Special Chapter

Game Changer (in romance)

A person who—by personality, attitude, and/or influence—is a true stand-out amongst the norm in dating and relationships. They are generally unaffected by what would be considered superficial charm (money, appearance, social status, etc.) and are more attracted to someone's deeper personalities, hence they would "change the player's game".

Source: Urban Dictionary


The Princess and her Knight

Can't these bitches see that this man beside me is already taken by me? Goodness! Looks like this asshole loves the attention he gets.

I can feel their eyes ogling and mouths salivating on my peripheral vision. He didn't give any single glance. His eyes wander as if he's on his daily hunt. "Do you have any particular place to shop?" He asked. My eyebrows furrowed. He didn't even meet my eyes!

"I don't know. I'll just look around." His hand never leaves mine. He stopped in his tracks. "Okay, what did I do this time?" He even turned my body just to face him. "I was talking here and you're busy looking around. Do you know it's rude not to meet a person's eye when having a conversation?"

Well, I know that eye contact has its own meaning in every culture. But, this is Troum.

Eye contact is important.

"Sorry, I just can't help it. I could see those guys checking you out." my forehead creased. "I'm sorry too. But hey, I can feel those bitches too!" He lightly chuckled. "Silly, I only look at you. Don't mind them." He wrapped his arms around me.

We continue to walk. I saw Forever 21's store. He's willing to wait and help me. After choosing some clothes. I immediately tried them. "Ale, what do you think?" He thumbs-up. "It looks good on you."

"Should I buy it?" He put his hand under his chin. "But you have a dress that's quite similar to this style. You still want it?" I'll think about it. "Nope, that one's better." I closed the door again. I'll try the next one.

"This?" He shook his head. I tried another outfit. "How about this?" I'm quite satisfied with this dress. It's comfortable. "Turn around, sweetie." I obliged. "Perfect!" He sounded weird but it's okay.

"You want me to pay for that?" I shook my head. "Nope, my stuff is mine to pay." He fixed my hair and hung some at the back of my ear. "Okay, food's mine." He kissed my hair. "Your hair smells like vanilla and jasmine."

"Shut up, let me pay first."

While walking he suddenly asked a question. "Do you remember when I surprised you at your house in Osaka?" I snorted. "How could I forget? You spiked our food for my Ojiisan and dad's approval." I pinched my nose. "Aw!"

"I didn't, I'm just likable. That's why you said yes, after six months of courting you, right?" I rolled my eyes. "More like chasing and forcing." He just smirked at me. "Let's grab some lunch."

We are here shopping at DV Mall. Aleron knows my usual cravings. He took me to Starbox. I saw Clyde grinning like a maniac. He likes Aleron now than me. I bet they're closer than the rest of the bitches. "I already ordered the usual." Clyde raised both his thumbs in approval. 'Of course, both of them can communicate with their gestures.'

"Here's your order." Clyde and his crew placed our orders on the table. He took a seat across us. "How are the both of you? It's a miracle that you visited my store." Aleron chuckled. "I took her out today, she's always cooped up in her cave." I eyed him sharply. "See what I mean, Clyde? She's hard to tame. She needs to go out from time to time." I rolled my eyes heavenwards. 'Did he just make me look like a dog?'

"Oh so true, she's always busy collecting treasures. But even if she doesn't work, she'll still have a fortune." I raised my eyebrow. 'That's not true. I work my ass off because I need to earn those for my luxurious living. In simpler terms, I need to work because I'm a huge spender.'

"You know how she preserves her image." he reached out and put his arm around my shoulders. "I'm a Dela Vega. Of course, it's my responsibility to rule our empire. I'm the only heiress, duh." I rolled my eyes for the nth time.

'They even have the guts to laugh at me.'

"I'm a Dela Vega, duh!" Clyde mimicked me. "That's her signature line, Clyde." Aleron laughed like there's no tomorrow. I gave him a warning look. He tried to hold his laughter. 'Good thing, he understood.'

"By the way, thanks for the food, Clyde," Aleron said to Clyde. "What do you mean 'thanks'? That's not free, it has a price." He just shook his head. "Oh, I thought I could lure you." He murmured.

Clyde made faces. "In your dreams, you couldn't fool me. Even if you're that handsome." It's my turn to smirk now.

