Sean's decision and scaly problem.

(Recommended song for this chapter: )

-"Of course boss, I am done doing things for the royals If I think about they dont even give me anything just the reputation of being a vassal of the royals, not even money or power so why did I need to be in danger just for nothing"(Adalind)

-"Now you might be in danger after you told Sean that you are not going to help him or the royals anymore, they dont like to lose control of their vassals so you can move with me and my team, there you will be safe from their reach, but first you have to drink an Treue Zaubertranke to get in are you fine with it?"(Ian)

-"Great thanks boss I would be fine with that, but first boss I want to know who are you and what your team are made to do"(Adalind)

-"Well if you want to know take down this TZ first."(Ian)

Adalind took down the potion and woge for a minute then she just stays there waiting for me.

-"Perfect at least you already know with whom you need to be loyal and mean no harm, well first you answer me some questions, first why would you work for the royals in the first place?"(Ian)

-"I have a dream to became part of the royals, I kinda glorified them due to my mother and her teachings from my childhood but now I just hate them and that they justa want to take or use anthing they want and giving nothing in return"(Adalind)

-"Perfect, now would you mind becoming a part of my team I am short of personnel right now and this city is going to be more and more dangerous"(Ian)

-"I wouldnt mind but first I need to know who you are and what you stands for to make a decision"(Adalind)

-"Well my known identity is Ian Michaels, adopted son of the Grimm Michaels line, ex-captain of the Search and kill squad in the DEVGRU Navy Seals and SAC in charge of the Wesen Division in Oregon, my not known identity is Ian Porter Renard I am son of the Grimm Porter line and the Renard princess that made me a full fledged hybrid for the last I am also the Director of North America's Wesen Justiz"(Ian)

-"Well I am spechless and why working against the royals if you are a part of them?"(Adalind)

-"As I said I am Director of WJ, I keep the balance between wesens and humans meaning royals, revolutionaries or crazy radical wesens, if they meant harm to the balance, then I will crush them, also the royals killed my father and abducted my mother so I am not going to be on their side ever but I would mantain the balance even if that means to let them live, but recently I got the news that they were after something that would be pretty dangerous to get"(Ian)

-"Well then boss I would inform Sean what you want and would you mind to left me at my apartment I like to picked up my stuff and then go to your base"(Adalind)

-"I wont mind, just be aware with what you say to him, my hidden identity its not meant to be known the TZ that I give you its a modified one if you told about my secrets the potion its going to make you some serious damage."(Ian)


-"Sean its me, the plan we had was unsucessful"(Adalind)

-"F¨ck!!!! Hoe did that happened??"(Sean)

-"I am with my boss and he told me to tell you that you need to stop looking for that key"(Adalind)

-"Sh*t, well then tell him what he want for it"(Sean)

-"You just dont get it, that thing is not meant to be used by anyone"(Adalind)

-"Well then just tell him that we are going to stop the search for that key"(Sean)

-"He also recommends you to abdicate for the royals, if you really think about it you are a liability and a paria for them, you might also go to the revolutionaries side there might be a chance for you to be the king there if they get rid of the other royals, as you know the WJ will not allow to be a break in the balance so the royals were not going to cease to exis,t but if a not so radical royal member were in the crown then you might have a pretty good chance to be the next king"(Adalind)

-"Tell him to let me have a week to think about it."(Sean)

-"Oh and Sean, two more things I am done doing things from now on dont seek for me, the other thing is that he wants you to be aware that if you want to something funny or keep watching for that key you are going to accompany the last Verat Assassin team"(Adalind)


I leave with Adalind and let her get her stuff from her apartment, I just carrye her luggage and put it in the KK(King Karlmann), then we just drive to the base, when we were in the entrance Adalind saw the high electric fence and the sturdy door, as well as the watchtower were there was a huge guy with an assault rifle(Mark), then about 5 mins of road until she saw the castle.

-"That is where I am staying?!!"(Adalind)

-"Well you have two choices, staying there or in the apartment building over there"(Ian)

Adalind follows the direction and saw a 10 floor luxurious apartment, he just saw his boss and recalls her first time seeing him and calmed down knowing how powerful and rich he is.

-"Where are you staying?"(Adalind)

-"In the castle of course"(Ian)

-"Then I want to be there"(Adalind)

-"Kinky one huh, hahaha look how are you blushing, it has a lot of rooms unless you want to stay in my bedroom..."(Ian)

-"Smartass hummph "(Adalind)

We just came in and I present her to the team, everyone welcome her but Grace and Kath were glaring at her all the time, she also notices this and took my right arm and hug it, Grace run and took my left arm, Grace splendid body beats Adalind easily so she smirks at Adalind while grabbing my arm, Kath its not going to lose so she came and kiss me in the cheek and look at both like looking at two children and walk away.

