A Little Bunny in Troubles (Edited)

(A little bunny in trouble)

A: -- Fat bastard, why are you so fast? --

B: -- It almost seems that it grows wings. --

Several men shouted angrily, with every second a little further, while their prey slipped from their hands.

Robert: -- (#Simple gasp #)… Why are they so angry, I just help them carry their things; This unsympathetic society of today does not really appreciate good people. --

A fat man of average height sneered as he saw a holographic screen with a blue glow, floating in the air in front of him.

Robert: -- There is nothing around, you can go out. -- He spoke without looking at anyone.

From among some plastic containers, a small figure shyly emerged.

Ann: -- Is it safe? -- The little lady dressed in sports clothes, looked around uneasy... -- The master is amazing, you could play with them so easily. -- She was trying to flatter the man in front of her, while smiling foolishly. / What am I doing? / She asked himself. With her beautiful figure with long soft brown hair, large breasts and delicate hips, she had the appearance of an attractive character, but tender at the same time. During his life he attracted all kinds of attention and details, but that was before, now the world had ended (changed), she had no better option than to hold on to the fat man in order to survive, and his best idea was to flatter him. Unfortunately not in a very brilliant way.

Ann: -- The master is very fast. -- / I can't think of what else to say. / She said, as he tried to show a bright smile.

Robert: -- oh!… Are you saying it because I'm fat? -- He asked, while narrowing his eyes.

Ann: -- No, no, no ... -- she hastened to answer -- I ... I was just surprised by how fast it is ... mmm ... It's something that the master achieved with effort ... Right? --

Robert: -- HAHAHA… That's not true, I'm quite lazy actually, if it weren't for the pressures of work and family I would be much fatter and we probably wouldn't be here.

Well I'm sure no one imagined that it would be that useful in this situation. Haha --

Ann: - (#Forced Laughter #) -- she tried to laugh too --… Before, I… I didn't want to offend, in any way, I really… --

Robert: -- Don't worry, Don't worry, it doesn't matter -- He said while patting his stomach creating small ripples.

Ann: -- mmm ... thank you very much. -- / Spooky! / While the man's words said one thing, his wicked gaze seemed to declare that he would cut off one of his fingers for this insult. / Ah! Poor me. / The little miss seemed to be full of fear and was shaking like a bunny in the middle of a storm. / But… I have no other choice, right? / With a soft sigh it seemed that nothing mattered to him anymore, she sadly accepted his fate. / On the contrary, in these times of crisis, being with the most evil is better. / She thought as she perked up on her own, a little resplendent.

While the little miss was in her hilarious emotional drama of several minutes making faces and gestures, the fat man laughed to himself with a sarcastic smile.

Robert: / I thought it would be a nuisance, but it's kind of funny to see the colors of his face change. Right now he seems to feel like he's part of the demon king group (# mental laugh #) ... I wonder, where is the hero? / His gaze always had a wicked touch, even when he was thinking about nothing. That look caused him many misunderstandings since he was a child, but it wasn't on purpose, but he couldn't help it either.

Ann: / How scary! He smiles while his eyes seem to curse me ... / -- I will accept the punishment that the teacher considers appropriate! -- She shouted with courage, accepting with resignation, her imaginary destiny.

Robert: -- (# Sardonic laugh #) I would like to punish you, without a doubt, but first we should go back to the base, or so I wish ... too bad, they are already too close --

Ann: -- eh! -- she got scared. -- The guys you robbed, (# Cough #) you helped --

Robert: -- No, no. Just a few plastic beasts. -- He answered completely calmly.

Above their heads appeared a bright sign with a glow similar to neon lights, written in strange symbols that is translated automatically into the native language:

[Battle Begun]

As their silly conversation unfolded, two blocks around the corner, walking between the streets of the suburbs of the city, there were five beasts apparently made of a state-of-the-art white plastic. They walked on two legs, with fangs, oversized claws, and several bony tips protruding from their bodies. As they advanced they gave muffled growls like hungry beasts, but in the end they only left the impression of being completely artificial, like made on a 3D printer.

[Humans vs Monsters]

[Reward: Ten Growth Crystals (yellow) | One thousand bronze coins]

A blue light divided the entire terrain into squares one meter per side, creating an immense board. A list of tags representing the participants appeared at the bottom left of his vision.

The rules are simple: it is a simple turn-based battle, where each action carried out consumes a certain amount of initiative points obtained by the STAT of the same name, which each participant possesses.

Eliminating the enemies was the only victory condition, until now there was no other than victory condition. Any other result makes it impossible to obtain the reward.

