All One

"WE NEED to secure all possible exits. Aside from the group who'll go inside offense, everyone should make sure that there are no escapees- wakatta?" [Understand?] All of them nodded. "As much as possible use muted vehicles. All drones and helicopters are on standby- We need the durable and light ones."

"Our main goal is to extract Agent Leo and the civilians. Next, to capture members of the coven society. Since we've already secured all exits- I'm expecting that there will be no escapees. Defeat is not an option."

That was the plan, now we were all gathered here in the conference room.

Riffles, handguns, pistols, bazookas, and other deadliest weapons were all placed on the table. Under the supervision of Anne, everyone was geared for the upcoming battle in a few minutes. We have less than an hour before the battle starts.

"Weapons?" Elites responded. "Complete!"

While elites are getting ready, I am busy monitoring the location — to secure if it's bait or not. Gloria was also checking beside me. Aside from Leo, she's the most reliable in technological matters. Even though they're both tech-geeks in different ways. She's more on weapons and machines. Leo, on the other hand, was more into hacking and software.

"Coms, clear?"

"Loud and clear!"

One by one, they marched towards the armored vehicles. It was one of the things I've requested from Knight. Those are the latest Armored Chevrolet Tahoe and the New Unmanned Combat Vehicle named, Black Knight. 'The irony right?' And some more armored and combat vehicles that are not yet released to the market. The second one is the injectable antidotes and serums. Just to be sure that no one from my team will fall under the spell of those witches. The Coven Society was also known for its drugs and other dangerous mixtures. Most of those drugs can cause euphoria and can be used as an aphrodisiac. According to the investigation, the after-effects can cause paranoia, psychosis, violence, dehydration, weight loss, Extreme anxiety, depression, increased suicidal tendencies, heart attack, and most likely death.

'Since guardians work in the shadows, the Knight cannot be seen by any kind of civilians. Especially him, well, I'm an exception because I came from a well-known family and I have my own empire. I'm a privacy freak too, I admit that.'

Among all the members of the secret organization, Knight is the most cherished and treasured.

"You okay, bitch?" Anne asked out of nowhere. "Yeah, by the way, why the fuck are you here?" She prefers to lead the elites. 'She's like an anxious mother, even in the car she keeps reminding, no scratch that, nagging them all about safety. She's really a hypocrite. Preaching about safety but not practicing it.'

She just rolled her eyes in defiance. "I just want a more serious atmosphere, I might just laugh at the nervous faces that the elites are making." I raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. 'She just doesn't want to ruin her image to the elites.' I gave her a knowing smirk that immediately turned to consternation as she pulled something out of her travel bag. "What the fuck?"

"What? You haven't seen a woman drink Bacardi?" She innocently shrugged and opened the Bacardi bottle. That's right, she's holding a bottle of Bacardi 151. It's one of the strongest uncontinued alcohol beverages ever made. "She loves to get wasted, that's one of her routines. She doesn't want to feel any kind of embarrassment during difficult missions, as she put it. As if, she still has shame left from her body!' She earned a smack at the back of her head and an eye roll from me. "No, Leo's against you getting wasted." Anne scowled and made faces before rolling her eyes.

"If he doesn't want me to get wasted, then he should not leave my side." She took another gulp with a proud smirk playing on her face. 'Ugh, this bitch is hopeless, but I can't blame her. I am also worried for Chua's safety.' I shook my head both on my thoughts and her hardheadedness.

I glanced at the monitor. Gloria put this vehicle in auto-pilot mode, that's one of its best features. She chose to focus on the latest updates from bumblebees, her latest spying accessories.

"We're here." All the vehicles stopped, a few meters away from the location. "Really, a cheap hostel?" Anne said in mockery. "You used to live in the cheapest apartments too." A mocking smirk plastered on my face. She raised her middle finger in reply.

The elites were scattered in the area. We also have an ally there. 'Ally by means of cute little spies.'

"Everyone, brace yourselves. We don't know who's who. There are approximately two hundred people inside. Use your head, your wild guess shouldn't fail." I told them before it's too late.

