IT"S BEEN THREE DAYS and we still don't have any news. Leo and Gloria are still untraceable. Anne is doing her best to track their locations.

"Hello? Yes, Lucio." Anne is currently talking with someone over the phone. "I need access to the satellite. I want to widen the spectrum." I watched her as she phased back and forth. 'Gosh, she's gone crazy. I never thought that her protégé self can be surpassed.'

While she's busy, I fished out my phone to check for any messages. I've received one from Chua.

[From: Babe

Hey, how's your day?]

I can help but smirk. I also send him a message

[To: Babe

A bit busy, do you want us to meet?]

[From: Babe

Sure, how about this lunch?]

A loud sound stopped me from typing. "Are you even listening, Hime?" My eyebrows formed into a line. "Can't you see I'm texting someone?" annoyance laced my tone as I looked up into a fuming Anne. 'God, this is my boyfriend, Anne!'

"Don't give me that fucking look, Hime. I'm doing my very best to find those two. You seem distracted nowadays, and you have the guts to flirt in the middle of this fucking problem!" She ranted, still fuming in anger and worry. 'Now, she's really pissed. Why is everyone mad at me?'

I didn't mind her and sent my babe a fast reply. Upon seeing my response, Anne walked out of the room seemingly finished with my carefree attitude. "She really needs to rest," I murmured under my breath before heaving a sigh. 'I don't even know if she's still eating, sleeping, or even taking a bath. But she's still changing her clothes though, so, I think she's still doing her routine.'

After sending my reply to babe, I threw my phone somewhere in the room, rested my head on the couch, and closed my eyes momentarily.

'I'll let her cool down first, before speaking to her again. But for now, I'll meet up with my boyfriend. We're not texting that much these days, much like once in a blue moon. He still prefers to give calls. He said that my voice is enough to make his day a good one. What a sweet guy he is.' with these happy thoughts in mind I stood up and proceeded to walk out the door.

"I THOUGHT you'll be very busy for the following days. How come you still manage to eat lunch with me?" Chua held my hand. "I miss you, so as a loving boyfriend, I can make time for you." I giggled. 'Childish it may seem, but my face heated up.'

"Look at that blood rushing in your cheeks." He caressed my cheeks. "You look so cute, babe." He stole a picture of mine while holding my face. "You can just ask for a picture, you know." He took another picture.

'This guy sure knows how to make me happy, amidst the stressful environment I have. We are in an ice cream parlor.' Chua chooses a matcha flavored ice cream. While I choose the wasabi flavor.

"I didn't see Rina for a while now." He asked suddenly. "She's taking a two-week leave." Chua nodded. "I'm worried about you, will it be a hassle to you?" I shook my head.

"I can handle myself, babe. The HR is assisting me temporarily." He sighed in relief. "Okay, if you need help with things, don't hesitate to call me, okay?" I gave him a reassuring smile. "Of course, thanks for that."

"Anything for my girl."

'And just like he promised, He's making up to me.'

"HERE I AM thinking that you already came up with an idea. Turns out you've enjoyed a lovely date with your guy." Anne muttered bitterly.

"Here I am thinking you are now in a better state. Turns out you're still grieving." She looked bewildered. "I left you to meet with my own team, Hime. And thanks to them I've got Gloria's location." Disappointment and disdain clearly plastered on her face. I just shrugged in response. 'Wow, it took her three days but that's great. I was about to commend her when she stepped closer.'

"Now I know why Gloria's pissed, Hime. You're distracted, there's a lot of pests lurking inside your den. Yet you're not clearly not paying any attention to them. She already gave you the hints!" Restrained contempt played on her worried face. But she left me dumbfounded with just a few words before she walked out of the room. "You're out of control."

My wristwatch beeped. A holographic map appeared. This is the exact location of Gloria. That bitch gone mad, and she's slowly turning into a tech-geek now.

I reached for my keys and moved as fast as I could to the parking lot and revved the engine of my Lambo.

It took me thirty minutes to reach the location. 'As expected, Gloria's hiding in her favorite spot. She loves to lurk inside untouched forests. Only Anne and I were here. She knows that Gloria doesn't like too much crowd.'

The wild forest is surrounded by hundreds of undisturbed seven feet or taller trees. The forest was dense and seemingly undisturbed, anyone who'll forge their way through will surely be petrified by the sight offered by the forest. Creatures are lurking just around the corner of your eyes. Resting, sleeping, waiting, or hunting.

'Good thing I'm used to these kinds of places, I used to train in similar terrain.'

After several minutes of walking and trekking, we've arrived at a pristine lake. The water reflects the light like a shining glass or brilliant diamonds scattered all over the lake. Not far from the marvelous lake was clearly a man-made treehouse, perfectly camouflaging on the tree canopy, you'll probably miss it if you're not paying attention. But what you'll not miss are the yacht and several speed boats at the nearby dock.

