"Does your head still hurt?" The director asks Wang Xiu, plopping his hand on the woman's shoulders.

"I'm fine." Wang Xiu replies with her hand on her head and a towel with ice cubes. 

She didn't mind if the director had been touching her shoulder and her back although it's inappropriate. If she's in a different situation, she would flinch and slap the handoff but, part of the act is to look vulnerable and a damsel in distress wouldn't look helpless without a prince and a monster. 

After the scene with Ms. Bao Hwei Ru apologizing for her behavior, the employees and crews continue to drink and sing along. Though Wang Xiu notices some of them whispers and sends a quick glimpse in her way, it didn't matter for her. The executive makes it certain to look in pain and they would often ask her about her condition.

Li Jun leaving and running after the lawyer was not an object of her concern for Wang Xiu. She's confident that if the lawyer tells the truth to the executive, Hwei Ru will still look like the woman who pushed and hurt her.

"I think it will be better if we go to a hospital to check your head." Director Lim suggests, putting his arms on her shoulder and guiding her out of the bar.

It's past midnight and they all grab a taxi to reach their hotel. The director offers to share a cab. They all stay at the same hotel with Li Jun and Hwei Run and on the same floor as them.

"I'm drunk, I don't think they will recommend me to drink any medication other than paracetamol." Wang Xiu answers with a giggle.

They reach the hotel with her giggling and laughing out loud. The director keeps telling her jokes to make him laugh. Although it was all to pretend that Wang Xiu is enjoying the company of Director Lim, she is still happy for the old man's effort to cheer her up.

Reaching their floor, Wang Xiu opens her shoulder bag to search for her room card, while the director suggests accompanying her until she gets inside. Before opening the door, she turns her head to the opposite room. Li Jun makes it certain to occupy the adjacent unit to her, while Hwei Ru is in the next room.

And he promised to protect me from the director? What an unreliable man. Wang Xiu thought.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me tonight, Ang," Wang Xiu says with a smile filled with sincerity, standing at the open door of her room.

"Your welcome." The director nods and lets out a wide grin on his face. "I can keep you company until morning if you like." The director adds. His smile turns devilish from the intended naughty nature of the offer.

"Thank you, Ang, but I'm tired and my head still aches." The executive explains and tries to close the door but the director puts his hand on the frame stopping the door to close.

"I like you." Director Lim confesses what he feels that made Wang Xiu blush her cheeks.

"I'm sorry but I can't answer that right now. I want us to both have a healthy professional relationship and I intend to keep it that way until we finish the project." Wang Xiu answers reasonably. 

"You mean, you're waiting to finish the project before you dump me?" The directors exclaim with his mood expressing the pain of rejection.

"Can we talk about this tomorrow, please? I'm tired, Director Lim." The executive pleads but the director's hand is still at the frame of the door that keeps Wang Xiu from closing it.

"We can talk inside your room or mine." Director Lim insists and continues to stand in the hallway in front of the executive's door.

Wang Xiu understands the director wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants so she opens the door wide to allow the director to get in.

But it's only a trick.

When the director lets go of the door frame, Wang Xiu immediately closes it hard on his face.

Unfortunately, the director catches it and shoves it back with his shoulder which makes the woman lose her balance and slam her body against the wall. He enters the room and sees the woman leaning on the wall groaning in pain but it didn't stop him from accomplishing what he plans to do that night with the executive.

It's his only chance to sleep with a gorgeous woman like Wang Xiu. The woman's intoxication drives him to grab this opportunity with the stunning executive. It will be easy for him to tie her up and make the woman beg and scream like the other victims that the director had before the woman.

Director Ang Lim arches his lips into a wicked smile. Imagining every little nasty position he can do with the woman. He isn't afraid to be caught or be jailed for his actions. His victims wouldn't be able to prove his assault because he can always justify that the woman seduced him as they ask for his favor. And Wang Xiu showed everyone that his advances are acceptable. If the woman goes to the police, he can ask his crew to vouch for the woman's intoxication.

"C'mon Xiu, I know you want this too." The director says, snickering at the woman looking helpless leaning on the wall. The door is still open but Director Lim doesn't mind if anyone sees them or if the woman's cousin, Long Li Jun suddenly arrives.

Long Li Jun looks like a man who spent his days in vain and not a muscle in his body can fight him, the director thinks.