Gloria being adventurous as she can be, choose to climb like Spiderman. Anne walked inside as if she's an ordinary customer. 'What a reckless move!' I don't have any choice but to remain inside this vehicle. I need to guide them as they have entered the hostel.

The system scanned the whole building. Some of them are still doing their business. That includes their entertainment and lascivious leisure activities. On the top floor, a group of women, based on their physiques were all gathered. They were doing something weird as if repacking and preparing some stuff.

The scanning continues, until my gaze focuses on the people lying and looks strained.

"Be careful, there are civilians inside."

"Do you think they're all innocent?" Gloria answered. "They are just satisfying their biological needs, Gloria." She gasped in feign. "They are pawns, Hime."

I take my stand. "Still, Gloria. That's our oath, protect civilians!" I heard some clang. "Aye, aye," she said sarcastically.

Whenever she gets closer to the windowpane, Gloria slips her sleeping marbles. I sighed in relief. "They're on the top floor." Until I heard a loud bang. "Fuck, they all expected us."

I muttered several curses. "Don't kill them—" They keep exchanging bullets. "Anne Slovavich!" It was followed by metal sounds from the other coms. "Elites, kill or get killed!" Anne shouted. 'She's fucking crazy.' I tossed my hair in annoyance.

I pressed the buttons to give me a better view of the surveillance cameras. Anne and the elites were all busy protecting themselves. "See that bitch, now tell me if they're innocent as fuck!" Even though the headphones, I can hear the faint cocking of guns. "Don't spoil the fun, Hime. We're heroes if someone wants to be protected, but, not now."

Gloria successfully landed on the top floor. "How is it there?" I heard some bones cracking. "Witches with steroids are hella annoying." Excitement and adrenaline start to rush in me. 'I can't miss the fun, so..' With a smile on my face, I replied "Wait for me."

I pressed the intercom. "Ain, I need you." A robotic voice answered. "Hi there, Hime!" I switch some buttons. "Take over, give us the bird's eye." It processed my orders swiftly. "Process completed. All AIs activated." I uttered thanks and closed the door. "It's on."

I took my black cape-like cloak. I quickly fixed my hair and put some gloss on my lips. I checked my appearance and I'm satisfied. "Perfect!" I'm also wearing my killer boots. It has hidden blades coated with Gloria's self-made poison. I also secured my simple black lace fascinator that covers half my face diagonally.

I checked and secured the knives, needles, and handguns strapped at my waist, both thigh, and both arms. After making sure that everything is in its place, I started strutting full of confidence and poise.

While traversing the place, I met some elites with their own foes to deal with. They're all busy and I don't want to meddle. I continued to the lift and pressed the button for the top floor as soon as I got in.

I silently prayed that I wouldn't meet any foe or anybody in dispute in the lift. My hopes fell when the door stopped on the third floor of this ten-story building.

I rolled my eyes. Eros entered while punching one of their goons. I keep on dodging too, the guy's a lousy attacker. "Goodness, Eros! Don't you dare spill some blood on my clothes!" He smiled apologetically as he twisted his neck. "See you later, ma'am!" Eros saluted.

I sighed. Eros admired Anne's bloody kills. He wants to be as crazy as she is too. I closed my eyes to calm myself. The lift chimed at the seventh floor. "Come on! Just let me through!" I shout in annoyance. 'Geez, I can't stop thinking about Chua.'

A sword was about to land near me. "What the fuck, Anne!" Her eyes roamed and landed in mine. "Oh, hi there, Audrey Hepburn!" she grinned. "Are you gonna come in or what?" She was about to answer me but, "Ten seconds!" Anne twisted the girl's head. Being her discontented self, she forcefully slashed her throat.

She walked towards me. Half of her body was soaked in blood. "You stink!" The smell of the alcohol and blood mixed. "This is the smell of victory." I just shook my head.

At last, we've already reached the top floor. "Leo will be mad at you." I was pertaining to her bloody self. "I don't care, I'm mad too." She took out her twin katanas and trotted out the lift.

