Weather Update

He did not know why everything he killed turned to flower seed but one thing for certain was that it was for that flower that was going to help him enormously in cultivation.

He thanked the boy so much for giving him such a treasure that even the World's Empire would be dying to get it!

In this aspect, many questions popped up in his mind.

Who is the boy? Why would he give me the flower? I get it he did so because I saved him but why this flower specifically. There are a lot of things he could give to me, Xu An said inwardly.

It could not be blamed for Xu An to think so. If Xu An was the boy, he might not give it. One HUNDRED percent big nope.

That point aside for a second. If everything he killed turned to flower seeds, then that white serpent should also, yes?

However, Narukami got a tinge feeling that the white serpent was not going to. The reason was rather unclear.

So, in times like this. A book might help him figure out the problem. Yes, what else if not the cheap ripoff of the LOHP book in his mind!

Xu An looked around to see if his surroundings were safe. He also spread his spiritual senses. After confirming within five hundred meters that there were no animals. Xu An closed his eyes as he entered his mindscape.

There lies a vast flat landscape with a bright blue sky. No sun could be found so it was mysterious where the light was coming from.

The ground was not even the ground. It was clean. Every time Xu An walked. It would be disturbed as it rippled.

This place had no end, seemingly infinite but that was not the main focus here. It was the floating book before Xu An's eyes.

Xu An willed it. The book came to his side and opened as the pages flipped on their own.

"Reveal everything about every creature I killed turned to flower seeds," Xu An said yet no response.

Seems it has to be more specific? Xu An silently pondered as he pinched his chin.

"How many hours will it take for a creature to turn into a flower seed?" Xu An asked. Yet there was no other response or so he thought when suddenly.

The pages flipped at a fast rate before slowing down and stopping.

It halted at a blank page. Xu An knew the drill and waited.

A few minutes later, words per word appeared on the blank pages and went on for at least three pages.

Xu An hurriedly read it and after reading the three pages, this was what he concluded.

"The seeded process depends on the distance between the killer and the target. It also depends on the target's will, emotion or qi."

The three pages were filled with explanations of how this works. It was rather complicated but Xu An did not need any of those.

"The further away I am from the killed target, the longer it will take for it to turn into a flower seed. The reason why is fortunately explained."

It was because of the connection. The 'seeded' process needed a small amount of Xu An's qi. 0,1% to be precise.

It was like a signal.

The seeded process was still in progress even if Xu An was ten kilometers away but it would be so slow compared to that of a snail.

There was another problem, however.

"How should I tell this to Morgiana and Fred?" Xu An asked as he left the mindscape.

He opened his eyes. Pick up the flower seed and put it into the inside robe.

As he was sweaty and probably smelly. He searched the nearest river and after fifteen minutes straight of searching it, he finally found it.

But, it's not a river. It was instead a small lake with extremely clear water. A pleasant surprise indeed. Xu An was delighted.

Removing his clothes near the shore. He immersed himself into the lake as he felt the warm and relaxing sensation transmitted to his brain.

It was evening as the sky was tinted in orange and pink. The sun was no longer visible as it was covered by cotton clouds.

"Ah~" He moaned pleasantly as he slightly lifted his head to the sky, taking in the view.

He reminiscence everything had happened albeit short.

Reincarnated into a completely different world. In a body of sixteen years old who once had its peak but now became normal like others.

A cultivation genius but after a certain event reset everything he learned. This results in him starting from the beginning once again.

However, comparing that to the person who saved him and brought him out of the forest, alive. This was nothing.

The man lost something that even the gods could not help.

Xu An was extremely sorry and ashamed of himself should he give up and break that promise.

He vividly remembered. He was lying on the ground with his head resting on the person's lap.

Xu An was physically and mentally weak. Injuries were all over his body, bones crack, meridians and some dantians were destroyed, he was crippled for good.

In such a sorry state, someone was stroking his head gently.

"You're awake," the person greeted Xu An. The latter's eyes were heavy and tired but upon seeing that person, Jack.

Xu An cried so hard that snot came out of his nose.

"I'm sorry, Jack. I'm really sorry! Your cultivation realm… your cultivation realm… Is gone! Your right eye and left leg also, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Jack gently smiled, "What are you saying, dumbass. You tried to save someone in trouble. Today is just one bad day."

After that, Xu An's body was engulfed in a golden glow. His injuries recovered at a visible rate.

His crippled meridians and dantians were fixed but not as good as the previous state. However, he could still cultivate.

Any other injuries he got were gone.

"I'll be an amazing explorer and meet you again, Jack. I promise that I will pay for what happened today!"

