Almost ten years since the last she came to the office of CEO Yang Fei Hong. She remembered every detail of the woman's private world of pleasure. Standing in the middle of the room like it was before. Though there were changes in the four corners and walls of the Silver Fox's little hole, it was still the room where she first had a taste of heaven with a woman.

"This is a surprising visit." CEO Yang stood at the door of her office with her hands in her pocket.

The smile on the woman's face wasn't what Wang Xiu expected. Before they were full of mischievousness but now it's a simple curve on the woman's lips. Cold and stiff.

"Not really. You know I will come by sooner or later to talk about the engagement." Wang Xiu turned to face Yang Fei Hong.

Her conversation with Sheng Zheng yesterday was enlightening. She found out why the two Yang drifted apart for years.

"Finally saying yes???" Fei Hong stepped behind her white marble table and sat at the red swivel chair.

The CEO wanted to maintain her distance from the charming woman who makes her heart quiver with excitement.

"Sheng Zheng announced the engagement at the party, right???" Wang Xiu answered by lifting her brow.

"You were only caught by surprise at that time. And it was your uncle Liu Wei's birthday," Fei Hong leaned her back on the chair, "We both know you're not going to break his heart on his special day."

"You know me too well." Wang Xiu answered.

She walked towards the table and stared at the CEO slouching her back and swerving her chair left and right. 

'Fei is nervous that I'm here.' Wang Xiu thought.

She knew the reason behind the CEO's anxiousness. The last time she was here, she left her lingerie on top of the CEO's table while they were both at the bathroom doing intimate things with each other.

Surprisingly, her uncle Long Liu Wei and Sheng Zheng visited Fei Hong without notice, and the secretary that was supposed to guard the door left to go to the ladies' room.

It was a scandal both of them were not prepared to face and she promised not to go back to this place or meet the CEO again.

"Are we going to start planning your wedding???" Fei Hong asked.

The woman sat up straight and opened the folder with a document to illustrate her busy workday.

"This room brings back a lot of memories." Wang Xiu turned her face around to scan the room.

CEO Yang watched as the woman veered her face around the office where they used to make their private meetings delightful.

"So how many women did you lay down on this table after me???" Wang Xiu slides her finger across the white marble table.

She arched her brow reminding the CEO about their escapades that lasted almost a year together.

"Does it matter???" Fei Hong asked.

The CEO wasn't shocked by the question. The woman will bring the issue about their past and it's all about their little "afternoon delight" together.

"It will be after we get married."

"I'm not the Yang you're marrying."

"You're the Yang I want." 


The CEO sighed after their quick deliberation. She knew the woman was stubborn but after turning the offer down, she thought Wang Xiu will not insist on the proposal again.

"If I became the CEO of this company, the first thing I'll do is burn this table." Wang Xiu pointed at the marble slab that harmoniously coincides with the other furnishings inside the office.

Her cold serious expression made Fei Hong laugh wildly from her seat. She assumes after her, the CEO would still have women lining up to spread their legs, and the best place to hide her secret is at this office.

"How can you stomach that I'll be married to your son???" Wang Xiu repulsively asked.

She recalled the night Sheng Zheng almost had her, and it made her feel disgusted. And if she married the man, she will make sure they won't sleep in the same bed.

"Are you planning to sleep with him???" Fei Hong appallingly inquired.

Wang Xiu shockingly answers, "NO!!!"

"Then I don't have any reason to protest the marriage." Fei Hong set her eyes back to the files on the table.

"Aren't you going to ask me for grandchildren???" Wang Xiu continued to revolt.

Fei Hong rolls her eyes, "There's artificial insemination." 

"And then tell my kids, your grandmother was my first experience?!?" Wang Xiu disturbingly exclaimed.

She shrugged her shoulder to express the queasy feeling that made her skin shiver.

Fei Hong tried to hide the smile on her face, "Technically, I'm not your first experience. I didn't take your virginity."

"You are still my first." Wang Xiu blushed when the CEO mentions specifically the kind of intimate relationship they had together.

CEO Yang Fei Hong smiled. She could not pretend not to feel her heart quiver whenever she recalls every detail of their days together. And like the woman, Wang Xiu was also her first after a long time of committing herself to one man.

'One man. Is Xiu still in love with her cousin, Li Jun???' Fei Hong remembered.

The CEO recalled the day Wang Xiu and her met. The young Xiu confided in having feelings for her cousin. It was forbidden. Repulsive. Sickening. She wanted to forget the man she can't have and Fei Hong needed someone to hold her in her loneliness that suddenly came when her husband died. She thought they were meant to meet and be together. They were meant to fill the emptiness that left them both lonely. It was too perfect and it ended faster than they anticipated.

"How are you and Li Jun???" Fei Hong asked with a stern tone.

She doesn't want to sound jealous yet her heart sense pain whenever he says the name of the man the woman loved.

"Don't change the subject." Wang Xiu answered angrily.

"So I guessed you haven't given him your virginity yet." Fei Hong bitterly asked.

She can read from Wang Xiu's reaction that she hasn't confided her secret feeling to her cousin nor asked to be the first man to touch her as she promised herself when she was younger.

"Fuck you!!!" 

"We did."

"\We can always do it again."

Fei Hong stood up from her chair and walked towards the woman. With all her confidence, she says the words,

"I love you."