The courtroom is empty and only the two lawyers silently sitting at the opposite table are there, waiting for the judge to enter. Honey sits at the left side as she represents Li Jun, the accused. In her hand, is her yellow pad paper where her notes are listed including the argument she wants to present. Reading her memos over and over again to let it sink in better in her mind.

On the other hand, Mr. Yang Sheng Zheng crouches on the chair behind the table on the right side, holding his mobile phone with his two hands and earphones set on both of his ears. The lawyer flinches pushing the buttons on the screen of his phone not minding the arrogant stare the woman on the other table throws in his direction.

When the judge arrived, both of the lawyers stood up from their chairs. Rising from their seat is a way to honor the law that the arbiter represents. Mr. Yang immediately pulls the earphones out of his ears before standing up while Honey smirk at the councilor scrambling to put his phone down.

"Your honor, I move the attempted murder charge for my client to be dismissed." Honey stands up and announces with a stern voice in front of the female judge as soon as she sits at the bench, the square table on the northern part of the courtroom where the judge settles.

"On what grounds?" Judge Wu Wen Ling stares at the woman on the right table. Her face is expressionless to make herself look unbiased.

"Mistakes in criminal complaints, your honor. My client was driven by anger, there was no intention to kill. He isn't armed and doesn't have any prior skill that can kill Director Lim. Therefore, the charge should have been less aggravating than attempted murder." Ms. Tang explains with a precise and distinct voice while the typist takes a record of her words.

"I object, your honor. According to a witness, Mr. Long was punching my client to death." Mr. Yang latches the button of his coat while retorting from the woman's claim.

"He was punching him out of anger after knowing that your client attempted to rape his cousin," The female counselor replies, glaring at the man who smiles arrogantly in front of the judge.

"An accusation that isn't proven true." The male lawyer responds, shrugging his head.

"So, there is an attempted rape case against Director Lim before this attempted murder case he filed against Mr. Long?" The judge asks, setting his hand towards Honey's direction to indicate that the question is for the female counselor to answer.

"Yes, your honor." Ms. Tang replies.

"Okay, this is what I understand, there wouldn't be an attempt at Director Lim's life if he didn't attempt to rape Ms. Zhang, is that what the defense is saying?" Judge Wu Wen Ling raises a question, staring at both lawyers in the room.

"Yes, your honor." The female counselor nods her head.

"But you have to prove first that there is an attempt to assault Ms. Zhang," The judge argues for Honey to answer.

"Yes, your honors," Ms. Tang responds with dismay.

For Honey, the attempted rape case shouldn't be argumentative. If the woman says "NO", the choice should be respected. No matter what situation the two people are in. Whether you are both naked or not, it doesn't mean consent. Yet, the defense implied they have evidence showing Wang Xiu giving consent which makes the attempted rape questionable.

"Okay, I will rule on dismissing the case for attempted murder, only, if the attempted rape case wins. I will put this case on hold until then." The arbiter strikes the gavel on the sounding block and prepares to stand up.

"Thank you, your honor. We also ask for my client, Mr. Long Li Jun to be allowed bail." Ms. Tang asks and approaches the bench before Judge Wu can leave.

"I'll allow it." The arbiter announces and reaches for the gavel to strike.

"I object, your honor. That's an attempted murder case. You are allowing a potential murderer out on the street." Mr. Yang approaches the bench and protests the motion.

"This is Mr. Long's first crime. The court is asked to be gracious for first offense violators, you know that councilor." Judge Wu explains and lets her gavel strike the sounding again to imply her ruling. She stood up from the chair and stared at the two lawyers waiting for her last words. "Court is adjourned."

Honey smirks confidently as she walks away from the bench while Mr. Yang chuckles, setting both of his hands on his pocket.

"Why are you laughing?" Honey lifts her brow, wondering about the reason behind the laugh.

"I don't care about your client Mr. Long Li Jun. I have my eyes on your MILF lover friend." Sheng Zheng grins showing the little dimple on his left cheek.

"Fuck you!" Ms. Tang exclaims.

After the lawyer's surprising visit to their hotel room accusing Wang Xiu of having an affair, she confronted her friend. The mystery now is why Yang Sheng Zheng believes Wang Xiu and the CEO have a relationship.

"You do have a potty mouth when you're angry," The male lawyer cackles and covers his devious smile with his finger while looking away from Honey.

"What are you planning to do?" The female counselor gazes straight into the man's eyes.

"I want her to go to jail. That's the only way she would stop going after my mother." Mr. Yang's face becomes rigid while answering the woman's question.

Honey watches the man walk away. A man driven by hate is dangerous and her friend Wang Xiu needs to be careful.

