Is This The Hospitality You Show Your Guests?

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Today was supposed to be the best day of his life but now he felt miserable.

Gustav and Endric had stayed together to escape the radar of the Tarks in blue tight-fitting costumes and helmets flying across the air. They all had powerful technological firearms and their entire body wear served as armor that could protect them from very destructive attacks.

These were the Tarks force. 

Gustav knew that if they had waited to sell the spacecraft, confrontation would be impossible to avoid. They had scanners that particularly scoured the place for Gustav's and Endric current look but unfortunately for them, Gustav had hidden both their presences. They were further concealed with the invisibility buttons.

With their current speed, it took them less than ten seconds to get to the area they touched down with the other spacecraft from the trade center.