Mischa walked inside a club named "Tamad". According to her source in Hong Kong, the bar was a front for illegal trading on the island. Owned by one of the triad's bosses, Juan.

At the entrance, a large man with a broad shoulder quickly stopped her.

"Who are you???"

"I'm a buyer." She replied, showing a roll of one hundred dollar cash in her hand.

The security nodded and opened the door for her. The blaring sound of electric pop music mixed by the DJ deafened her ears from any sound of men passing by her and asking her for a dance. She didn't glance at any of them. Her eyes focused on the door to the black market's entrance. A blue shark, her source told her.

A man with a thin mustache and beard stood at the entrance to stop any stranger.

"Who are you???"

"A buyer."

The guard stared at her from head to feet. Studying her whole figure and grinned. 

He opened the door and shouted in a foreign language.