgiana quickly sat on the sofa and Huang Yin sat next to Morgiana.

You Yi ignored that and asked doubtfully, "will it be okay if they heard our conversation?"

"No matter," The man replied quickly.

You Yi nodded as she said, "very well. Then my request earlier is for you to help my friend. She used her bloodline ability and her lifespan was reduced in the end.

"I humbly request so you lend us your power, Master Reiner." Her words were polite and solemn.

Xu An caught something in her phrase, "bloodline ability?"

Morgiana knew Xu An had little cultivation knowledge so she patiently replied, "Only those with thick blood of their ancestors could use it.

"Powerful clans and families usually have few that could use bloodline ability but using it has a catch.

"The side effects vary."

Xu An knew most of what Morgiana said but there was something that got his attention. Which was the side effect.

He used his ability earlier and wondered what his side effects were and were a bit anxious, as well as curious.

"I see," Xu An said as he nodded and had nothing to say.

Because of Xu An's interruption, the conversation between You Yi and the man with the name of Reiner paused.

They then continued with the man taking the lead, "What will I get in exchange?"

"Cultivation resources and a million Yakhu," You Yi replied as she was prepared for such a question. 

A million Yakhu, that's not a small sum… Xu An thought to himself and was curious why You Yi forked out that amount of money for her friend.

Reiner put on a contemplating expression and fell silent for a few seconds.

You Yi was calm but her heartbeat was getting faster as seconds passed. She was afraid that Reiner wanted more or worst-case scenario he would reject her request.

Finally, after almost two minutes, Reiner said as he pointed at You Yi, "I want you."

You Yi's smile stiffened and Huang Yin looked at Reiner dangerously.

"I'm sorry but I've married already. Even if this is the only way to get your request, I'm not that desperate," You Yi shook her head as she replied firmly.

Reiner sighed, "No, what I want is your strength, not your body."

You Yi felt ashamed for thinking lewd thoughts. That's right, a man in his caliber can't possibly want to have fun with a maiden like her.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding your intention," You Yi hurriedly apologized as she slightly bowed and continued as she raised her head "And regarding your request, I accept it. What do you want me to do?"

"I'll contact you when the time arrives. You can go now," Reiner calmly said.

You Yi nodded, "thanks for lending me your power, Master Reiner."

After that, You Yi came to Huang Yin's side and pinched his ear.

Without changing her tone nor attitude, she apologized to Morgiana, "I'm sorry if my man caused you any trouble."

Then, she shifted her line of sight from Morgiana to Xu An, "I'm sorry for troubling your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend," Xu An said as he did not want any misunderstanding.

"It's not a big deal," Morgiana casually said.

"Wait, what?" Xu An looked at Morgiana as he was surprised.

She doesn't oppose the idea? Xu An asked himself.

Upon his look, Morgiana asked, "what?"

"Nothing," Xu An shook his head.

You Yi did not disturb both of them as she walked away with Huang Yin's left ear in her right hand and he was being dragged across the room to the door.

Huang Yin groaned in pain, "hey! Hey! This hurts! Ok! Ok! I'll surrender."

However, his plea was ignored until they left the room.

"What an interesting couple," Xu An said to himself.

"So, what's your emergency about this time?" Reiner calmly asked.

"Master, this is the person I told you yesterday, Xu An. He saved my life and I wish for you to reward him for what he did," Morgiana replied.

Master Reiner shifted his line of sight to Xu An and sized him up from up to the toe. Except for his faint presence and undetectable cultivation base, he had nothing peculiar.

Master Reiner asked doubtfully, "You're the one who saved her?"

His question had a heavy pressure and ordinary cultivators would fluster yet Xu An was calm.

Heh, compare this to the time where I have to fight ten superhumans with a fork, this is barely enough to panic me, Xu An proudly said to himself.

"It's nothing, Master Reiner. Everyone would've done the same if they saw their friend in danger," Xu An replied humbly.

"I see, do you want to pay a hundred thousand Yakhu then?" Master Reiner asked and Xu An was confused.

He shot Morgiana a look as he wanted an explanation. Morgiana was aware and got up off her seat and suddenly uncovered herself!

If not for the fact Xu An had to act like the original Xu An, he wouldn't looked away and instead carved her undressing her dress deep into his memory.

It was erotic and seducing.

Xu An looked away as he followed the character's script. He wasn't embarrassed that his cheek turned red.

"May I ask, Morgiana. What are you doing?" Xu An curiously asked.

"You can turn around now. It's not as if I'm showing you the good part," Morgiana calmly said.

Seeing how Morgiana was calm despite her body being seen by a man somewhat made Xu An curious.

Turning his head to Morgiana, his eyes dilated what he saw!


"You're her friend, right? Do you want to save her? I've heard you block an attack of someone many times stronger than you," Master Reiner said.

"Master Reiner, the crest symbol on her back. Is that the Slave Mark?" Xu An asked as his eyes narrowed.

He was no stranger to Slave Mark. It was a magical crest that prevented slaves from betraying their owners.

"Morgiana, what's going on? Since when you're a slave? Who bought you?" Xu An shot a question after another with concern.

"You still haven't figured it out?" Master Reiner suddenly said, his tone a bit displeased.

At this moment, Xu An recalled that this man wanted a hundred thousand Yakhu from him.

"You're her master? I thought you're her father!"

Master Reiner shrugged his shoulders, "So? Do you want her? She is your friend, right? As you've saved her, I'll give you a big discount."

Xu An wanted to say a word but chose not to as Morgiana said, "Xu An. The Grand Noble who wanted me yesterday discovered my true identity. I'm a slave and Master Reiner bought me when I was a child.

"However, he had been taking good care of me so I have no grudges to him and I owe him a lot but that Grand Noble, after finding out the truth, wanted me."

"This is the first time I've heard of this. Why didn't you say so in the past?" Xu An asked and realized something. He quickly added, "I'm sorry, everyone has a secret and has the right to not tell it. I guess I'm being direct and rude as I'm shocked and confused."

Morgiana shook her head as she smiled, "it's okay,"

Without waiting for his response, she explained, "I'm originally a princess of a five-star kingdom in the Dark Continent. However, a rebellion happened and I got captured, sold, and ended up here."

The higher the star was, the powerful the territory was. For example, the empire Xu An was in was a four-star empire and feared by many.

"Wait, hold on. There are a lot of things I must digest here. Your background can be told later.

"You said that the Grand Noble wanted to buy you? How much did he offer?"

"80.000.000 Yakhu," Master Reiner replied in her stead and Xu An almost doubted his ears.

He looked at Morgiana in disbelief.

"What? I'm not a cheap woman!" She said proudly and Xu An's mouth twitched. Lady, can't you see your situation here? You're a slave yet why are you being proud of having a tag price?

"So you want me to buy you?" Xu An asked.

Morgiana nodded, "Obviously."

Xu An felt his heartache. Let alone getting that kind of money, he never even touched it!

Even his clan's net worth every month didn't exceed that much.

"Why are you so expensive?" Xu An blurted out a question.

"She's beautiful, pure, and healthy. She could do things from managing your money, help you run a business, play with you, and could be a great mother as she could cook, great with children, do the laundry, mop the floor and many more house works," Master Reiner answered and Xu An looked at him with a frown.

Why does this feel like he's promoting her?

Xu An opened his mouth to utter a sound but he was seconds late as Master Reiner said, "She's a princess in her kingdom and she naturally has the royal bloodline. You must know that in this world, those with royal bloodline, no matter from which kingdom or empire, are special."