
Heileen continued her rambling. So much so that Xu An's ears could not take it anymore.

When she paused, Xu An hurriedly asked, "Where are we?"

"Jade Sea City. This is where you want to go, right? To save those children?" Heileen replied.

"Jade Sea City? This place?" Xu An pondered. His voice was somewhat suspicious and doubtful. After he said it, he looked at the city and the sea behind it.

One word to describe it, gorgeous. The city was not anything in his mind. The rows of buildings were neatly ordered, the streets were clean, the fresh scent of the sea and morning dew mixed and become something new.

"What's with that question, Master? Of course, this is the Jade Sea City. What did you think the city would look like?" 

No way I'm going to say it. It might offend you, replied Xu An inwardly. He thought the Jade Sea City was small and the buildings were of wood instead of bricks.