"Damn it, Li Jun!!! It's noon!!!" Wang Xiu yelled.

She marched straight from the door to the marble table and set both of her hands on the top.

After Mr. Han left, Wang Xiu waited for another fifteen minutes for the new CEO to arrive but it was almost eleven, and Li Jun hadn't shown up.

She decided to go to the project and engineering department to ask for a good design for a club and proceed to the finance department to ask for the estimated cost of materials. Her job was done in an hour. She walked back and planned to wait for the CEO when his secretary informed her that he had arrived a minute ago.

"Is this about Mr. Han???" Li Jun slouched on the chair and played with a pen on his fingers.

"No. This is about you not doing your job properly." She explained.

"I'm doing my job as I see fit."

"Fit???" Wang Xiu held her forehead with her fingers.

She was trying not to be angry but Li Jun's words were something she couldn't allow herself to pass by. The company that her uncle worked hard to lift from below the ordinary to a great well-established corporation was being held in disregard by the new CEO.

She snapped.

"Being late is fit??? Not showing up at a meeting is fit??? Not replying to a client is fit???" She yelled again.

"One, there was no other meeting scheduled except you. Two, I received a message from Mr. Han that canceled the early conference with him so I didn't bother to reply. I didn't realize he would think that the meeting was still on and came here." Li Jun explained.

"Because YOU DIDN'T REPLY!!!" She screamed.

"FINE!!! Next time I'll reply to everyone. You don't have to be angry." The CEO shouted.

"Li Jun you said you are going to be a good CEO. You promised uncle Liu Wei." Wang Xiu pleaded.

She remembered before the incident in Shanghai how her cousin would annoy her to get around the office and learn how to manage it. And he was glad to be mentored by her like a little kid excited for school.

"I was offered for a small acting part in a television series. They had clothes fitting today." Li Jun confessed.

"You could have said no. You have a job here. Full time. This should be your priority." She pointed to the office with her hand.

"IT IS MY PRIORITY!!!" Li Jun shouted. "I could have stayed there and talked to the other actors but I came back right here because I have a GODDAMN WORK!!!"

"No one told you to FUCKING accept that acting job." She yelled.

"I want to be an actor. It's my passion. Can't you understand that???" He begged.

"I understand but you accepted this job first. You could have waited another year or two and leave just like you promised."

"I may not have this opportunity again." Li Jun slouched back to his seat and swiveled around to stare at the glass wall and peered into the skyscrapers in front of him.

Wang Xiu rubbed her head with her fingers. She can't believe that he would hear those words from the new CEO.

"You're fucking rich. You can make your movie if you want to." She suggested.

"I don't want to use this company to promote myself. I can make it on my own." Li Jun protested.

He has pride. He can indeed produce a movie on his own using the money they have, but he wants to be known for his talent, hard work, and passion for acting, not the money he had from his parents.

"Then do it on your own time. Not during office hours."

"You're just angry because you weren't chosen to be CEO." Li Jun mumbled.

Wang Xiu abruptly itches with anger from the whispered words.

"What??? Say that again to my face!!!"

He veered the chair around and quickly stood from his seat to scream at the woman.


"Me??? Jealous???" Wang Xiu repeated.

"Yes!!! Isn't that why you seduced me. So that you can snake my position as CEO."


Wang Xiu slapped Li Jun's cheek hard with her hand. Her lips quiver from anger from the vile words that came out of his mouth.

"I love you." She didn't stutter.

The new CEO looks stunned by her confession.

"I have loved you since we were young."

"X-Xiu…" Li Jun stared at the woman with tears falling fast on her cheeks.

"I never loved any man other than you."

"I didn't know…"

"I don't want you to know." She cleared her throat. "In everyone's eyes, you were my cousin. But when you found out that we weren't, the first thing you did was try to fuck me."

Wang Xiu laughed and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She remembered the warm hungry kisses on her lips from Li Jun. They were the kisses she wanted to have. She wanted to own. But it felt empty. He didn't say the right words.

"I want you to feel how much I love you." Li Jun replied.

"I want to fuck my sexy cousin. That's all I read between the lines. Every kiss, every touch, it was lust." She retorted sarcastically.

"That's not what I intended you to feel." 

Li Jun walked towards the woman to touch her face but Wang Xiu stepped back to avoid his caress.

"You didn't tell me you love me."

"I'm telling you now."

"You are telling me you love me when you have a girlfriend???"

She scoffed from Li Jun's confession. Wang Xiu knows the new CEO has feelings for her but she needed to hear the words. She didn't want to assume it. She needed to feel secure.


"I don't know why I keep falling for you. When you are nothing but a SELFISH, LAZY, SELF IMPORTANT ASSHOLE!!!"

"You refused me. Of course, I will find someone else."

"That's how shitty you are."

Her awful words come spitting out of her mouth.

"What about you??? You jumped from one man to another, using them to raise your status."


"Jiang Ru, Ming Zhu, and now Sheng Zheng," Li Jun sneered, "Are you back on planning your wedding??? I saw you at CEO Yang's office. Don't you have money anymore??? You want money, why don't you FUCK me too???"


She hit him in the cheeks with her palm. His face reddened more than it was before.

"I'm glad I didn't give you my virginity." Wang Xiu confessed, "And to think I was planning to when you become CEO."

She shrugged her head from the exchange of hurtful words they have.

"I asked CEO Yang Fei Hong to marry me. Because unlike you, she loves me. She wants me. She did everything to have me."

"YOU WHAT???" Li Jun's eyes widened.

"I'm glad I'm choosing the right person to marry. Because right now, I'm already regretting being in love with you." She exclaimed.

Wang Xiu walked out of the CEO's office, leaving him stunned from the confession. She didn't care if Li Jun told his father about her relationship with CEO Yang. She's not a Long nor a Zhang. She's herself and she can marry anyone she wants.