Porter's Ancient... House?

(Recommended song for this chapter: "Beyond" by Mark Petrie)

Now Porter is a british last name so I decided to make there his ancient house, now this is where some of the known history of my world is a little bit twisted, apparently the first Porter Grimm known save the live of the Regent on that time and he give he and his family the regency of Warwick, he also gives them and earldom.

Some centuries later, the normands, bretons, flemish and french people invades Britain, Porter Grimms got in charge immediately of taking out feral wesens that were the result of the numerous conflicts all around Britain, because of this all of the parties invest in Warwick and their increase in personnel as well as the costly construction of a fortress where the Porter may train its people without dangers and safely sende them to solve the wesen troubles that were alarmingly increasing.

Around the lates 1066, William finally was without enemies so he finally claimed the english throne, he have many rebellions but not all that were remarcable due to his prowess, Porter's finally end with all the deadliest wesen enemies around Britain, William specially wanted to rewar their hard work so he gives Porter house and his generations the rank of count/countess of Warwick, and give the Porter's a huge quantity of money to improve the walls of the fortress and the nearby facilities as well as giving the Porter's an anually stipend to continue their duty.

Then the fourth crusade came the count sent his son to the crusades, his grandson will heir the countdoom if his father died in the conflict, the wesen royal families order them to go to the crusades even if was not their duty and so they did most of the Ancient Grimm Families send their sons to the crusades by the orders of the Wesen Royal Families, and the rest is story.


Half day later an multiple interrogations from the ladies we arrived at London heathrow airport, the pilot went to my private hangar and we stay in the VIP lounge until my helicopter was ready to go, 5 mins later of our arrival 5 suited guys enter the lounge.

-"Good evening Duke, I came here at the orders of her majesty she is glad that you are back at London and wants you to see her before you go back to the US"(???)

-"Ohh hello there James, tell her majesty that I will be glad to accompany her and that I might ha some of those swiss guilty pleasures that she always asks me for"(Ian)

-"Duke I will gladly remind you to not pampered her majesty chocolate weakness, the royal family doctor has limited her to one chocolate a week and that's because he cant take it all or she might fire the poor guy"(James)

-"Come on James, her majesty is far stronger than both of us ¬¬ , let her have her little life pleasures"(Ian)

-"What I am going to do wit you, Sir Ian"(James)

-"I also organized a friendly match with Arsenal and Burnley, they will left one spot for William and Henry to finally end that disputed high school game between them"(Ian)

-"Oh and who might these ladies are sir, are you finally going to marry someone, her majesty is going to be hughly dissapointed she was already thinking about pairing you with some nice ladies"(James)

I sense a disturbance on the force my whole body went freeze cold as I feel the girls glares, I mean they didnt ask about that in all the way back and you expect me to say, oh by the way I am the Duke of Warwick by the way and I have good relationship with the royal family, who are you trying to deceive you will freaking laugh at me ¬¬ , I obviously known that her majesty screw me hard this time... jeez I need to fix this quickly... where are those radical crazy wesens when you need them!!!

-"James, you know that I am not ready to be with anyone"

All my senses were tingling danger!!!! Huge darkforce were emitted by my lovely ladies and that was the moment I knew I ...

-"Yeeet... anyone yet... I need to know them by my own, you know how much I hate blind dates James "(Ian)

-"Sir did you have something in your eye do you need me to call the royal family doctor to check you out?"(James)

-" Yea it might be the pressure change now ladies lets go our helicopter is ready"(Ian)

I freaking run to the helicopter I was tempted to tell the pilot to hurriedly left but I was stopped by three nightmare pinches in my body hell they were using their wesens claws, why me, that bastard James I am going to have my pay back save my words you dimwit.

The heaviest and hellish hour of my life finally was done after several simp words and promises heck its the only way, tell me the contrary also I dont want to die I swear that I saw my angelic Grace thinking many ways to throwing me down the helicopter until I told them that I never had a grirlfriend and that's why the Queen pairs me sometimes because she treats me like family, then they stopped thanks god, I better tell Cortana to erase every single data that I have about my one night stands, ey dont judge me I am doing a shitty but necessarily job around the world fighting against wesen if I fail I might not come back even with my cheats sometime so If I find someone likeable and they as well so we satisify each other we are adults here.


