The Helio's beloved (4)

Having had this kind of argument before, her reaction was expected. He took a lock of her hair between his fingers and played with it, while observing her eyes. Demons had specks in their eyes and he had never met one with emerald pupils. He caught himself before he could feel relieved over something that didn't benefit him in any way.

"Isn't there anything else you want from me? Something you didn't get by using the signet ring?" His voice lowered into a deep lull, as though he was seducing her to do something she knew was wrong.

She turned her face away. "You don't get to offer me something that's part of your obligation, in exchange of having me as a shield against your enemies."

"That's quite a way to put it." He smiled as though her frustration amused him, but at least he stopped making fun of her.