These guys are serious! Reizen exclaimed. Just so they could capture two mages, they deployed a war-level army.
The only thing that lacked were catapults and horse riders followed from behind.
"Practitioners who learn the art of the forbidden. We shall free you from the sin you have committed with our blades." A man on the very front of the army yelled. He's the commander without a doubt.
"Wouldn't a lecture be enough?" Fred suggested.
"No, no. What you've done is beyond what a lecture could do. You've learnt innumerable magic spells. A lecture isn't enough for you to forget those spells.
"If we let you live, you might teach other people a forbidden art."
"No use talking with these clowns." In Reizen's eyes, they were more or less a clown. They did not know anything yet act like they knew everything.
"Talking with clowns is amusing. It's because you can ridicule their foolishness. You should try it."