Wow, only a Clyde can go against the charm of the head guardian.

We enjoyed our lunch with Clyde. He's a ray of sunshine. Despite our differences, we all made a strong pact.

However, that doesn't mean I can ignore those bitches talking about how yummy my boyfriend is.

"Hey, you're murdering your cheesecake." Oh, my food! I took a large bite. "I didn't, you can take that." I glared at him. "Okay, let me wipe your lips later. You have something in your mouth." After swallowing, he wiped it with a tissue."There.."

Clyde was not with us anymore. He excused himself a while ago. He told us how bitter he is to see us sweet. Unlike before, he's single now.

"Let's go home. My feet hurt, Ale." He looks worried. "Want me to massage you later?" I hugged his arms and laid my head on his shoulder.

We're on our way to the parking lot. He's my driver. He always makes time to drive me home, regardless of how busy he is.

As soon as I settled down on the passenger seat, I closed my eyes and lean. I felt him kiss my forehead. He was the one who put on a seat belt. I admit, there are times, I forgot to buckle up.

He revved the engine. In a nick of time, the car moved.


"WHAT THE HELL was that Knight? You've created a mess! That was a great deal!" I can't help but raise my voice. 'He started it!' He stood up. "Did you see how he's checking you out?" I raised my eyebrow. "And? I know I'm beautiful. I'm used to it."

"I know, but not on my watch! I can't just let anyone look at you like that!" He's really pissed. "What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here." I crossed my arms 'I thought he's just courting me? It's his words, not mine.' He sighed and hung his hands on his hips. "I'm guarding what's mine." my mouth parted. "Wow, we're not a couple." ... yet

He stiffened for a moment before blinking a few times. "Yes, we are not a couple —YET." He cleared his throat and closed our distance. He stopped, we're just two feet apart. "Don't make piss me off, Dela Vega. You know how protective I can be. You can't just make me sit while watching you."

He turned around and walked away.

Knight, being true to his words. He didn't stop chasing me. I can feel his presence everywhere I go. I'm supposed to feel anxious, but, weirdly, I feel safe knowing he's just there. I tried to test him, especially his patience and his protective instinct. I showed him my worst. Well, he has already witnessed my most vulnerable side. I let him see all my true colors.

I was shocked to know that he's fully aware of my underground dungeon in DV Mansion. I thought he'll leave me alone after knowing that, but... "I don't care about them. I know you have reasons why you're doing that. Everyone has a hidden fetish, yours is one of the deadliest ones." I told him that all those captives hurt me before. Alessandra, Theo, Lyra, and Jayden—they won't stop hurting us. We already tried to forget and move on. I even gave them the chance to get their own lives but, they're hot-headed pieces of shit.

Lyra and Jayden, I let them win and have their freedom. Because of Leo, he taught Anne to forgive me regardless of how deep those scars were. Yet, those two have the guts to plan their revenge after a week of their release.

Theo and Alessandra, I let them escape and lure in my den. I thought they're already content with what they did before. Aside from cheating behind my back. Befriending and endless betrayals, they won't stop until they finally see me bleed. Little did they know, the wounds they left were still fresh. I tried to mend them, but they can't heal themselves.

Indeed, those who tried to scare you first were the most cowardly persons you've ever met. They tried so hard to make you believe that they're strong. When in fact, they just don't want to be hurt again. They are too afraid for another series of rejection and betrayal. Hence, to experience the worst-case scenarios again.

Yet, upon knowing Knight. He changed all those beliefs, for the better. Like a head guardian, he shed some light on my dark path. I see a better view. He ruined all the walls of defense inside my heart. He made me feel all those nasty shits and clichés. I don't even know how he did that.

He can make me jealous even without doing anything. He can make me nervous just by his stares. He can make my blood rushed whenever he smiles.

"Sweetie, wake up. It's dinner time." I opened my eyes. He gave me a peck on my lips. "Let's eat, princess." My eyebrows furrowed. "I thought I'm your queen?" He chuckled. He kissed my lips again.

"You are, I just want to tease you." I grabbed his hair. He just laughed at me. "Babe, don't even start with me. We both know what will happen next, after this."

I grinned. "And? What's that?" I asked innocently. He smirked. "You made the wrong choice."

Nah, I chose the most delicious one.

And don't even ask what happens next.

Just, get your own.