A sound of clapping hands welcomed us. "Well, look at that! At last, you guys are already here!" That was a female voice. She sounded so slutty. "Bitch, show your stinky-ass self!" Anne is really impatient. "Okay!" She landed in front of us.

She dressed like a devil. We can't see her face because of that Berdugo cloak. A total witch look. "What's with your face? You ugly?" Anne tried to piss her off. I saw her fists curled. "If I'm ugly, your man will never be satisfied. He's a beast." The place was suddenly engulfed with murderous intent emanating from Anne. 'Oh, I smell war. A bloody one. I badly want to watch, but I still need to get Chua.'

I turned away and another bitch appeared. "Looking for your man too?" I nodded. "He's with me, a while ago. He's delicious, I can't get enough." a painful slap landed on her face. This girl was in a full-face mask. I assumed that it was really painful because of the exerted force, plus the mask.

She aimed for a punch that I immediately dodge. "Slowpoke" I kicked her knees. I was not yet satisfied, I targeted her ribs breaking most of them. The smell of blood invades my senses but it doesn't satiate me. 'I really love using these killer boots.'

She tried to pull my hair, but I lightly slit her throat. She gasped. "First time?" I asked, an evil grin playing on my face. She tried to get up, but I kicked her back down. "Sorry, that'll be your last." I slashed her throat deeper with too much force that caused her head to separate from her body. I shrugged. 'Wow, is she a fan of Anne Boleyn?'

'Really hate fast kills. But because I'm here to extract Chua, I have no choice but to be quick. Swift. Snappy. Chop-chop. See what I did there?'

'Where the fuck is Gloria?' With annoyance present on my face, I looked around. "Looking for me?" I found her on the left side of the room. 'There she is, she just finished tying all those girls. I can't help but pity them. God knows where they will be with Gloria. I thought she'd just leave them tied up. Yet,' She blew her special pink powder. "Sleep for a while, everyone." I put a hand over my nose. "What are you, a kid?" She took my hand away.

"Let's go, save your chinky guy."

"Where's Leo?"

She pointed at a room with an open door. "He's there, still in a daze." I walked towards the room and saw Leo tied up on the bed groggy but still alive. "Where's Chua?" She didn't answer, instead, she led the way.

I stood in shock as I witnessed Chua tied to the four corners of the bed with a naked bitch on top of him. Full of indignance, I throw my needles towards her direction. The bitch has the guts to look in my direction. I run towards her and tuck her to the tiled floor.

"You bitch! You've harassed my man!" She received numerous punches. Her face was soaked in blood and tears.

I didn't stop until a familiar voice spoke. "Hime stop!" I gaze towards his direction and my anger diminished and my gaze softened. 'He is still weak.' I threw the lifeless body on the side and rushed towards him. "How are you?" I place a hand on his cheeks. "Babe, what w-was that?" He looks shocked and disappointed.

"Hi! I'm Gloria. Nice to meet you, chinky guy!" His gaze went to Gloria's. My hand fell from his face from the look of disappointment he gave. "Is that bloodstains?" He points at Gloria's white dress with red stains. She smiled and proudly nodded. "I called this pollock art!"

I gave her a warning look. I face Chua and my jaw falls, as I've found him unconscious. "Look what you've done, Gloria!" She just shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just stating the fact!"

I pressed my earpiece and spoke. "Quick, assist us!" The medic team was all standing by.

While waiting, I asked Gloria to look after Chua. I need to check Anne and Leo before it gets worse. And I'm right, Anne's opponent looked like a ton of grounded meat. "Hey, that's enough!"

The katanas fell on the ground. 'Anne's in raging mode.' Her eyes wander and ask, "Where's that asshole?" I scowled at her 'Tch,' I shook my head before giving her a reply "Already safe, walk straight ahead, second to the last door."

She didn't say anything. Anne left me with this messy corpse. Once again, I pressed my earpiece "Drax, clean all this mess." I massaged my temples. 'Both of them are really a pain in the ass.'