4. Save each other


★ Initiative: This story participates in the Drabble Weekend CoviDE - 19 event curated by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Trace: "Yes, idiot, you don't need to thank me for saving your life" by LUCILLA INCARBONE

She couldn't believe it, once again she should have saved his ass.

"When she stops being like this ..." she gritted her teeth she said, but she couldn't finish that Madi looked at her with the eyes of who she knew.

"When you stop doing it too," the young woman agreed, leaving Clarke to ponder those words.

There was no day in which they did not chase each other or save each other's life, yet behind those gestures, the unspoken words there was the truth.

They loved each other, even if she didn't have the courage to say it.

She freed him and they quickly ran away.

"Yes, you idiot, you don't need to thank me for saving your life," she said, hitting him angrily.