"You're late, my birthday has passed." The woman says, sitting in on a long lounge chair holding a glass filled only with a portion of brown liquid

"It's still on your birthday on the other side of the world." The young woman arches her lips into a mischievous grin. She struts deliberately towards the woman on the couch looking impatient with a scowl.

"I don't like waiting, Ms. Zhang." The woman points out the name and takes another sip of the liquid hard enough to swallow in one drink.

"Am I not worth the wait, CEO Yang?" Ms. Zhang asks, standing directly in front of the woman. She sets her right leg between Yang Fei Hong's thighs and puts her left hand on the couch above the woman's right shoulder. The gesture made her body closer to the woman, leaning herself forward to get their face closer to breathe each other's scent. 

The woman's pair of glistening marble-like eyes with brown irises gazes at her pouty red rims, shiny from the lipstick she wears, tracing down to her neck and chest, exposed by the low neckline of her white dress.

The Silver Fox bite her lower lip glancing at the mound of flesh peeking slightly in front of her face. The fair skin and tempting view make her swallow hard from excitement. Lowering her eyes gets her to breathe harder as the woman's bare legs brush on her thigh near her crotch.

"You are." CEO Yang mumbles, taking her eyes back to Wang Xiu's face. The hand holding a glass of scotch shivers from wanting to lay the woman in bed. If Zhang Wang Xiu lets her have her way, she will rip the white satin dress down that minute and discover the wonder of the woman's body with her hands.

"I know, that's why I'm here..." Wang Xiu replies, muttering her words in front of the woman's face, staring at the CEO while biting her lips. Then, she lifts her right hand with a black card and gold embossed logo of the hotel and number in it. "...to give you back this." She adds.

"You know you can leave that to the reception if you don't want to come here." Yang Fei Hong answers. Her face is now disgruntled by the disappointment from the woman's reaction to her offer.

"I want to be here, to tell you I will become a CEO and when that happens, you will be the one looking for me." Zhang Wang Xiu declares glaring with a grin on her face. She slid the card on the pocket inside the woman's white jacket and leaned back to stand and walk away. 

Wang Xiu didn't look back. She left the room of the CEO with a clenched jaw and curled lip showing a determined grin. She declared her war against Yang Fei Hong and she will make sure she wins.

π - π - π


"Li Jun will take over as Executive Director in Finance and Marketing." CEO Long announces that morning to the two executives standing in front of his table.

The executive woman radiantly wears a knee-length red dress with a white stripe across the shoulder and chest. Her black hair falls on her shoulder looking shiny and smooth. She wears red dark lipstick and a light smokey eyeshadow to enhance her brown eyes. The black shoes on her feet are three inches tall with red soles to add elegance and indicate its expensive brand.

The young man stands beside the right side of the woman, wearing a black suit with a striped black and red silk tie. His hair is brushed down hiding his forehead and showing only his eyes. The expensive watch on the left side of his arm is visible on his wrist and the expensive shoes on his feet are not cheap.

"Pa???" The young man exclaims as he hears the CEO puts him in the position that the woman is occupying. "I-I mean CEO Long... that is Wang Xiu's position." The man adds.

"Yes, which she handled for a good three years. Now, I'm putting Wang Xiu in Project and Engineering and you can take over her place." Long Li Wei explains his plan. His stern look means only one thing. He wouldn't change his mind.

"Our Project and Engineering Department is handled by Mr. Choi Zhang Wei, our top architect, and engineer." The woman finally reacts pointing out the executive director that manages the spot is already occupied by a veteran employee.

"And you will handle it with him as the executive director. Isn't it about time you show that you can work with someone, Wang Xiu?" The CEO replies with his forehead creasing from the disapproval that the woman politely conveys from his plan.

"Yes, CEO Long." Zhang Wang Xiu nods her head. There is no way to disagree with the old man at this point. She can only show his effort to transition his son will be useless.

"Good. I already sent a memo today to the departments. You can start making yourselves acquainted with your new positions." The old man nods his head after telling his news, Indicating his dismissal to the executives that receive the news.