π - π - π



CEO Long Li Wei turns the television off and sits beside Wang Xiu on the green cotton sofa of the hotel room in Shanghai. He asks for a week of leave from work to stay with his son and niece who both have ongoing controversial cases in another city and he wanted to show his support for both of them. His wife, Ming Zhu takes care of their son and visits Li Jun every day at the police station.

"How are you, uncle Liu?" Wang Xiu turns her face towards the old man who came to assist them in their case.

"I should be asking you that. How are you?" The old man lays his arm around her niece's shoulder to comfort the woman from the stress of the press following all their movements and uncovering information about them.

Ms. Tang Hiu Ying advised all of them to avoid the media. Don't answer any reporters and continue with their everyday routines in a normal way. CEO Long had sent a memo to every employee of LCDC to not talk to any journalist and let the marketing department take care of the press. 

As executive director, Wang Xiu continues to oversee projects of the company. She wants to use this opportunity to popularize Long Construction and push connections to other companies.

'Good or bad, it's free publicity,' Wang Xiu thinks.

"I'm okay. Who's running the company if you're here?" Wang Xiu asks, setting her hands in front of her body, sitting like a good-natured girl being cuddled by his father figure.

"Your grandfather Bao. He came back from his vacation in Mongolia." Mr. Long let out a loud exhale expressing his dissatisfaction.

"That's not good." The woman pouts her lips like a kid. She's honest with her uncle and looks up to him.

"Yes, it's not good when old Bao runs everything. I'm afraid he would fire anyone who is not up to his standards." The CEO continues to exhale, pursing his lips from the decision of letting his father back to managing the company but he is desperate. He doesn't have anyone he can trust, except Li Jun and Wang Xiu, and they both have issues with the law.

"Yeye is unchanging—

"—You mean stubborn."

They both laugh sharing the same sentiment towards the old man.

"What are you planning after this, uncle? I know Li Jun is not going to jail, the media exaggerates news but a lot of people believe it," Wang Xiu asks, her eyes are low and uneasy. She doesn't want the old CEO to stay working at the company.

"I'm planning to postpone his promotion for CEO," Mr. Long confides his plan.

"I'm sorry, uncle. I know you were planning to retire on your 50th birthday," The woman replies, leaning her head over the old man's shoulder.

"That's why I'm planning to make you the CEO," The old man decides, turning his face towards the woman beside her. He can see her face brighten up by his news, "But in one condition?"

"What condition?" Wang Xiu's forehead crumples in wonder.

"You get yourself engaged before my birthday." The CEO's intense stare and serious face express the depth of his strict requirement.

"That's like three weeks from now???" The woman's face was disgruntled with the severity of the prerequisite.

"I know." CEO Long Liu Wei answers.

SHIT!!! Is uncle making fun of me? Wang Xiu thinks.

Wang Xiu laughs with her hand on her stomach. If this is her uncle Liu's way to force her to crack up and take her mind off from all the problems they have, it's a good stunt. 

But the serious look of the CEO remains on his face. Not amused by how Wang Xiu took the proposal.

"I'm afraid your case will make men afraid of you," The CEO looks away, narrowing his eyes. The old man worries about her niece not getting married, especially a case against a man.

"Maybe they should be," Wang Xiu proudly announces.

"It's not good for your image." Mr. Long stands up from the couch and turns to face the woman.

"You mean not good for the image of the company that their new CEO will be a man-hater." The woman crosses her arms in her chest and lifts her face to stare at the CEO.

"I know you want to be CEO, Wang Xiu. Since you were little, you would constantly tell me you want to be like Uncle Liu. I'm giving you a chance now." The old man's face mellow, reminding the woman of her younger self.

"Are choosing me because you believe Li Jun might go to jail? Is that it, uncle?" Wang Xiu stands up from the coach, expressing her disappointment with her uncle. 

"I'm choosing you because you are good. If Li Jun gets out of jail or not. I will still consider you to be a CEO, but it will be the shareholders who will decide which one of you will take the position." Mr. Long explains his sentiment and what he believes will happen if he retires early. 

The old man can't deny that the shareholder will still choose his son, Li Jun over Wang Xiu, who they only know as her niece.

Before coming to Shanghai, Long Li Jun took the initiative to talk to the committee, endorsing Wang Xiu to be the next CEO, but his father took a step again to stop him. The old Long Bao knows his plan from the start, he wanted his illegitimate daughter to be the CEO of LCDC once Li Jun becomes unavailable. Though Liu Wei can't stop his father from influencing the shareholders, he can pursue them if Wang Xiu proves herself to be a great contributor to the company and the fastest way is to get married to another influential family.

"I'll think about it." Wang Xiu answers. She walks away from the CEO and picks up her phone from the bed to call Honey about the update on the case.