What Happened?

We got into the car and Damon sped off in a hurry. He was really worked up over something. I wanted to ask him what was going on but at the same time I didn't want him to snap at me next. I kept my silence and looked out of the window keeping my thoughts to myself.

We finally arrived home and Damon parked the car. "Go up to your room." He ordered.

I didn't want to get on his bad side, so I got out of the car and headed to my room as directed. I'd rather be there and let him calm down before I asked any questions about what happened. He was upset once before when we left there, but this time was even worse. I entered my room closing the door behind me and sat on my bed.

I didn't want Damon to be this upset but I also didn't know how to calm him down. Rose was still going to be gone until tomorrow morning so I couldn't ask her how. I removed my shoes and continued sitting to think of what I could do to maybe help the situation. It would help if I knew what the matter was but I refused to push it any further.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my room door slammed open. I looked over and saw Damon, still majorly pissed off. "Damon, what's wrong?" I asked.

He didn't answer, he proceeded to walk in my direction. I could see those icy blue eyes dark with anger. I could feel fear in the pit of my stomach as he came closer and closer. I unintentionally gripped the sheets on the bed. I didn't know what to do, I wanted to help him so bad.

"Stand." He finally spoke, his tone was stern and harsh.

I swallowed the lump that had developed in my throat. I stood up as he directed. I wanted to be careful so that whatever he had planned wouldn't end badly for me. He walked around me, looking me over. He stopped once he had gotten to my back.

He unzipped my dress, it was clear what he wanted to do now. He practically ripped the dress off of my body, leaving me in my bra and panties. He placed kisses on my neck as he brought a hand to the front of my forcefully grabbing my breast.

"Damon, that hurts." I spoke.

"Shut. Up." He responded while keeping his harsh tone.

He squeezed even harder on my breast this time. Instead of kisses on my neck he sucked on it and bit down hard. There was no way it wouldn't leave a mark on me. I winced at the pain he was causing me. I tried to pull away from him.

"Damon, stop." I pleaded.

"I said shut up!" He barked in my ear.

The fear in my stomach had grown, I was scared of him right now. I had never seen this side of him in the short few weeks of knowing him. Maybe this was the real him. Maybe this whole family was fake until they knew you were sucked in and couldn't get away easily. At this point I was hating myself for letting myself begin to like him.

"Damon, please stop." I pleaded once more. Hoping it would get him to calm down and leave me alone.

He pushed me down on the bed forcefully. Nothing I was saying was getting through to him or he didn't care. This is not what I wanted to do right now. I looked at the ceiling trying to contain the tears I could feel building up. I felt him getting on the bed, coming to hover over me.

He had removed his shirt and pants leaving him in his boxers. "You're going to do what I say Kaydence. You're not really in the position to decline." He smirked, but this time it was darker than any smirk he's given in the past.

Rose was still gone and I don't know where Cody runs off to when Damon doesn't need him. It was just us in the house, there was no way I was going to get any help to get him calmed down and to let me go. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine myself anywhere but here. Usually I would be into whatever he was doing to me but not this time.

He removed my bra and placed his mouth on my breast. He started with kisses and trailed them down to the hem of my underwear. He ripped them off of me, I didn't protest because at this point it seemed to only piss him off more. Damon came back up, biting my neck again. He then trailed kisses down to my breast. He bit down on me, hard. It drew me out of my head.

"Damon god damn it stop it!" I yelled pushing him off with all the force I had.

The anger in his eyes was still there. "I'm in charge! Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" He spat back.

"Then stop treating me like Justin did!" I yelled again. The words came out before I had a moment to think about what I was saying. "This is pretty similar to when he flipped on me and showed me who he really was! Is this how you really are Damon because if so I'd rather sell myself than be controlled like that again!" I couldn't stop the few tears that had escaped my eyes.

He glanced at me, the anger in his face had been replaced with a look of hurt and regret. "Kaydence, I-I'm sorry." he apologized and walked to the bathroom and brought me a bathrobe to cover myself.

I got up and put the robe on, wiping away the tears that had escaped. "What's gotten into you?" I asked.

He sat down on the bed, looking down in shame. "I was just so angry I let it take over me. I shouldn't have done that." he glanced back up to me. He looked vulnerable, which was a first. "I'm really sorry. I'll make this up to you. "

I sat down next to him on the bed. "What happened when you talked to Martin?"

He took in a deep breath and let it out. "He's getting promoted because my father thinks it'll help push him in the right direction of responsibility. He's also talking about marrying that new girl he's running around with. Which I really don't give a shit about, but my father told him to let him know and he could have my mother's ring." The anger briefly returned in his icy blue eyes but left as quick as it showed up.

"I'm sorry. I knew it was probably something like that on him getting promoted." I responded.

"It's the ring I'm most pissed off about. It was supposed to be mine, it's practically the only thing I've got left of my mother. It was supposed to go to me when I got engaged. Now that little asshole is taking it." He looked back down to the ground.

I didn't know what to say. I could be crushed if anything from my father had been taken from me. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Be my fiancé." His eyes looked into mine, practically pleading for me to agree.

I thought for a moment, he had helped me maybe it was my turn to actually help him. Our situation was already far from normal, this wouldn't really make any difference. Justin didn't deserve that ring anyway. "Okay." I responded, taking Damon by surprise with my answer.