The gift of restoration

Orion dug for what felt like an eternity. The more he dug, the stiffer the soil became and the farther he felt from finding the truth. The prince wouldn't give up no matter what so he dug on for hours until he finally grazed a resistance. 

"I found it!" He exclaimed. 

Zephyr jumped in and shoveled the soil away with his hands, finally freeing the coffin. He had been in a hurry to find it but suddenly he stopped. What would this mean for Kallistar? 

Orion saw the prince's hesitation and let out a breath. "If she is not here, what will happen?" 

Zephyr thought about Marlena. If his hypothesis was right, it would explain why Loretta was so set on Marlena being his bride. But that couldn't happen. 

"Only one way to find out." He forced the lid open, which was surprisingly heavy.

To his surprise, he saw exactly what one would expect to find in a coffin that had been inhabited for two decades—a skeleton.