Robert: -- There are a little less than three hundred spaces between us, it will take them about ten turns to get here. -- He spoke while looking at the monsters. -- Once it is your turn, pick up the bag that I am going to leave in this position and then hide behind that car, when they are close enough, throw the spheres into the bag. -- He said without giving him time to respond, as he moved to the sidewalk opposite the car he indicated.

Ann: -- huh? --

Robert: / I asked me, what is the part that she did not understand? / -- Get ready, it seems that your turn is the last… how low is your initiative? -- he asked.

Ann: -- I… (We're really going to fight), I, this (I don't want to), I (help!), I'm sorry? --

Robert: -- Because in form question. -- / I guess his intelligence is also low / -- Come on talk, what are you thinking about? -- He said a little exasperated.

Ann: -- Why don't we run away? -- she speaks with a shy voice, but with an expectant look.

Robert: -- Sure, why not -- he expressed in a mocking way -- but you know, those things run very fast, I think I can do it, but you will not be able to leave the grid before they catch you. But if your desire is to sacrifice yourself for the good of the team, then you have to flee. -- He declared with the most sarcastic tone he could.

To flee from a duel, you must get away far enough from your enemies. The faster the enemy moves, the more distance you must take in proportion to their movement capacity. As long as the grid does not disappear, the battle does not end, and movement or any action is still restricted to turns.

Ann: -- (#Smoaning sorry #) -- / I don't want to die, mom... (# whimpering #) I want to go home /

Robert: -- hey, it's your turn. --

Ann: -… -

Robert: / Looks like he went blank… / -- (#sigh tired #) Move two spaces to your right and pick up the bag on the ground! -- He shouted, ordering with a severe and strong voice.

The girl was surprised for a moment, then became discouraged and walked slowly, as if she had an appointment with the executioner. You could almost see imaginary long ears drooping sadly. The little bunny was very, very scared; his legs were shaking.

Robert: / This is going to be a hassle… I guess I'll give it back in the end. / He thought, scratching the back of his head.

… The shifts advanced, while they waited.

Robert: -- It's your turn again ... move two spaces forward, three to the right and two forward, then wait. -- / Why can't we move diagonally? Dammit! /

One of the absolute rules was that you could only perform movements in a straight line.

While they waited each in their positions, the monsters that advanced in a straight line, through the middle of the track, began to lean towards one of the paths.

Robert: / It seems they're coming for her / -- hey, I think they'd rather eat you. -- he mocked.

Ann: -- (# Hurting groan #) -- The girl turned slowly and looked at him with her brown eyes, almost watery and with her small body beginning to tremble.

Robert: / (# Mental sigh #) I think I found a hobby, normally anyone would be very irritated by someone so useless, but, even the weird sounds he makes from time to time are… funny. It only remains for me to admit that cuteness is justice (#Crazy mental #). / He scoffed at himself / But I guess that's enough for today, thank my kindness little girl. / -- You really think I'd be here if I'm not completely sure of winning. -- He said with a confident smile.

Ann: -- ! -- The little bunny was surprised, if someone drew a lit spotlight on his head. the scene would be perfect / true, I have accompanied the master for three days. I've seen him scam and rob a lot of people and run from all the monsters, he was never caught, nothing bad happened, not once, they weren't even close. Such a person would not be here if he was not sure of winning. Also, it has never done me any harm… (#swallow #) I won't be the bait this time, right? /

The young lady encouraged herself and looked expectantly.

Ann: -- Master what should I do. -- she asked.

Robert: / How easy! / -- (# Clear his throat #) ... when they get close enough, throw one of the shells from the bag you picked up hard at him. They are easy to break, so don't squeeze your hand too much. That should be enough. --

Ann: / huh? / -- that's it? --

Robert: -- Yes, now look ahead, they are already close. --

The monsters were about sixty spaces away, with the ability to move about twenty-five spaces on average, in two turns they would be a stone's throw away.

Robert: -- As we accumulate a lot of initiative we will be able to attack first, and we will have enough attempts to eliminate everyone. If you are not confident in hitting them, aim for the ground where they are; that will be enough. --

The waiting time to perform an action on his turn was ten seconds, if no action was taken, the turn was over.

Actions consume a fixed amount of initiative depending on the number of moves that are made, and the amount of energy that is used; With the exception of opening the system inventory, which always consumes fifty percent of the accumulated initiative, each time it is opened, but allows multiple actions to be carried out on it. And verbal communication that does not consume any initiative (only verbal communication, any other form of communication, consumes initiative by standards).

Since initiative can be accumulated infinitely, it allows for continuous actions or powerful abilities with a large initiative expenditure.

