The LCDC has been in the construction business for fifty years. A once community supplier became one of the largest construction companies in the country. Helping build quality infrastructures, highways, and bridges to make life better for everyone. The founder and first CEO Long Bao Qiang established the company in 1970 and started to prosper under his son CEO Long Liu Wei.

Now, LCDC welcomes a new generation of management bringing modern technology and technique, creating an extraordinary world for the future. The Long Construction and Development Corporation presents its new CEO, Zhang Wang Xiu.

The extravagant hall was filled up with cheerful clatters from employees and guests as Wang Xiu was introduced to everyone by the MC on stage.

Wang Xiu sported a wide smile on her face showing her pearly white teeth to imply her sincere appreciation to all who attended the party. She waved her hand gently like a queen and strutted her elegance on stage to illustrate her confidence emphasizing not only her intelligence and power but also beauty.

For that special night, Wang Xiu wore a red turtle-neck dress without sleeves glittering with Swarovski stones to enhance her beauty. The dress was made by a famous designer in Europe specifically made for her on this auspicious occasion. The diamond-set of jewelry she wore was owned by the family Long for generations and is displayed in a boutique in Beijing. Her red stiletto shoes were an expensive pair she bought for herself in New York City.

Li Jun sent his favorite "stylist to the stars" to help Wang Xiu prepare for her evening look. Her hair was set up in a beautiful traditional Chinese braided bun hairstyle that was both stylish and elegant. The makeup set on her face was natural and not heavy, which captured Wang Xiu's beauty perfectly. With her fair skin and heart shape-face, there was nothing that can lessen her magnificence.

After the presentation, Wang Xiu let the media take pictures of her and the executives of the company. When the former CEO, Long Liu Wei stepped in to have a photo with her, the media went wild with questions.

!!!Former CEO, what can you say about your son, Li Jun being an actor?!!!

!!!Wang Xiu, Are you the one who told Li Jun to focus on his acting career and step down on being a CEO?!!!

!!!Wang Xiu, where is Li Jun? Is he going to attend this party?!!!

Women shouting and screaming can be heard after a red Ferrari car parked outside the hall and produced a tall handsome man wearing an all-black tuxedo. The clamoring continued when the man walked inside the auditorium and stride with confidence towards Zhang Wang Xiu and former CEO Long Liu Wei.

"Glad you are here, son," The former CEO said, welcoming Li Jun and granting a quick smile to his son.

"I wouldn't miss your retirement party, Papa," Long Li Jun replied, leaning forward to give respect to his father and stretching his arm for a handshake while smirking from his joke against his senior.

Li Jun turned to her cousin, Zhang Wang Xiu, and gave the woman a cheek to cheek to kiss without their skin touching.

"Congrats! CEO Xiu Sheng!" Li Jun shouted with excitement. He wants to show the people around that he was glad that the board of directors finally approved to give the position to her cousin.

"No date tonight?" Wang Xiu teased his cousin as Li Jun was known to brag not only about his brand of clothing but also about the famous girls he dates.

"I want you to be the only star tonight, Xiu Sheng. If I bring a date, the celebration will all be about me again," The man explained, charmingly smiling in front of the photographers lining up in front of them.

Then, a media man outside the hall hurriedly goes to the other photographers and whispers. Like bees buzzing in a group, the pack quickly took off to take a photo of someone outside the venue.

A man wearing a white tuxedo came out of a red Tesla car and smiled at the crowd of media men surprised by his sudden appearance.

"It's the billionaire," The crowd mumbled.

"What is he doing here?" Li Jun asked without losing the smile on his face.

"I don't know. I didn't invite him. I didn't even know he's here in the country," Wang Xiu answered, staring at the man who marched inside the hall.

"I thought he would be taller," Former CEO Long Liu Wei commented as the guest approached them.

A man confidently strolled in and presents himself to them. His hair was blonde and thick like golden threads. The square jaw and high cheekbones made him look snob and appealing. Though Li Jun looked more handsome, the composure he portrayed could make everyone stay in awe at his presence.

"Hi, I'm Elric Exelon. I'm sorry if I crashed your party, Ms. Zhang. I really would like to meet you," The man announced, expressing a broad grin on his face.

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Mischa parked her motorcycle in front of the gentleman's bar called Jing Sheng (born in the city). She didn't take off her black helmet and used the employee's entrance to get inside the lounge. The security personnel let her in without taking her helmet off. She was relatively known at this place because she used to work here as a dancer.

