New Friend

"?!" Xu An was caught off guard when Heileen suddenly grabbed his head and pulled it closer to her. They were close as they could feel each other's breath.

"What?" Xu An pondered as his cheek was being held by Heileen's hands. He looked like a puffer fish as his mouth slightly opened.

"That ember eyes close to gold. That symbol on your forehead is a sign you've conquered a dungeon before. You're indeed him, the boy!

"Oh, fate is kind enough to bring us back together! I don't even have to go on a trip! Is this what 'some problems are fixed by themselves' means?!" Heileen was mad in joy.

Although it may seem not like it, she had been constantly on edge as to how to find the boy. She was a Paladin and if she did not find her master. Something bad was going to happen!

Fortunately, she did not have to do anything and Xu An came to her.

"But wait, is it possible that you know I was here and wait for the right time?" Heileen speculated. Of which Xu An shook his head.

"No, it's only a coincidence. I just left Gnome Goblin's town and killed a Gradion on my back. But I was soaked in blood and chose to clean myself here. I don't even know that a lake like this exists."

"What do you mean by that? For your information, all the living beings here scream in joy every time they drink here."

"Probably you use some kind of sorcery," said Xu An rather calmly.

"That's rude, I'm a kind woman that loves all beings equally. Except for you, Master! I love you so much!" Heileen hugged Xu An and his head was buried under her mountain.

"Heileen! I can't breathe!" Xu An pleaded as he struggled out of her embrace.

"Oh, sorry," she apologized with a realization on her expression. Simultaneously, she let go of Xu An.

The latter fell as soon as she did so. Xu An groaned in pain as his buttock hit the ground with a loud thud.

"Master, are you okay?" Heileen asked.

"Un, I'm okay," Xu An said as he was about to get up but then. He saw a hand extended out to her.

Xu An stared foolishly at the hand before retracting it to the owner.

"Can you grab it already, Master? My hand is getting sore."

Hearing that, Xu An's eyes turned blank.

Though, despite her words, Xu An still accepted her helping hand as he raised from the ground.

"Thank you," said Xu An as he patted his butt so as to get rid of the dust.

"Why did you go to the Gnome Goblin's town. I thought those folks despise humans the most.

"Did you threaten them?" Heileen wildly guessed.

"Of course not, I help them and they let me enter their town. That's it. If that's what you want to say, I'm going," Xu An paused, he lifted his head and saw it was already dark. It turned night without him realizing it.

"Crap, the sun has set already, I have to hurry!" Xu An prepared to dash off but paused.

"Wait, you're my Paladin. Does that mean you're going to follow wherever I go?"

"Yes," she replied as she casually nodded.

"In those clothes?" Xu An added.

"What's wrong? It's comfortable and cute."

Her clothes were made of leaves as it revealed a lot of her white skin. It covered her chest and lower part but it was rather tight as it highlighted those two parts.

With a plus of her amazing curved waist and filled chest, she was dangerously inviting.

The clothes she was wearing could not be considered as one anymore but rather a tight swimsuit.

"You're going to town in that kind of clothes? Absolutely no!" Xu An waved his hand to the left and right.

"Eh~ Why?" She asked as she purposely raised her voice as she was disappointed.

"It's inappropriate and only attracts unnecessary problems. Do you think I'm the type of guy that likes the attention?" Xu An asked. Heileen nodded as her response.


"You're handsome," she said.

Xu An touched his face.

"Your hairstyle is different from most males," she said.

He then touched his hair.

"You have a symbol on your forehead and your eyes are embers close to gold. Honestly, I have never seen a male more stand out than you."

Xu An tapped his forehead and next, he closed one of his eyelids as his hand moved there.

Finally, as he heard her last words. Xu An felt like this girl was good at fawning people to the point of dropping one's guard down.

One more thing that had to add, getting praised by a beautiful woman was a heavenly good feeling.

