The Game's Not Over

There was not much excitement the rest of the week, Damon worked and I hung around the hose bothering Rose. I had called Julie earlier and informed her that now I was engaged to Damon. Like everyone else, she questioned if it was smart with how soon it was. I really didn't have a good answer for people other than using the whole we're in love excuse.

Tonight was our engagement party, I was up in my room getting prepared for the evening. Damon was at the office finishing up some work and then he would be home to pick me up. There was a knock on my bedroom door, I knew it was Rose. I had called her up to help me zip up my black lace dress I was planning to wear. The gown went to my feet, one side was strapless while the other had a sleeve.

"Come in!" I shouted granting her permission to enter.

"That's a beautiful dress Kaydence." Rose smiled as came behind me to zip the dress up.

"Thank you." I responded.

"So you are going to be the future Mrs. Tipton, how does it feel?" Rose asked.

I let a sigh escape my lips. "It's strange to be honest, this is not where I would've guessed my life would be headed."

"The lord works in mysterious ways. I think it'll be alright, everything will work out for you two." She tried reassuring me.

"Well, I guess it's about time Damon will be home." I glanced at the clock seeing it was already 5:30 PM.

"I'll let you get finished then, let me know if you need anything else." She said before she had left the room.

I finished getting myself ready. I let my hair flow in loose curls, it was always my preference to have my hair this way. It seemed more elegant to me. I did a smokey eye for my eyeshadow using silver and black that sparkled. I finished the look off with my favorite lipstick, it was a dark color that was a mix between purple and red. I slid the heels I had chosen on my feet and went downstairs to wait for Damon.

In a matter of minutes he entered from the front door. He looked me over before greeting me. "You look stunning." He complimented me with a smile.

I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you."

He walked over to me and put his hands on my hips, pulling me closer to him. His lips met mine, his kisses were quickly becoming one of my favorite parts of this agreement. He bit at my bottom lip to gain access to my mouth. I listened of course and our tongues danced together. His kiss made me melt every time. He finally pulled away but I still craved more.

"I'll be kissing other parts of you later." He smirked. His lips were tinted with my lipstick. "I'll be right back." He let go of me and made his way up the stairs to his room.

I went to one of the bathrooms downstairs that was for guests. I knew he had to have messed my lipstick up slightly. Thankfully it wasn't a big mess, I didn't want to really have to redo much makeup. I fixed my lipstick and met him back at the stairs.

Damon took my arm in his and we headed into the car. We got inside of the vehicle and he started driving. He looked over to me and down to the ring. "You know, I'm really enjoying this."

"What do you mean?" I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

"Having you around Love." He smirked.

I couldn't help but blush in response to him.

We had made it to Martin's home, there were already alot of people here judging by the amount of cars parked. I couldn't help but feel anxious, these people were all here for us. I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.

"It's going to be alright Love, I won't leave your side." Damon spoke looking at my direction.

I nodded and gave him a half smile. "Thank you."

We made it inside and guests were everywhere. When everyone realized it was Damon and I who entered their gazes fell upon us. "Congratulations!" Everyone who was present yelled together.

Damon and I just smiled in response. I was relieved that I hadn't seen Justin in the faces of people. This was supposed to be a good thing and I would've hated to have him ruin it. However I did see Ava making her way to us. She had a smile plastered on her lips, I knew she was faking it.

"My little brother is getting married!" She exclaimed, she then proceeded to force me into a hug. "Welcome to the family Kaydence." She was still smiling but I could see the irritation in her eyes. I was more than Damon's woman now, I was going to be her family.

"Thank you Ava." I responded, returning her fake smile with one of my own.

Martin had obviously been waiting for us to arrive, he cut the classical music that had been playing and caught everyone's attention. Damon handed me a glass of champagne as we made our way to in front of the crowd to listen to Martin. He cleared his throat and finally spoke.

"The day has come that I didn't think would happen, Damon has found love." Martin spoke. "He's found someone who matches his energy, and while this engagement came out of nowhere I'm happy to be welcoming Kaydence as my daughter in law. I was surprised when Damon told me they decided to get married, but that's Damon for you. He's full of surprises and doesn't do things the regular way. He's an out of box thinker and that's why I put him in the president's seat of Tipton Enterprises. Good job son, I'm proud of you." He paused to raise his glass. "To Damon and Kaydence."

Everyone else raised their glasses as well and repeated after him. "To Damon and Kaydence.

We took a drink of champagne and started mingling with the guests. We made sure to thank people for coming. Damon was helping me stay clear of Ava right now, we didn't want her fakeness to go overboard. Unfortunately we couldn't avoid everyone we wanted to. We spotted Justin coming our way.

Naturally I rolled my eyes, Damon grasped my waist tightly. Victoria was with him, giving us a fake smile like Ava. "Congratulations." There was a hint of jealousy in her eyes. Like this was an event that should have been hers.

Justin glanced down at the ring on my hand. "So that's what this is really about." He smirked. He looked at Damon. "Well played Uncle, but the game's not over.