She's My Woman

I picked out a pink dress from the closet full of clothes. It was time to get ready for the brunch I was dreading so much. I decided to straighten my hair, as for make up I only had what was in my purse. I did a silver eyeshadow on my eyelid, placing winged eyeliner and mascara to finish it off. I applied a pink lipstick and glanced at myself in the mirror.

I picked out a pair of silver heels from the closet and headed down stairs to meet Damon. It had been about time to leave and I didn't want to make him wait. His eyes were glued to me as I made my way down the steps.

"You look beautiful." He complimented.

"Thanks." I responded. "Could've done more if I had my make up you know."

"You don't need it, you look lovely." He spoke still with eyes on me.

I rolled my eyes in return. "That's not the point. The point is none of this stuff here is mine. How am I supposed to make myself comfortable if I can't even have any of my own belongings." I sighed.

He was in thought for a moment before he said anything else. He came closer to me, backing me against the wall, then proceeding to caress my cheek. "First off Love, you could lose the attitude. I'd hate to have to punish you so soon." His tone was stern. "Second, if you do as told today we'll get some of your things."

I looked into those icy blue eyes as they peered into my green ones. I nodded in response. "Okay."

He proceeded to kiss on my neck while one of his hands reached down my back, giving my ass a squeeze. His lips trailed up my neck before finding mine. His lips were warm and I kissed him back, that's what I was here to do after all. Our lips moved in sync, then he bit my bottom lip as a sign for his tongue to enter. I obliged, letting his tongue dance with mine.

The grip he had on my ass grew tighter as his other hand went to the back of my head, deepening the kiss. I lost count of how long we were glued to each other. He was clearly enjoying himself. I couldn't help but let a small escape my mouth. He just felt so good.

He pulled away, breaking the kiss. He had a smirk on those lips that had just been on mine. "Good girl." He brought his lips to my ear, whispering to me. "I can't wait to kiss your naked body later."

I felt chills of excitement go down my spine. I didn't know much about Damon Tipton, I wasn't sure if he was as bad as Justin or maybe worse. If he scared Justin there was no way he was any better than him. But the way his hands felt on my body was amazing, his kisses were intoxicating. He had some type of effect on me and I didn't know if I should be thrilled or terrified.

He grabbed my hand tightly and we walked to the garage, entering his black BMW. Today he chose to drive instead of his driver Cody taking us. I got into the passenger seat and he got into the drivers of course. He pulled out and we were on our way to Martin's house. I could feel the anxiety build in my stomach.

The last time I had been there I was with Justin, surely my attendance with Damon would not go over well. A situation like this Justin would have felt like a fool and belittled me for making him look bad. Damon was embracing it, using it to his advantage. I could see why Justin was stuck as a manager and Damon out ranked him. Justin was too petty to be in charge.

The drive was silent, but we were finally approaching Martin's home. We exited the car after we parked and Damon had a firm grasp on my hand as we approached the door. He rang the doorbell and we waited for the door to be answered. Martin's butler was the one to answer the door, he directed us inside to the living room. Ava and Robert's eyes widened in surprise to see me with Damon.

"Kaydence?" Ava spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"She's here with me. I figured since Justin was clearly not capable of taking care of her I would do it myself." Damon responded sternly.

"And you don't feel there's anything wrong with that?" Ava raised her voice. "She was your nephew's girlfriend and you decided to chase his sloppy seconds?! It's only been about a week!"

Damon chuckled, "Oh Ava, I can assure you she's not sloppy. Plus wasn't it your precious son who slapped her the last time she was here?" His tone grew dark. "Now what I do with the women I choose is none of your business. You will treat her with respect, because if you don't you get to explain to father why you drove away his son he's trying to rebuild a relationship with."

Ava sighed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Before there was any further conversation Justin entered the room, a new girl on his arm. I guess he tried wasting no time finding his new victim. If it had been a normal relationship I would've felt jealousy, but I despised him so I felt bad for the girl. His body tensed up the moment he had seen me with Damon, he didn't expect this.

"I didn't know you were coming." Justin spoke.

Damon walked over in response and whispered in his ear something. Whatever it was Justin had gotten the same look he had when we were in Damon's office together. Damon grabbed my hand and led me to the couch. He sat down and his hands went to my hips to bring me down to sit on his lap. His icy blue eyes never left Justin's as he did it.

Justin finally got the courage to introduce the girl he brought. "This is Victoria. Victoria, this is my mom Ava, my dad Robert, My uncle Damon, and his-" He paused to think, he wasn't sure what to call me.

"Woman. She's my woman." Damon interrupted.

"It's nice to meet you all." The girl spoke sweetly. She had mid-length brown hair, brown eyes to match and wore a yellow dress. The yellow dress was once mine, I left it behind though because I hated that one in particular.

Martin came down, feeling the tension in the room. He noticed me with Damon, I felt myself blushing out of embarrassment. This probably did look bad, it probably looked like I was just a gold digger. "Welcome back Kaydence, Damon told me you would be joining us. Please don't feel uncomfortable here. You're always welcome." Martin spoke with a soft tone.

"Thank you Mr. Tipton." I responded, I could see a look of disgust cross Ava's face briefly.

"And who is this?" Martin asked Justin, referring to the new girl.

"This is Victoria. Victoria, this is my grandfather Martin Tipton." Justin responded.

Martin shook the girls hand and we went into the dinning room to eat. Even while eating the tension could be felt. Damon kept glancing at Justin, I assumed it was because he was waiting for Justin to bring my past up. But it never came up, I assume it had to do with what Damon had whispered into his ear earlier.