Betrothed to the helio (4)

"Good Morning, My Lady." Sianna was ready to help her bathe the following morning when she woke up, with a bright smile on her face. She smiled back out of instinct but deep down she was mortified. What was good about this morning? It only meant she was closer to being the wife of that…helio or whatever other secret identity he had.

"I can't believe I actually dreamt of him." She mumbled, nearly gasping under her breath.

"Who?" Sianna asked.

She pulled the covers off her and slid out of bed. "No one."

Her mind filled with the dream from the previous night, of her walking hand in hand with the king of Itrusia, of him smiling at her before sliding a ring onto her finger. None of that would ever happen in real life, thankfully. Or, would it?

Soon after her bath, Queen Penelope was generous enough to let her out—but only because the king wanted to speak to her. She would be required to return to her chambers right after. That much, she didn't need to wait to be told.

King Reginald dismissed his advisor, also known as his right hand, when he took notice of her presence. The two had been discussing something in low tones outside the throne room, which made it seem like the king was heading somewhere.

"Let's have a walk around the garden, Delaney." He held a hand out to her. She wanted to decline. She was repulsed by the idea of holding the hand of the man who was basically selling her off. Yet, she couldn't outright say no. She forced a smile—she had been doing that a lot lately—and wove her hand around his arm.

"I can't believe you are really getting married. It only feels like yesterday when I first saw you." King Reginald eyed his daughter in a rare display of emotion. "You were so tiny and you stole everyone's heart as soon as they saw you. It was amazing how a human could be so small yet have such a superpower."

Delaney slowed down, her thoughts wandering. That kind of tone and gaze were only common for fathers who actually loved their daughters. Not greedy kings who were trying to sell their only child off.

"It must have been quite a shock." She pursed her lips, hiding her bitterness behind a laugh.

"It was. The most pleasant one." He turned to look at her. "I'm reluctant to let you go."

Of course he was. She held back a scoff of sarcasm and resumed the walk. "I can stay here with you for the rest of your life, father."

"The rest of my life will only be two years if you keep protesting against your marriage." He stared hard at her to get a reaction. He got none.

"Is this about the curse?"

"We do not talk about the curse!" He sternly berated her and she clamped her mouth shut.

"And yes. It's partially about that, if you must know."

The last bit was probably meant to convince her that this marriage was the best option. It wasn't, and nothing would ever change her mind.

"What if I won't budge?" She asked, a hint of threat in her tone.

She was not certain what response she was expecting but it was definitely not what she ended up hearing from her father's mouth. "Then we will have no choice but to chain you into a carriage and send you off to Itrusia."


"My Lady, you have to calm down." Ylvia persuaded.

"I'm calm." Her voice was monotonous and her eyes clear of emotion, but it was this expression that was unsettling. The Princess appeared to be calm, alright, but a huge storm was threatening to surge.

Three days had passed by too fast for her liking and so far, there was nothing she could do to make this nightmare end.

Dressed in a bridal gown fit for the wedding of deities, Delaney was so beautiful that not even her anger made her any less perfect. The king of Itrusia might not admit it but he was the luckiest groom.

"Ylvia, I need your help." She started out of the blue.

A knock sounded on the door before she could state what she needed, and the doors opened for the queen to walk in a heartbeat later.

"Aren't you the most beautiful! I knew Lisa's magical hands would do the best job on this." She exclaimed, bordering on exaggeration.

"What brings you here, mother?" She didn't turn to face her. This time, she was not berated to watch how she addressed the queen. Queen Penelope placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I brought you something. You will need it tonight." Taking her words as a cue, her handmaiden brought forward a small bottle on a pillow.

"What's this?" Delaney scrunched her nose.

"You have to serve your husband a drink after your wedding. Add this to it but only you should know about it." Queen Penelope explained without an ounce of shame.

Of course Delaney knew what the powder was from its aroma. It was said to increase a man's sexual urges multiple times. What mortified her was, "What do you mean by bringing this to me? Why would I need to do that?"

Queen Penelope rolled her eyes. "I know the kind of woman you are, Delaney. One that cannot attract a man without help. Especially not a man like King Darius."

She must enjoy making her feel uncomfortable about herself. Unfortunately for her, that was no longer working.

"I may be getting married but that doesn't mean I will sleep with that man." She bit out, taking a breath to stop herself from yelling.

"Are you listening to yourself? How are you going to bear him a son if you do not sleep with him?"

Delaney gritted her teeth. "What son?"

She got the answer before Queen Penelope said it. The aim was not just to get her married to the helio. It was to make her bear him a son. The helio's son. Whatever they needed him for…

"The curse." She muttered, loud enough for the queen to hear.

"This is the only way, Delaney." Queen Penelope held her shoulder, almost painful enough to make her wince. "You can come back anytime you want after his birth. We will take care of him."

Her lips trembled. Why didn't they tell her? They had waited until her wedding was about to start before letting her know the second part of their deal, all without considering her willingness.

A tear rolled down her cheeks following Queen Penelope's departure. She stalked to her window and peeked down below, at the bustling garden where guests were chatting, probably about her.

When she turned back, Ylvia was still in the room, much to her relief.

"My Lady?" Ylvia started.

"I need your help."

"I'll do anything for you, My Lady."

Delaney glanced out one last time. "I need to get out of here."