
"Do you know why they would want me dead?" She asked Darius, who was the closest deity she could get to. "I just need to know. I didn't choose to be me and I never intended to hurt anyone. 

"I know." He took her hand. "It's just not the same for every other deity and I'm not going to lie and say the crisis is averted. You need to be careful and keep your guard up around them." 

"Understood." She hated to have to look over her shoulder but what could she do? It just happened to be one of the things that came with being a demon. Everything that went wrong was always blamed on demons. 

"Ylvia, I believe you. However, I'm going to need proof that you neither put the perfume in the food nor compelled a mortal to do it. Only by finding the real culprit can you be absolved of the guilt." He said, but the maid knew better than to believe him. He didn't trust her. The only reason why he was letting her go was because Delaney did.