"Yeah, I'll be waiting," said Jack softly as his expression was gentle.




"I wonder where he is and how's he doing?" Xu An softly muttered.

Next, he shifted his line of sight to the left and saw a tiny animal bone on the floor of the lake. Xu An reached out his hand as he grabbed it.

Turning to the left and right as he observed it. Xu An threw it to the center of the lake after he finished.

Its impact caused the calm lake to ripple.

Knowing he had been long enough, Xu An get out of the lake but something happened which prevented him.

"Oya? A human? Finally! I have someone to chat with!" The excited voice of a lady sounded from behind.

Xu An was curious. He did not see anyone here and so, turning his head around. What he saw made Xu An open his mouth so wide so that a fly could go in and out as he was baffled.

A teenage girl with a beautiful facial expression. Almost otherworldly and she belongs to the fairy. No, literally.

She was a human-sized fairy with blue butterfly wings. It was beautiful as Xu An was immersed with the color, for the fact it was gorgeous and pleasant.

The fairy flew to him.

"Hello, human! I'm Heileen, nice to meet you!" Heileen waved her right hand with a bright smile. She introduced herself like an excited child that just met a new friend.

"You're a fairy. How, no why?" Xu An blurted out.

"You're confused why a fairy shows herself in front of a human?" Heileen asked as she found out the question in Xu An's mind.

Xu An reflexively nodded.

"Before we come to that. Let me tell you a brief history of this lake, will that be alright? Are you in a hurry?" Heileen asked.

"Sure, go ahead," replied Xu An without hesitation.

"Un, very well. This lake was once a mountain."

"Seriously?!" Xu An was shocked. Well, that was how the original Xu An might react.

Hum? Wait, there's no one else here except for this fairy, Xu An silently pondered and he cleared his throat.

"Ehem, continue," said Xu An calmly.

The fairy was slightly confused but did not pay any heed towards it as she continued, "beneath the mountain lies an ancient dungeon from the Lost Epoch. It contained information about it."

"Lost Epoch?" Xu An frowned as he put his pants on.

"Yes, it is an era where all information was lost. There are no records of it. Texts, ancient structures, books. None. It is as though history has been erased."

"I see. An erased history. Do you know the reason?" Xu An asked.

"If I knew, the world would probably not be as it is now. Even the Emperor of Humanity Himself looks anything related to the Lost Epoch," answered Heileen as she explained.

"Even Him? Interesting." Xu An rubbed his chin as his eyes narrowed.

"What happened to the dungeon?" Xu An added without waiting for Heileen to utter a sound.

"It's conquered by a boy and that damn brat forgets to claim his reward. A Paladin, basically me. I understand though, he was dying and an older uncle came to him to save his ass from an Imperial Major of the Infantry," said Heileen as she sighed.

"It's a pity though, that boy looks interesting. At such a young age, he conquered a dungeon. His future will be as bright as the stars. Unfortunately, he was crippled by that dog bastard Infantry soldier." Her tone was furious.

Xu An listened attentively as he wore his robe back and tied his belt around his waist.

Xu An then grunted in acknowledgment.

"That boy will indeed have a good future. That point aside for a second, why would a person with such a high position in the army target a boy after he just conquered an ancient dungeon?" Xu An asked.

"After the Emperor of Humanity's death. His last words encourage people to set off to the Dark Continent to search for roman.

"Dark Continent is filled with many things that may tell a story of what happened in the Lost Epoch.

"Finding this, World's Empire quickly makes a rule: those wanting to find out anything regarding the Lost Epoch will get a death penalty on the spot. Society rejects such a rule but when the World's Empire said it's for the larger picture like chaos and revolution might rise because knowing it, they quickly agreed," Heileen explained.

"Make sense, information regarding the Lost Epoch is unknown to the World's Empire itself. Nothing is more terrifying than the unknown. They want to shrink any risk to zero," speculated Xu An behind World's Empire move.

Heileen clapped.

"Indeed, you're smart," Heileen complimented as she nodded.

Without waiting for Xu An to utter a word, she continued: "Coincidentally, the ancient dungeon is like a library filled with every information you need about the Lost Epoch."

"How'd you know?" Xu An blurted out a question.

"I'm a Paladin in that dungeon, after all. Although I can't interact with anything physically, I could still know everything inside. Though, I'm oblivious to the outside world," Heileen replied as she used her water magic to form images of what she explained.

"How about the World's Empire then?" Xu An asked again.

"That older uncle explained the outside world to me and everything I've just told you is the same thing he told me."

"So that's the case. Anyway, so this boy has everything he knows about the Lost Epoch and is considered a threat to the World's Empire? What happened to him?"