Found it

Xu An shifted his line of sight to the armory's door. He saw armed soldiers come out and walk with stern faces. Xu An followed them with his eyes.

After they turned a corner and disappeared, Xu An got up.

"Do you guys know a window around here?" He asked.

"We don't have a window but if you just go that way. You'll find a balcony. Smokers go there to relieve themselves."

"Alright," said Xu An with a nod as he headed in the direction. Arriving there, Xu An watched the view. It was beautiful. The buildings seemed small, people were small as ants.

Wind passed by his figure, his hair fluttered and so did his red scarf. He didn't remove it even if he disguised himself as an Infantry. Strangely enough, no one seemed to be bothered about it.

Xu An fell silent as his gaze was in the distance, probably thinking something. He abruptly nodded as he had come to a decision.