A Person Full of Surprises

The monsters here were not only powerful but they have tough skin that blade would have a hard time penetrating. No kidding. Except for the blade itself was made with high-quality ore and created by a top-notch blacksmith but who would dare to bring that kind of sword in a place where death was inevitable?

That's the same thing as throwing a diamond into the sea!

Even further, getting in was easy but getting out was another story. These monsters had unsatisfiable hunger and their favorite food was a human.

Hell, they would even fight to the death to get their snack!

Xu An was lucky enough to find a monster with low intelligence as he could simply jump into its mouth and get protection from its hard steel skin, probably harder.

How the monster turned to dust was before the lightning struck down, Xu An injured the monster from inside. The cut was not deep but rather extremely shallow. Despite that, It was enough.