Deliver it

"Why? Is there a bad event that happened in the past?"

"Not yet but it will soon. We'll never know what kind of creature is going to end up here.

"Yes, although creatures with immense and out-of-the-world power are trapped in the deep forest. It doesn't guarantee the world's safety. The barrier surrounding the deep part of the forest isn't omnipotent. Once a creature knew and is proficient in the barrier domain and figuring out the flaw, only a matter of time before those creatures swarm the world like crazy."

There were many parts Garcia had no clue about and she had no plan on asking. She found the answer by rummaging through her experiences.

"Doesn't seem like a red flag at all…" Garcia expressed sarcastically.

"I'm pretty sure every Paladin and human who had entered the forest got such a thought.

"Yet I don't see any action from them," said Heileen with a worried look.