"Xiu, be honest with me?! Did you know your grandfather was going to marry Mischa?" Elric asked to begin his interrogation.

The billionaire confronted her without waiting for her to rest on the bed. Dismissing the anger from the man, she shook her head and took off her shoes to lay on the mattress.

When she reached her fifth month, she began to feel weak and sleepy. The doctor told her it was normal for a pregnant woman to feel tired as her body was adopting for the new life in her body. If she's working hard as CEO for two companies, her body was working hard twice to nourish both her and her baby.

"Xiu? Are you okay?" Elric worriedly queried, hovering at her beside the bed.

"I'm sorry, Elric," she lazily apologized. "I'm not avoiding our conversation, I'm just sleepy."

"Just answer my question, Xiu. Did you know?"

She yawned before answering, "No, but I thought it might happen."