The director stares at the woman who slumps herself on the floor unmoved by the injury on her body, he takes a few steps and stands an inch away from the woman.

"I know what will make you excited." Director Lim whispers and begins to unzip the fly of his jeans. From inside his briefs, he hauled out his hard cock and showed it to the woman.

An opportunity Wang Xiu needs When the director holds his shaft out with his right hand, the executive takes a deep breath and punches the director below his cock and into his balls. A maneuver that renders the director's knees weak and falls on the floor.

"ARRRGH!!!! BITCH!!!" Director Lim exclaims, writhing in pain across the carpet floor of the hotel room.

Wang Xiu immediately stands up from the floor and walks out of the room but the director stretches his legs to trip the woman. The executive falls on the carpet face down hitting her lips that instantly bleed from the plunge of her head. 

Wang Xiu rolls herself and stands up, not minding the pain and the taste of her blood that drips from the top of her lips. She goes straight out the door and leaves the director in her room when she bumps into a man with broad shoulders.

"Wang Xiu??? What happened???" Li Jun asks with worried eyes as he notices the smear of blood on the woman's lips and the shallow breath that he can hear clearly from the woman.

"D-Director… L-Lim… t-tried t-to…" The executive stutters as his body quivers from fear. She couldn't finish her words and embrace Li Jun's body to make her feel safe from the threat that the director intends to do with her.

Li Jun doesn't need to hear it completely from the woman, he understands what the director did. He turns and hurriedly goes inside Wang Xiu's room to see Director Lim on the floor with his hands on his crotch while his cock is out of his pants.

Li Jun's blood quickly boiled from anger. He rushes to the man and sits on his body and begins to punch him in the face.







Wang Xiu walks back to the door of her room and watches Li Jun beat the director in the head filled with rage. The blood on the man's fist comes from the broken nose of Director Lim. Her initial thought is to stop his cousin after two punches but she stood shocked eyeing at the damage that Li Jun creates over the director laying helpless on the floor.

!!!LI JUN!!!...!!!STOP IT!!!

A woman comes rushing in from behind Wang Xiu and stops Li Jun from continuing his attack on Director Lim but the male executive is too furious to be interrupted and continues to punch the director.




"Wang Xiu!!! Help me!!!" Hwei Ru screams at the woman standing at the door with wide eyes, stunned by the situation that the two men are in. "Wang Xiu!!!" The woman yells again.

Like waking up from a deep sleep, the executive is startled by the voice of the urgency of the woman. She rushes to help Hwei Ru stop Li Jun by grabbing his arms and pulling him up but the man struggles and attempts to fight their grasp.




Every punch sounds like a dull thud and Li Jun's hand glimmers with blood. The director's face is unrecognizable by the red smear of thick liquid coming out of his mouth and nose and every time the man lifts his fist, the blood splashes around them.


Wang Xiu's fist comes straight into Li Jun's jaws that made him stop. It was painful and not expected but it was effective for him to lose attention to the director. He slumps on the floor and leans his back at the end of the mattress. Feeling the pain of his hand, he stares at the grazed skin and swollen knuckles soak in blood from the director's face. The adrenaline rush is over and the exhaustion takes over him, breathing shallowly at each heavy exhale to fill his chest with air and calm himself.

Li Jun never hit anyone before. Even when he was studying in America and they tried to bully him for being a foreigner, an Asian. He avoided all the people that can cause him trouble, mostly women. Sleeping around while they keep their relationship with the most famous jock at the university is common but he didn't take any part in that drama. He wants to be an actor and doesn't like scandals early on in his career.

"Are you okay?" Wang Xiu walks towards Li Jun leaning on the bed. She kneels in front of him to comfort his worry.

The man shook his head and hoisted his hand up, showing the bloody knuckle. He isn't okay though he doesn't regret punching the director, he only wishes he could have stopped himself early on.

"Thank you…" The executive gazes at the man's eyes and sets her arms to wrap around Li Jun's warm body while her torso nestled between his legs.

Li Jun reciprocates the gesture and wraps his arms around the woman. He kissed the top of Wang Xiu's head and said, "I promised to protect you. I'm sorry if I was late."

"You are just in time." Wang Xiu mumbles with teary eyes. Without Li Jun, the director could still follow her outside and force her to come to his room. She glances at the dark brown eyes of her hero and lays her soft lips on his rims, not minding if the lawyer is a few steps away on her knees, tending to the bloody and bruised face of the director.