
"I'M HERE to warn you, Hime." Gloria started a conversation as she maneuvers my phoenix. "Go on." She looked smug. "I'm serious, Hime. You trust that too much." Her face darkens at her own statement. "Is she talking about Chua?"

"Yes, bitch. That chinky health conscious guy is an asshole underneath."

"How do you say so?" she looked pissed. "I saw him meeting that secretary of yours." She got my full attention. "When?"

"Once, afternoon, talking.."

"That's not enough evidence to accuse him."

"I told you before, that guy is an asshole"

I can't help but to raise my voice. "You can't even justify your point, Gloria." she shook her head. "Who in the right mind will surprise you when in the first place your secretary knows that you are out. He could contact Rina and ask if you're there."


The conversation that Gloria and I had, lingers on my mind. "I know that there's something inside me that can't trust him well. Even though we knew each other for a year already."

"He's the dream guy. He's the perfect match." I muttered.

THAT conversation haunted me even after a full day. It's already dinner time. I took a sip from the wine glass. I am alone in this fancy restaurant. Chua said he can't make it because of some emergency. Now, I'm alone and eating this delicious steak that I'm supposed to enjoy but..

"Excuse me? Ms. Dela Vega?" a deep voice asked. I met his gaze. "The view's really fine. God, what am I thinking. I got a boyfriend, he's not here, but I have one." I grew slightly annoyed at my own thoughts.

"Yes, but, who are you?"

"Oh, silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Aleron Alexandre." He replied with confidence. `what a hunky name.' I merely put my gaze back to my half-full glass of wine. ``You already know my name, but just call me Hime with a miss or madame, that would suffice." I replied after taking another sip

'No one's exempted from that law. Well, except from those bitches.'

"I don't want to be rude, but what do you need?" I said, looking back at him, meeting his piercing gaze. 'He looks so rugged.' I momentarily assessed his facial appearance. "I am looking for potential business partners here in Troum. Your empire was established enough to be one." I nodded. "Hmm, you can ask my secretary for an appointment." he smirked. "Of course, I can. But since you're here in my restaurant, why not approach you by myself." he flashed his boyish smile.

"Your steak is great. You're wine is a bit bitter. I want older ones. At least fifty years, perhaps."

"Duly noted, mademoiselle. Enjoy your meal." he turned his back to me. I can't stop myself from checking him out. "Broad shoulders, sculpted physique, and well-formed butt. Nice."

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel hungry. I ordered another batch of well-done steak.

"What a piece of meat.."

I WENT HOME at eight o'clock. The dinner, suppose to start at six, but Chua stood me up.

"I guess Gloria's on it and she's right. Well, again. That's the irony of life. You can advise and help people with their problems, but fail at yours. I may successfully guide Anne's lovelife or Gloria's, but when it comes to mine, it's really different. We have our own battles to fight and end with."

My phone rang and it was Chua. He's calling me nonstop but I refuse to answer him. A few seconds passed and it rang, again.

"What do you want?" I lazily asked. I tried my best not to shout. "I'm sorry, I stood you up." I sighed. "It's okay, better luck next time."

"I'll make it up to you, I promise." I don't want to hear his side right now. He better save his ass and come up with good alibis. "I'm tired, Chua. I'll call you next time." I heard him sighed. "Okay, love you. Take care, babe." I hung up. "I'm not ready to say those three words if I'm still hesitant."

Now I'm confused. If Chua is the perfect match for me, is it normal for me to compare that Aleron guy's physique? "If he's the dream guy, why am I still hesitant to trust him? We've already known each other for a year now."

We labeled ourselves officially a month ago. "This was supposed to be good. I mean, the starters for the first months of a couple should be okay. Is he really worth it?" I let out a heavy breath as I slumped down towards the sofa and covered my eyes with my right arm.

"I feel so fucked up."

"Yeah, you look like one."

Gloria suddenly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "Why are you here?" I turned my head towards her. She smirked at me before replying. "Looks like he stood you up." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously Gloria, what now?"

"Nah, I'm just checking if you're still on your right track. It turns out, you are not." Confusion flooded me."What is she talking about?" She slowly walked towards me, cross armed, eyebrows knitted and clear annoyance can be seen at her face.. "I've been giving you clues and almost spilled the tea, Hime. You're getting so slow, you still don't get it."

"I don't know what you are—"

"Bitch, what the fuck?" she throws her hands in the air and sarcastically laughed. "We've been friends since then, I'm protecting you and slapping you with receipts." she looked disappointed.

"Between the two of you, you're not the master of this game anymore."

She hands me the tea before marching out. "What the fuck did just happen?"

I'm still confused why Gloria acted like that. "I should call Anne. Maybe she knows something." I grab my personal phone and speed dial her.

"Bitch, Gloria was not in the mood. Do you have any idea?"

"I don't know, maybe she's just stressed or someone can't get her point. Those two pissed her the most." She groggily replied.

