Playing with fire (2)

The following day, Darius brought one of his most trusted knights to train with Delaney. He no longer wanted her to be close to the other knights after what happened the last time. They were still afraid of her after Lev's death although it had been proven to be a set up, and he didn't want her to be uncomfortable.

"She is stronger than she looks, isn't she?" Elifur remarked. Darius had not seen him coming and was slightly annoyed.

Even so, he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he could annoy him by merely making an appearance. He seemed to be addicted to annoying everyone. He nodded as though they had been talking the entire time. "She learns fast."

"She does, doesn't she?" Elifur played along, watching Delaney attack in ways that would never be expected of her. "She will make an excellent queen in a few years." He continued.