chapter -2 ( THE BITTER TRUTH)


' You have been crying all night .... And because of tiredness you eventually fell asleep....'



' I was sleeping peacefully but someone had to disturb it .... .... As someone was knocking on the door continuously..... Making my sleep fly away.....

I got so irritated that got up from my sleep .....

I walk to the door and opened it as I was fully awake from the irritating knocking on the door as I opened the door ....

In a flash of light I was on my bed with my one and only sira on my side ... I was shook why was she ... In such a hurry she tried to speak but her voice not able to come out because of panting heavily .... As I can see she run as fast as she can to come here ... I was soo confused that why she was at my home thsi early ...?

I asked her  - ...

Y/N - why are you at here at this time  was lion chasing you?

She was still panting but tried to speak ....

SIRA -  yah !! You can't believe I ran from my house till here ... With my precious foots to tell you something !!!

Y/N - and miss could you pls tell why were you running all the way here to tell me what  ?

SIRA - kyaa !! You are so cruelll atleast ..... Give ..... Me.... A ... Glass of ..... Water ..(panting) ....

Y/N - fine wait here....

" I went to the kitchen and get a glass of water for sira and went to my room  to give water "

Y/N - now will you tell me what happened!!??

" sira got silent for a moment debating in her mind to tell you or not whatever she came to say about ... "

" I was getting impatient and my mind started to heat ... Still I tried to wait her to speak"


' I was sleeping peacefully on my cozy bed ... But got a call in my phone I started to roll on my bed left to right getting irritated by the voice but sti it didn't stop as atlast I had to make my sleep go and... I answered the call...

After hearing the call my phone slipped from my hands I was shock to hear ... That ....

A/N - ' so guys hope you liked part 2 and yes support me once again !! 🥺💜'


Total words - 406

Soo .,. Ummm ,, it's more small then last one sorry ., !!

Guys at last one more thing plss ignore my grammar mistakes ... Because I hate my keyboard love you all!💜

Pls don't take this STORY seriously on your life it's far away from reality sorry if it's rude but it's truth and yes no character are really like this in real life ....