"Liu Wei, I heard your father had a bypass operation. I hope he recovers soon," the old lawyer greeted him at the door of the office with firm lips to express sympathy, however, the eyes staring at him were empty.

"Thank you, Ting Feng," he replied with a deserted look, proving he was there for pressing matters and not to visit a friend and a long-time lawyer of the family.

"Sit... Sit..," Ting Feng offered, guiding him to a chair in front of a mahogany table, "What can I do for you? " The man with voluminous white hair asked, slumping in the swivel chair behind the sturdy slab.

"As my father's successor, I want to take over the shares he had in the company," he demanded in a sharp voice after settling firmly in his seat.

"Oh… uhh…," Mr. Hao stammered, fidgeting his fingers on his tie, "As you can see, they are on hold for a moment. Your father changed his last will two weeks ago."