I became embarrased due to this happening in the welcoming party around all but well I let myself be loved, I took Adalind to her room and Grace doesnt leave my side at all, Grace goes with me to my bedroom.

-"Whats going on Grace, this is not common in you being like this"(Ian)

-" I dont want to lose..."(Grace)

-" you silly you already have a place in my heart"(Ian)

Grace gleeful face was incredibly cute, so I pick her cheek, she blushed like a tomato, she turn around to left but then stop, she cmae running and give me a peck and then crazily run out of the bedroom.

Two hours later the Wesen alarm sound in each bedroom every operational member go to the study, there Cortana first apologizes for waking us up, the she told us that there are 3 bodies in the morgue that have several indentations that seems to be made of a Skalenzahne.

-Skalenzahne(crocodile-like Wesen grow crocodilian scutes all over their body, rather than the scales of other reptilian Wesen, sharp teeth and also gain sharp reptilian claws, They are incredibly strong and durable creatures having thick crocodile-like skin, and they are described as having no weaknesses, also have an incredible regeneration power)

But the bodies have some indications that the bites and claw marks have an acidic property, so it may have an hybrid Wesen of a Skalenzahne and a Fuchsteufelwild, we need to take out the big guys again for this one, only tungsten ammo might would penetrate his skin, being an Hybrid may got its skin way sturdier, also we need to take an improved Golliat kit to deal with its claws and acid.

-"Great guys we are going to take the big guys again, we all need to take the Imptoved Goliat Kit if you are not Mark or Sam dont let it got you, because he already eat human flesh he is certainly going to be feral so you have green card to use lethal force, Adalind I need you to read this books and replace all the used potions we need to increase their numbers all of the ingredients are on the alhemic floor"(Ian)

-"Right away boss"(Adalind)

-"Cortana calculate its near location using as parameters the locations of the homicides, also if its feral it might going to be were its crocodile side feels comfortable so check for any stagnant water bodies nearby"(Ian)

-[Found general Area, probability of being near this sewer area of 90%, searching for the sewer map, found his approximate location by searching ideal space and humidity, found the most possible location of the enemy right here](Cortana)

-"Great now I know that it sucks to go to the sewers so take this modified Geruchs-Zaubertranke(Potion that removes all the bad odors in the environment)"(Ian)

-"Now let's make a plan to deal with this wesen"(Monroe)

-"Grace, Sam and all of you what do you think about it?"(Ian)

-"Well if its feral then we might use fresh meat to make him go to an ambush position"(Grace)

-"Yea that's a good idea going to its lair is going to be dangerous but if we control where he is going we can lead him to a proper ambush and take him out quickly"(Sam)

-"Look at this place, this have a proper space for us to be in a great position, if we left the bait here we might have him completely encircled but we need him to be unaware of the guys that needs to be near his entrance point"(Monroe)

-"Well then what goes unaware in a sewer guys"(Ian)

All hatefully glare at Monroe in that instant.

-"You know wahts going on guy rules are rules, bring the phoenix"(Ian)

Grace cames with a golden Phoenix that have at least 20 retractable feathers, and we took one each of us, Levi and Ty got the shortest ones and start screaming bad words.

-"Well then you know whats the plan so let get this done"(Ian)

We enter the sewers with a fresh body from the morgue and place it in the center, all got in our positions Levi and Ty were covered in human residues near the entrance point, next Monroe, Jaeden and Boone start to slashing the body and run to their positions, and we staring to wait.

25 minutes later there are some footsteps in a nearby location so we get our firearms ready, but the sneaky bastard is taking its time to feast on the body he is a little bit nervous to go to it, he took 5 minutes to be in position and start to chew the human corpse, I immediately give the green card and everyone starts to shoot the bastard.

The first round hurt him a lot but he is not down he is starting to go to Grace position so I send some throwing knives to his knees until he cant move properly Grace and all members nearby stay away and then I took a grenade put it in the SCAR Grenade Launcher and fire at him the blow tear half of his left arm and torso he was frantically crawlling to our position, Levy and Mark shoot to its right arm until it was no longer moving toward us, but he is not changing so I took my katana(fav melle weapon properly enchanted) and with 3 blows I take out his head, until then his body start to woge to his human form.