"I don't know if you're mocking me or teasing me but I'll take that as praise. At any rate, you have to change your clothes. I don't want to repeat my words twice," said Xu An in a firm manner. He was akin to a father that just tired of his son ignoring his words.

"Master, you petty!" Heileen had no choice but to follow what he said as she went to the air and dived in the lake after a sharp turn in the air and lunged down.

The lake rippled as waves were formed from the impact and went to shore. The impact also caused tidbits of water to hit Xu An.

If he was a Tou**u player, he probably could dodge all of it but instead of that, he accepted everything that came to him.

No point in dodging either. Not like it was raining arrows.

What concerned Xu An was the fact that the fairy just dived into the lake. Was she okay? Wasn't a fairy needing air to live, he probably thought.

As he waited, Xu An looked at his hand. The scene where Heileen reached out her hand to help him flashed by.

"A friend, huh?' he softly muttered.

He then remembered his friends in his previous world.

Some died in a mission and Xu An could not do anything about it as the mission was a top priority.

He vividly remembered one of his friends got shot in the abdomen as he was slowly dying. Xu An on the other hand was about to chase a person holding a suitcase with a dangerous bioweapon in it when this happened.

At that time, Xu An had to choose, save his friend or chase the person carrying the dangerous weapon, so as to save billions of lives.

Xu An was in a dilemma but the person in charge of the mission urged him through the radio to catch the guy. Xu An followed his orders after hesitation.

After that mission ends. Many 'what ifs' and 'I should have' appeared in his mind.

A few minutes later, Heileen came out of the water as she was inside a bubble. She was floating as she approached Xu An.

This snapped Xu An's wandering mind to reality. 

Stopping before him, the bubble popped as she fell to the ground and landed with her arms spread out.

"What do you think?" Heileen showed her new outfit as she turned her body around. It fluttered.

She was wearing a light blue robe and a white shirt beneath it.  Her chest was bulging out. She had a snow hairpin on her hair and wore a straw hat.

Her skirt covered her knee and from that point to her feet were covered with black socks.

Xu An's line of sight subconsciously focused on this and said without realizing it, "I want them to sandwich me."

"I can do it right now." Heileen approached Xu An and the latter was rather shocked.

"No, no need!" Xu An hurriedly backed away as he moved his hand to the left and right vigorously before it was too late.

"Anyway, how do you get that outfit?" Xu An pondered curiously.

"My home is underwater and sealed by a barrier. No one could see it from above nor enter it. This outfit is something I bought when I visited Gnome Goblin's town," replied Heileen. Xu An grunted in acknowledgment.

"They're not weirded out?" Xu An asked.

"No, apparently the fairy frequently entered the town before the entire town transmigrated here."

Gnome Goblin was a creature coming from another world. In that world, it looked like fairies entered the town rather frequently.

With Heileen dressed like that, Xu An did not have to worry about attracting unnecessary attention.

"We should rush now, can you run in that outfit?" Xu An asked as he realized that the butterfly wings on her back had disappeared.

"Eh? What happened to your wings?"

"I hid it. It turns out I have a note of how to hide my wings in my wardrobe. Just found it as I look for the right thing to put on. Teehee." Her tone was playful as if she did not have any regrets.

Xu An slapped his forehead as he said to himself, another troublesome person added to the group, sighed. He exuded a slow breath in resignation.

"Ah, that's right. We haven't made a contract," said Heileen abruptly.

"Is that necessary?" Xu An asked as he retracted his gaze to Heileen.

"Yes, it's to prevent the Paladin from betraying their Master and make sure to set a boundary between them. Like a master and a servant."

"Does that mean you're planning to backstab me?" Xu An could not help but ask that.

Instantly shaking her head, she responded, "Of course not! Just to make sure I'm not going to betray you."

After a long silence as Xu An paused, he asked, "...Then are you going to betray me?"


"Then that's decided. No need to form a contract. I don't like the master and servant relationship. Humans are free without any shackles. They can do anything they want as long as there's no harm."

"But I'm a fairy."

"You miss the part where that's my problem."