"Sir, I just started a project in marketing. I think it's better if I finish it first before letting Li Jun take over the department on his own." Wang Xiu explains, letting herself step forward to imply the importance of her presence in the position.

"Li Jun can handle it." The CEO replies to the woman's suggestion without lifting his head and begins to open the documents on the table.

"—I can't," The man whispers leaning over to Wang Xiu's ears.

CEO Long Liu Wei hears the man's quips and stares at the man standing stiff in front of him.

"Okay, You have a month to finish your project Wang Xiu." CEO Long reacts switching his glare at the two young executives standing in the middle of his office. "...with Li Jun." He adds.

"Thank you, Sir." Zhang Wang Xiu answers with a nod. She turned around and left the office with the young man following her.

"So, what's the first thing to do here?" Li Jun as they walk in the hallway towards the elevator. The man puts on a wide smile and sets his hands on his pocket like a new kid in a school full of excitement.

Wang Xiu answers with a smile and crosses her arms on her back. A gesture that lifts her chest making her more alluring with her red dress. She breathes and sighs, thinking about what to say first to the new executive.

"Remember the floors. The top floor is the CEO's office and shareholder's lounge. Below is the executive director's office, which includes marketing, finance, project, and engineering. Next is the auditorium, we have the whole floor for meetings and also houses our employee's lounge. Then, the engineering department and project department. The last floor is financial and marketing." Wang Xiu explains as she pushes the button for the floor where the executive's offices are at.

"Really? Marketing is at the lowest floor?" Li Jun inquires, his forehead creases from disbelief that he will work at the lowest department.

"Marketing is the frontline of the company. Your face will be anywhere in public." Wang Xiu illustrates to make the man understand his work better. 

Marketing sounds boring but it is where the power starts. What entices potential clients are ads that show a company's capability and it should come with a good presentation from the department. An effective marketing strategy can guarantee income. It is where the money begins not the work itself.

"Like a Public Relations Officer?" Li Jun raises a question. He never liked his course in Business that's why he failed to graduate on top. It was enough for him to take the course, live four years of his life studying, and taking exams but it never sinks into his mind and heart.

"Yes." The woman replies without taking a glimpse at the man. Thinking she has to teach him everything from scratch makes Wang Xiu have a headache. It's enough that his uncle asks her to help Li Jun but now his spot and project are going to be taken away by her cousin.

Zhang Wang Xiu feels like punching someone in the face.

"What are we going to do the whole day?" Li Jun asks scanning the elevator while they wait for the door to open.

"Meeting the employees and then we have a meeting with Director Ang Lim before lunch at my office." Wang Xiu replies. She lifts her left arm where her old silver watch is and takes a quick look at the time.

"Director Lim?" The man repeats the names and folds his forehead. He recalls that Wang Xiu had a date with the director and the woman hasn't talked about the night the two spent together.

"Yes." The woman replies looking nonchalant. She doesn't have to be friendly with the man once the project is done and she couldn't help but wish it is already over.

"So how was your date with him?" Li Jun asks with a blank expression. He doesn't want his cousin to think he's jealous, though a part of him says he doesn't need to. The date that Wang Xiu made with the director is for a project for the company and the need to be friendly with other men is a strategy.

"Good." The woman let out a smile remembering the evening when she met CEO Yang. The woman's eyes full of lust makes Wang Xiu's skin shiver with anticipation. She bites her lips without thinking a man is gazing at her reaction.

"Good???" Li Jun glares at the woman's expression. The grin, the biting of lips, and sparkling eyes show different meaning than business.

Did Wang Xiu date the director because she likes him???

"Very good." Wang Xiu replies with a wide smile, turning her face towards the man beside him. She inhales loudly and closes her eyes when she opens them a fiercely looking man glares at her face.

The elevator opens before she could ask Li Jun about the sudden change of mood and the employees welcome the new executive with a surprise greeting at the elevator.

Li Jun ignores the employees at the hall and marches towards one of the offices at the corner. He didn't care what the people would say to him. He's mad. Jealous.

How could Wang Xiu like the old director more than him?