A.N; I will need you valuable imagination in the next section, imagine actual warwick castle onle their wall are bigger and longer in the green spot at the center its a stone version of the baltimore mansion, I will annex some images, in the stone castle of warwick there are two big heliports, and a big training place in between the Baltimore mansion and the stone warwick castle.


We land in the heliporter of the Porter's Castle, a secluded private castle, that's surrounded by strong an tall stone walls, there where a lot of armed personnel on the stone walls, 7 towers and 2 gatehouses, we took the elevator and go to the center were the Porter's mansion were located.

There were a lot of people actively moving around the castle all respectfully bow to me and my ladies, as soon as I got into the mansion a bunch of butler's and maidens bow toward us, get the luggage and walked around leaving with my ladies, the headbutler of the castle arrived quickly.

-"Master, why didnt you told me about your arrival I would have waited you at London"(???)

-"Old John take it easy we are already here and I know that you always have the castle in pristine conditions, we came to search for the Grimm Porter's vault did you know where its located?"(Ian)

-"Of course I know master its entrance is located at the library on the main floor but only you have access to the vault because its only accesible with a Grimm blood that have its active gene"(Old John)

Great then I would left the HunterDrones unused but they might be of great help for the British WJ I would left those to them and when I came back I would make a lot more for the team, might also as well equiped the whole WJ they are really handy.

Old John took me to the library in front of the big fireplace, there was a stonemade Porter Grimm coat of arms in the middle there was a sharp claw, it might be of a Hundjäger at the middle there is a small orifice I puncture my finger with the claw and let a drop of blood on the orifice, seconds later a mechanism was heard and the fireplace starts moving until it disappear under the floor, in front of me there where a big stone stairs that went down so I went down.

At least 2 stories down I found a huge vault there was another coat of arms and the story repeats itself suddenly some gas was released to the airtight room, Cortana told me that it was a special blood related poison so if anyone not related got somehow blood of the Porter's line if he doesnt have it then at that moment the poison will take effect quickly and he will in matter of seconds, Cortana also told me that my thermal signal was monitored as we speak so if I died then the vault will not opened, when we exhale there is a positive thermal temperature on the ambient and that was what the vault monitor 1 minute later I hear how the vault is opnening.

Inside there are a pile of gold, properties, patents in a corner of the vault; almost the rest were armors, weapons, vials of many sorts, books, maps, tapestries and the room was huge and it was full of stuff after all I might need the HunterDrones after all, so I go up and take the case down, inside the vault I opened the case and Cortana started searching in the vault, at the same time she was cataloging all the discoveries and quantifying all that was searching in the room.

-"Cortana there is a possible location of the key?"(Ian)

-[Estimated time to found the key... 3 hours](Cortana)

-"Perfect well let's then move all this stuff to the private jet"(Ian)

I told Old John to move the things from the vault and to be extremely cautious with them once out of the vault started to move them by guarded trucks to heathrow airport.

Later I spend the day with Grace, Adalind and Kath in my house they were looking to my childhood photos and continously want to know about me, the royal family and how was be living in a castle and that stuff, we have dinner, then we inspect the training if the BWJ and give them some pointers.

-"Ian so this is where you sleep as kid, I want to stay here can I?"(Grace)

-" yes you can stay here if you want dummy"(Ian)

-"That's not fair then I want the room besides you"(Adalind)

-"That's ok but play nice girls alright I dont want you to fight each other and you kath where are you sleeping?"(Ian)

-" obviously I am sleeping in your room..."(Kath)

Grace instantly have a brain shortcut, Adalind was mumbling and Kath was smirking at them, I was starting to get tired to their fights.

-"Ok grace stop biting Kath's leg, Adalind and Kath stop pulling your hair out, if you fight you loss a point of cuteness so stop doing it, at the end lets all get sleep in the master bedroom there was a humongous bed where we can all sleep but play nice girls if you dont then I will sleep somewhere else."(Ian)