A Savage Fairy

Xu An warily looked around as he woke up Heileen through mind transmission, "Heileen!" He shouted.

Heileen was shocked as her shoulders jolted and she opened her eyelids slightly. She was displeased as she pouted angrily.

"What is it? Can't you see I'm sleeping?"

"Do you want to sleep forever then? Look around you!"

Heileen opened her eyelids and enabled the shared senses between them. What Xu An saw or felt, she would get the same thing too.

"Master, what is going on?" Heileen was stunned. Monsters with the same strength as Gomza surrounded them. This was akin to tigers surrounding you.

"As you can see, we're surrounded."

"Yeah, I'm not blind. What I'm asking is, how do things develop to this point?" Pondered Heileen as she was perplexed. Weren't all problems gone? Where is peace? Otherwise, Heileen wouldn't even dare to sleep.

"Beats me, I lost that black flower." Spoke Xu An calmly.