"How's Mikhail?" he asked.

"He's alright. Growing up very cute and funny," the man named Juan answered. "He burped and spat up a lot at the old Kang, he smelled rotten and he's not even dead yet."

It made him smile learning his son was being mischievous like him. Recalling his own father would tell him how deviant he was when he was a baby, throwing food and spitting a lot after burping. The memory made him wish he could be with his son and watch him grow every day. Missing his birth and the milestone that he wanted to take note of saddened him.

"Thank you for taking care of him."

"Hey! No worries! CEO Kang is like a father to us. And Mikhail is like a nephew! We love him here!" Juan said, "Just take care of Madam Exelon for us."

"I promise I'll get her mother back."