Chapter 139

The banquet preparations went on for the rest of the week. When the day finally arrived, Delaney was more nervous than anyone. Something horrible was going to happen. She could feel it, and she knew no one else could, so she couldn't even tell anyone about it. They wouldn't think it made sense. Instead, she would think it was merely her maternal instinct acting up and making it seem like something worrisome was going on. 

She had not even realized that Ylvia had come to her chambers until she tapped her shoulder.

"Delaney." She called out, and Delaney finally looked over at her. 

"What's going on?" She asked. 

Delaney shook her head. She couldn't quite figure it out either. She knew her mother understood her, however. The latter didn't push it. Instead, she pulled her towards her bed where she had spread out three blue gowns for her to choose from. 

"It's time to get ready for the banquet."