Her helmet and full-face mask were gone from her head by the time she roamed along the hallway. Dumping the piece of cloth that hid her face at a nearby trash can.

"Where's my bag?" Mischa asked one of the girls in front of the mirror as she reached the changing room of the pub. The woman looked at her and points to the corner where a lady with pink hair and a revealing pink dress stood. 

The changing room had huge mirrors on all its walls for girls to use while they fix their makeup or clothing for the midnight show. Unlike what people assume, the girls here were careful with their belongings. Boxes of makeup and other accessories are neatly placed in front of the reflector with the name of the owner plastered on every brush and foundation. The dresses were properly hanged at the corner where tags are used to prevent items to be switched. There's a locker for each employee and no one dares to steal anything from each other here.

"Nika!!!" Mischa called the woman with pink lipstick glowing on her rims but the woman ignored her scream and continues to brush her wig to fit properly on her head.

Women talking and laughing out loud at this place were common, it's girls fighting among each other that was rare to watch and it happens only outside the bar. People at the club treated each other well with respect. They never looked down upon other girls and would support you with any problem.

She strutted towards the woman with a skimpy pink dress, gently poking Nika's shoulder to get her attention. When the woman whirls around, a charming smile flashed on her lips and gives her a cheek-to-cheek kiss.

"Where's my bag?" Mischa yelled in the woman's ear. 

Nika immediately nodded and stepped towards her locker to open it. Inside she took the black bag and handed it over to the woman in need.

"Thank you," Mischa said, gleaming at her friend. Then, she handed the black helmet and keys of the motorcycle to the woman.

"Anything for you babe," Nika answered with her deep baritone voice. After putting the helmet and keys inside the locker, the woman walked back in front of the mirror.

Turning to the rack of clothes, she scoured for a dress to borrow before walking out of the changing room. She reached the lady's privy for patrons and occupied one of the cubicles. Inside, she opened her bag and counted the money in bundles. There were local and foreign currencies she saved if she plans to leave the country. 

After reassuring herself that she had enough cash, she took off her jacket and black turtle neck shirt to reveal a nylon body holster where she keeps her gun. She pulled off the holster from her waist and deposited the gun inside her bag. Taking off her pants, she dragged down her rough jeans to the floor, leaving only a red brassiere and thong.

She put on the tight black dress. stepping outside the cubicle to stare at her reflection. Gazing at herself in the mirror made her remember her old life. She might have been unfortunate before, but her luck turns up. 

Sitting at the wooden stool at the bar, she scanned for someone to take with her outside when a drunk man passed by wearing a brown suit and red stripe tie. He appeared older because of his sideburns going gray.

"Hey, want to go out?" Mischa approached the man and yelled at his ears.

"W-What???" The drunk man shouted back into her face.

Quickly turning her face away as the stench of the beer and sweat goes straight onto her nostril. She suddenly has the urge to reach for her gun inside her bag and shoot the man in front of everyone in the club.

"I'm asking you if you want to go out??" Mischa repeated her offer and when the man nodded she took him by the arm and dragged him out of the bar.

The grey-haired man swerves on every step yet she managed to get him to stand while they wait for a taxi to swing by at this late hour. When a cab arrived, she immediately shoved the intoxicated man inside and followed him on the passenger seat. Then, told the driver to go to a motel far from where the bar was located. She needed to go far away as soon as she can.

Holding onto the bag tightly as the taxi drove away from the nightlife of the city. Her plan to get away was already in order. She had her bag of money to keep her hidden from her boss and buy her a new identity to start over.

The taxi reached a small hotel beside a grocery store in Chaoyang district. She pulled the stale man out of the taxi and borrowed his wallet to pay the cab driver. When the sliding door of the motel opened up automatically, the alarm of the security started blaring.

The security approached them to check their belongings but before they can open her bag she explained her perfect alibi to the guard at the entrance.

"Sorry, he has a metal hip. It sets out an alarm anywhere we go and we can't find a place to stay for the night." Mischa told the security personnel and winked. The receptionist raised one of her eyebrows but still allowed them in.

Inside the room, she plopped the drunk man on the bed while she grabbed a beer from the motel's personalized freezer. She opened up the can and sat on the couch to think.

The plan to steal the files from Wang Xiu's office was a big failure and when the CEO teased her, by opening up her pants, she almost said yes to her. From that, Wang Xiu has an idea of who was the intruder and probably who she works for. There was no other choice but to run away to another city or country. Somewhere a man like Elric Exelon cannot reach her.