I ended the call.

"Gloria can't just imply something she's not sure of. I need to gather them well. She spilled enough, it's time to get back to my senses."

"YOU'RE LATE." I simply stated without looking up from my paper works. This is the very first time that Rina came late. "Something happened last night. I'm sorry, Miss." I can't help but to ask. "What is that?" she refused to answer. "I-i.." I cut her off. "If it's something personal, It's okay save it." she just nodded and left my office.

I was here first. She's supposed to be here at eight o'clock sharp. She's an hour late. "Maybe she's having a hard time now."

I pressed the button. "Rina, if you're not feeling well—you can take a rest." A few minutes passed and I heard a soft knock. "I'll take this day off, ma'am." I nodded. "Okay, take a good rest." She bowed her head down before leaving.

I'm not that heartless. She's not in her usual self. I can't help but to wonder. Rina is an ordinary person. A typical secretary that you can find in any office. I could just cross her out of my prospects, but then, Gloria and her suspicions.

"Goodness, she looks so innocent and vulnerable to be suspected— yet, looks can be deceiving too."

Another knock awakened me from the reverie. "Come in." I didn't bother to look at who the person was. Someone cleared his throat.

"I didn't see your secretary outside so I.." I took a peek to know who it was. I muttered a mental curse. "Oh, it's you. Mister—" I said acting quite confused. "I don't want him to have high hopes."

"Aleron Alexandre." He continued.

"Okay, Mister Alexandre. Take a seat." He obliged. "I want to formally introduce myself. Have you read the business proposal?" He asked with full confidence. 'Of course! I'm the CEO and I'm not sluggish. God this man's confidence and audacity is top-notch almost like someone I know' I brushed the thought aside and played the nonchalant act. "Yeah, what about that?"

"So have you decided?" I shifted on my seat, fixing myself and my demeanor. "The proposal, isn't it too much? I mean you guys are already big in Europe. You're with Constellation Empire, why DVEm?" I challengingly asked him. "I know I have established DVEm well enough to compete with the others but, this is grand."

"What can I say? I want to expand and explore with various companies. You're quite a big name too, among the Southeast Asian empires."

I assess his degree of seriousness. He looks determined enough. "I just want to invest with reliable ones. Well, we don't know, one day we can be one of the biggest stockholders too."

I've already decided. "Business is all about taking risks and being courageous enough to face numerous possibilities." I fiddled with my earrings and looked straight at him "Okay."

'I'm trying hard not to melt under those silver gray eyes.'

"Okay, as in, it's a deal?" he looked hopeful. He's asking my confirmation "Yes, it's a deal." He victoriously grinned. "You won't regret this."

"I hope so too."

After some negotiations, we finally closed the deal with an agreement. "I know, he's fast. He may know how to pressure other CEOs but not me."

"I need to discuss it first with my attorney." He nodded in agreement. "Okay, I'll wait for the contract." He flashed the same grin I saw at the restaurant before leaving.

I dialed that bitch's Anne number. "She needs to practice her expertise time to time." Before she could even react I hurriedly said what I was supposed to say. "Get your ass here, quick." I swiped the red button not waiting for her response.

After reassessing the business proposal and the agreement. My door almost cracked with a loud thud. "Gosh, you ruined my supposed peaceful slumber!"

"Good morning, bitch." I said with a sly smile plastered at my face. She answered me with her middle finger. "Give me that awful drink." She drank until the last drop of my tea. "Fuck that shit!" she looks disgusted. 'I'm supposed to shout and nag her for drinking my jasmine tea, but her face paid it off.'

I chuckled. "That's what you get from taking what's mine." she rolled her eyes. "I saw a hot piece of meat. Did you guys have fun?" I almost threw the tea cups at her, all out of unbelief but I calmed myself at the last second and thought better. "I don't play inside my company."

"Nah, I know you. You flirt with your eyes and smart-ass remarks. Not me bitch, not me." she smirked and crossed her arms before making an underhanded statement. "I prefer him than that Chua-guy." she looks disgusted from even saying his name.

"Your business here is to assess that contract. Use your skills as a lawyer." I said lazily, slumping deeper into my chair. 'Anne aced the bar exam but here she is, busy creating mess with us.'

"There's nothing suspicious. Their intentions are pure business, unlike yours." She replied while scrutinizing the papers and nodding her head. 'How dare this bitch accuse me..' I put a hand on my chest and gasped exaggeratedly, faking my exasperation. "I'm sorry? between the two of us, it's you who said he's hot."

"Duh, I know your type Hime. I saw you getting annoyed when I said he's hot. Got you, girl!" I rolled my eyes as she annoyingly laughed. "Since you're done. Get the fuck out now!" Annoyance can now be seen at my face, as clear as day.

This office is leak and sound proof. "Rina isn't here so I'm free to bicker."

"Sayonara, hime-chan!" She said in an aggravating sing-songily manner.

"UZENDAYO!" [Fuck off!]