We might actually pull this off!

I am standing on a familiar platform.

"Ashtion!" Emma exclaimed "Where were you!"

"Living" I replied. "Say,I have a question."

"Oh? Go ahead." Emma replied,curious.

"How can I get out of this game?" I asked.

"Oh...uh, I wasn't expecting that,uh well you gotta find a computer strong enough to handle this line of code."

Emma then handed me a large string of code.

The code read



"Thank you Emma,in my final days of the game. Will I ever see you again?" I ask.

"I don't know,Ash. But,I hope so."

"What was that last part?" I asked.

"Nothing...Nothing. Emma said.

I slowly opened my eyes. I was the only one awake.

"Welp I guess I should get ready. I went to change my outfit when something fell out of my pocket. It was the code.

"That's...useful. I say.

I get changed and walk out in a nice pair of skinny jeans and a flannel.

I grabbed my phone and turned it on.

"Computers eh?" I mumbled looking online.

I check the paper again and the specs are on there.

"Thanks Emma" I mumbled looking for the type of things required.

I bought a computer with everything we needed and walked out of the house.

I knew where I was going,my home.

"I should go grab my stuff,if is truly is my last day here. I walked the short distance towards my home,knowing my car and keys are still there.

I walk in to the empty house not wasting time and quickly grabbing my keys.

"Bye,house" I say,remorsefully.

I walk over to my familiar car.

"Ah yes, my Ford F150,classic." I say. I hop in and drive to the hotel.