This is, indeed, Gloria's spot.

The treehouse doesn't have any kind of stairs but rather a rope that's connected at the entrance. 'It seems that she's too lazy to build even a simple ladder.'

I've found a spare harness that is usually made for zip lines. 'The bitch wants to fly.' Once I finished strapping myself, I took a wide step for additional force and began to climb up the tree.

As I reached the top, where the entrance to the treehouse was, I unstrapped myself from the harness and fixed my now slightly messed up hair. I prepared myself for any kinds of tricks and traps that Gloria might have in this place. But I was confused when nothing ever came when I opened the door and walked inside the room.

"At last, you've made it," Anne said sarcastically. "I'm just admiring the view, bitch." She rolled her eyes upon my answer. "Where is she?" My eyes wandered and there she is.

Sitting comfortably on a quite fancy Elizabethan style wing chair, while pouring herself a cup of tea. Around her were a minimalistic modern designed wood interior, wooden shelves, cabinets, tables, and floors. The only thing that brightens up the living space was the ancient Aztec patterned rug, several paintings, a small canopy bed, a slightly modern kitchen, and Elizabethan-style wing chairs.

"We've been looking for you bitch. And you're just here sipping your tea?" Gloria's movement halted when my comment reached her ears. 'Oh, It looks like we're still not on good terms.' I averted my head from the thing that she threw in my direction. "Do you really think I got the whole time to relax here, Hime?" Vexation contorted her face. 'The childish Gloria was gone. The real form of Gloria Greene is looking at me, straight in the eyes.'

Anne joined the conversation. "Leo's missing, Gloria. You're the only person who can track the location of that motherfucker." Gloria calmed herself before answering and brushed back the stray hairs that fell off her face from throwing the cup at me. "I know." She paused looking straight at me and heaved a sigh.

She spoke again. "That's why I'm gone too. I've been watching him.. move." It's Anne's turn to ask. "Where is he, then?" Gloria shook her head. She turned her gaze towards Anne. "I've lost him, he was held captive."

Anne was dumbfounded. Her eyes turned into cold ones. "Who the fuck hides that piece of shit?" Her amber eyes darkened. 'Ugh. Leo hates it when she's in this mood.'

"The Coven" Her hands balled into fists. "Those witches!" She's gritting her teeth. Only Gloria knows how to calm her down. But before she was able to press her nape, Anne twisted her wrist. "That can't calm me down, Gloria."

She lets go of her wrist. Her gaze ignited when she saw me watching. "This is your fault, Hime. I've already warned you." she marched out and left us in silence.

"This is what I've been talking about, Hime. It's time to wake up, you've been lost in cloud 9 of love since then." She walked towards me and cleaned the mess. The broken glass from the teacup was gathered into her left palm.

"I'm done spilling teas. Now, the teacup was thrown too." she smiled eerily.

I CAN'T SLEEP. This is my third glass of milk. I'm thinking about Anne and Gloria's warning. 'They both said I'm distracted. Was having a thoughtful boyfriend in the personification of Chua, just a pure distraction? Without Leo, our mission is on the verge of failure. He got all the information from that hideous society. Aside from that, Anne worries a lot. Among the three of us she's the most sensitive.'

I exasperatedly sighed. I was a bit startled when I found myself in front of my secret room. This place holds the restricted information. I twisted the Venus figurine.

"Input Password." an AI spoke. "Princess," I murmured. "Please put your right thumb." I put it in the hole and something was lightly pierced. "Welcome, Guardian Hime."

I entered without a sweat. I roamed around to check if something's changed. All is well. They are embarrassing but in the same position.

I looked at the current time. It's already two in the morning. I bet they are all in deep slumber. I badly want to talk to someone.

As if my thoughts were heard, a holographic feature appeared. I pressed the green button. "Speak."

"Oh, what's the sudden call, Hime?" He only muttered a few words but he successfully pissed me off. "I was hoping for the other guardians, perhaps, the presence of Prince." I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "How poor of you, I'm the only available guardian as of the moment."

He then continued. "I heard you're experiencing mischief." I didn't answer. "Calling us in the middle of the night means something, right?" I exhaled sharply. 'I can't deny the truth.'

"Now, it's your turn to speak." I closed my eyes and massaged my temple. 'This is embarrassing, but I can't risk my colleagues' welfare.' I breathe out before giving my answer "I need the light, knight."

"As you wish, princess. But you need to ask it formally." I can feel the head guardian's grin. "Fine," I cleared my throat, swallowed the lump that formed in my throat, and opened my eyes looking straight at him.

"Hail the Guardians, let thou shed light upon the darkness."