The order of the turns in each round is determined by the accumulated remaining initiative, from highest to lowest. There is no "wait" command, that is: you cannot change the order of shifts; forcing all participants to have only one turn each round. Making the game easier for newbies.

Robert: /… / -- (#Evil smile #) I'll leave you the honor of attacking first --

Ann: -- What? -- Asked surprised.

Robert: -- Do not worry I have enough initiative and I can save you in the next round, you will lose at most one or two limbs, haha ​​- he mocked as he stuck out his tongue.

Ann: -- Master! -- she said with a broken and tearful voice.

Robert: -- Then do it right -- and smiled with a hint of kindness, although his eyes were mean.

With Robert's waiting time over and the monsters at a suitable distance, it was Ann's turn, the little bunny was scared, with his shaking hands he opened the leather bag and took out a sphere of color between gray and black, with patterns of smoke, which felt very fragile in the hand. He picked up momentum, and as a professional baseball player, he threw it to the nearest monster.

Ann: -- Jah !! -- scream. The entire action, including the exaggerated gesture baseball, consumed a number small of initiative of the total he possessed. I could repeat the action fifty more times; but there were only four spheres left in the bag / Stingy Master! / she screamed in her mind, complaining about the man at her side and lamenting her tragic fate, what would happen if she failed.

While the bunny cursed and wailed, the sphere that he threw with his eyes almost closed, hit directly on the monster's forehead where it disintegrates releasing silver smoke. A second later, the monster began to writhe in pain until it was completely still.

Ann: -- What happened? -- Asked puzzled.

Robert: -- mmm ... mmm ... I think it is something like a paralyzing herb, in low doses it slows down movement, in high doses, the muscles solidify preventing them from breathing. And you know, they die. --

Ann: -- Do they die? --

Robert: -- (#sigh tired #)… Yes, they die. -- / is she getting dumber? / -- Despite their low budget design, they are fully functional creatures, if you stop an important function, they will definitely die ...

Now you better finish attacking --

Ann: -- huh? My shift is over! -- she got scared.

Robert: -- Do not worry, you shake like a chicken when you speak, but it is better that you attack before you finish your initiative. -- He scoffed laughing.

Ann: / a chicken? Evil master! / She screamed in her mind, then gave him the most furious look she could muster, it obviously didn't work, but it was a lovely try.

Once his fears were calmed, hitting a large target, quite close and not moving, was very easy. All the creatures were paralyzed. An obvious result.

Robert: / Now she seems to be having fun… Why is she making that gesture exaggerated to throw him so close?… Well, her breasts are swaying quite… nice… decided, I won't return her. /

As the pervert smiled happily, the little miss finished her work and dusted off her hands. She was smiling brightly as if his previous fear had never happened.

Ann: -- Master, finish -- declared satisfied. -- We must finish quickly with them to get the experience. --

Robert: -- It is not necessary ... -- A strange thought was reflected for an instant in his eyes -- I would rather wait for the poison to dissipate. But you can try if you want. -- he told.

She didn't answer anything.

The level increases with the experience gained by taking down an enemy with a direct action (short or long range attack, but not altered states). And the level is the multiplier of the player's statistics, multiplying 0.01 of the current statistics for each level.

In today's world, everyone would be eager to level up as it would be a great easy to get bonus to increase their power directly. But there was no such wish in Robert's gaze, and he was reluctant to let the bunny try.

Once the last of the monsters perished, the grid and the restrictions disappeared, And the reward would be given to the victorious group according to the established conditions. In this case only the leader: Robert.

When the restraints were removed and the reward was stored automatically in his inventory, he took out a thick rope and tied tightly all the monsters in a row, and smilingly handed one end of the rope to the puzzled bunny.

Robert: -- You see ... (#Evil smile #) I don't have enough space in the inventory -- he said -- so ... make an effort, hard -- and smile again.

Ann: -- huh? Master, I can't, it weighs a lot -- she said as he waved his hands in denial in rapid fuss.

Robert: -- oh? ! .... remind me of the reason why I should take you with me? -- He asked with a dark voice and wicked eyes.

Ann: -- (# swallow #) I will, gladly! -- She declared with a strong voice, but resigned, sadly he took the rope and they headed home.

In the streets of a destroyed city, when the afternoon sun changed to an orange hue, a little lady dressed in a simple sportswear dragged some pointed monsters; giving a sad look and funny sounds every time he struggled.

As the whimpering rabbit dragged its heavy load, the pervert smiled happily. Others might not understand it, but teasing the bunny was fun, a lot of fun.

It was one of the few things that made him smile.