Ben takes it further

I yelped and covered myself up, feeling myself blush from head to toe. My body was aroused, again, and I was feeling cold in the evening air. Goosebumps popped up all over me -- I guess that didn't happen automatically when I was being controlled?

I was rocked with feelings from my body coming in all at once. My abs were kinda sore, as if I'd been doing sit ups. My vagina was literally dripping, though the horniness was rapidly fading as my own consciousness reasserted control.

I looked down at my hands, which were feeling kind of cramped and tired. There was a bruise on my wrist, which I rubbed, annoyed. I inspected my fingers closely, trying to figure out what they had been doing without me. Normally I kept my hands clean and plain, but now they were sticky and dirty, and the nail polish Ben had painted them with earlier was already chipped.

I groaned as I noticed somebody had bitten my finger nails. A gross habit of my brother, apparently retained even as he controlled my body. My mouth had been forced to bite those nails -- oh god, that's probably the most disgusting thing I've ever had happen to me. I had a thing about nails.

Stacy was staring at me, and she seemed utterly confused. "What the hell are you doing, Elle?".

Oh shit. I was sitting at the kitchen table, in front of my mother and sister, completely nude. I looked around desperately for my clothes, and saw them strewn around the dining room as if thrown off without a care in the world. My bra on the counter, my socks over by the stairs… my panties, sitting in the mashed potato bowl in the middle of the table.

"You aren't going to make us eat out of that again, are you Mum?" asked Stacy, only half joking. My Mum shook her head numbly. "Did something happen to you, Elle?"

Of course! I could just tell them about the receiver! It was new to have one this small, but the old kind of fixed Body Rentals units had been around for a few years now, and Stacy definitely knew about those. I wonder if she suspected anything? She and Ben got along pretty well, much better than I did with either of them. If she realised I was being controlled, I'd think she'd be able to work out who it was pretty quickly. I just needed to get her to realise.

I kicked myself for not asking for help sooner. Sure, I'd only been conscious for a few minutes in the entire day, so I hadn't had much of a chance to think about it, but you know, it should have been the first thing on my mind.

I opened my mouth to tell them, and then found it was still closed. Huh? Damn, these blackouts really are instant! Sensations hit me all at once. I was standing on something squishy, feeling strange. I wiggled my toes and felt myself get poked by something hard, jutting out from the squish lumps, it felt very strange. I also seemed to be much higher up than normal…

The table. I was standing on the table! Standing in… I looked down at my bare foot, squashed into the communal plate of chicken.

Oh my god.

One of my hands was resting on my vagina - I quickly pulled it away - but the other was near my face. I could taste something funny in my mouth, but couldn't tell what. What had my body done? How long had passed? My family were gaping up at me, apparently Ben had climbed my body onto the dinner table and posed it in front of them.

"I'm being cont-"

Mmmmph! Something was suddenly pressed against my mouth, something warm and wet. I opened my eyes -- which had been shut, apparently -- and saw Stacy's face. We were kissing.


I scrambled back, horrified, as Stacy fidgeted slightly, looking embarrassed. My mother was nowhere to be seen. It was darker outside, as if a bigger chunk of time had passed. I found I was wearing my skirt again, but no underwear, and no top.

"I'm being controlled by Ben!", I shouted as quickly as I could, before he could stop me.

"I know.", Stacy replied softly.


And then I was lying on my back, my hands on my breasts. Another time jump! I gasped. There was something running down my chest, between my legs, in my hair. I raised a hand - gravy. I was covered in gravy. Huh.

Everything changed, and there was a nipple in my mouth. What the hell? I barely had a chance to take it in, when suddenly I was outside.

My body wobbled, and I felt an incredible pleasure washing over me. It felt like I was a second away from orgasming, but the feeling wasn't building, it was receding. Was that because my mind was taking over again? Had I gone through another blackout? I was standing, weakly, feeling soooo turned on… and cold. It was very cold. My nipples were like knives. Where was I?

I opened my eyes. In front of me I could see the top of the little pine tree that sat in front of our house. Wha- I was on the roof! I let out a little whimper, and dropped down to my hands and knees quickly, feeling for something to hang on to. I hated heights. How the hell had I gotten up here? Forcing myself to look up, I tried to spot a ladder, but it was dark, and there was nothing within eyesight.

I ducked my head and gripped the tiles beneath me as best I could, my knuckles turning white as I shivered with fear and cold. Ben knew I was scared of heights, that little shit! I could hear him laughing from somewhere down below.

"I told you I could climb it!" he said to somebody. Stacy's voice replied. "You shouldn't have, you almost slipped off going around that corner."

Jesus Christ, the thought of my body climbing up to the roof was terrifying.

"Go get the ladder!" I called, shaking. "Get me down!"

"Okay", said Ben. Then my body stood itself up, without my command, and my stomach dropped.

Not like that!

"You probably won't want to watch this.", my voice said, as I desperately tried to stop my body from skipping over towards the edge.

I blinked, and when I next opened my eyes, it was day-time.

"That was really hot.", my friend Jess winked at me. "I'm so glad I'm not the only lesbian at this school."

Ben, what have you done?