I Want To See Them

I woke up still wrapped in Damon's arms. This was a first of waking up together, the last time he had left to do business before I woke. I shifted my body, I figured I'd see myself back to my room. Damon's arms gripped me tighter, denying my escape. I must've woken him when I moved.

"What do you want to do today?" His sleepy voice asked.

"Don't you have business to do?" I asked. Usually he always had something.

"It's Sunday, I have no intentions of going in today. Whatever needs attention can wait until tomorrow." He answered. "So again, what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know." I responded. 

"How about we go for a drive?" His eyes finally opened and looked down at me laying on his chest.

"If that's what you want." I looked back into his icy blue eyes that looked me over.

"Go get yourself dressed Love. Just something casual." He instructed and planted a kiss on my cheek. 

I nodded and got out of the bed. I exited the room and made my way to my own. I would've showered but I wasn't sure how pressed for time Damon was. I settled on a pair of light skinny jeans and a red long sleeved shirt. My hair was still in curls, I decided to brush them out into waves and I would worry about washing it later. I washed the remainder of my makeup off and decided I would go without today.

I finally had finished up when there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I shouted.

Damon entered. He was in a pair of jeans with a black button up shirt. It was the first time I had really seen him in anything but a suit. "Are you ready?" He asked, interrupting me from looking him over.

"You look, very casual." I responded.

He chuckled, "Yeah. I'm allowed to, aren't I? Or do I need the suit to make you wet for me?" He smirked seductively at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up. I was just making an observation."

"I know, I'm kidding. I can make you wet any time I want." His seductive smirk still plastered on his lips. "Now you didn't answer, are you ready to go?"

I let a sigh escape, "Yes. I'm ready." I responded.

"Good girl. Let's get going then." He turned and headed out of my bedroom.

I followed behind him, we went downstairs and got into the car. "Where are we going?" I asked.

He thought for a moment before answering. "I'm not sure yet." He started the car drove out of the garage.

We drove in silence for awhile. He had gotten on the highway and headed out of the city. I watched out the window at the scenery passing by. At this point it had been about a good forty minutes, he had to have figured out where we were headed.

"Did you decide where we're going?" I asked.

"I did." He had a slight smile.

"Well, where?" I responded with another question.

"I can't tell you." His smile grew wider.

"Why not?" I gave him a puzzled look.

"Because, it's a surprise." He glanced at me and then back to the road.

We drove a little longer before he parked the car. We got out of the car and Damon grabbed my hand. He lead me inside a Mexican restaurant I had never been to. "Hope this is okay." He spoke. 

I nodded in response, "totally fine with me."

We made our way over to the hostess. She greeted us with a smile, "just the two?"

"Yes." Damon answered.

He still held my hand as we made our way to our table. He let go to pull my chair out for me to sit down, then he sat down himself. We started looking over the menus that the hostess had given us when a waitress approached us.

"My name is Camila, I'll be your server today. What can I get you guys to drink?" A small blonde girl asked with a smile. She had to have been a teenager.

"I'll have a strawberry lemonade." I returned the smile. 

"And I'll have a water." Damon answered her.

"Sounds great! I'll be right back to take your order!" Camila spoke cheerfully before walking off to get the drinks.

"What made you choose to come here?" I asked Damon.

"Because it's good. You'll see." He responded.

Camilla quickly returned with our drinks. She took our order for food after that. I got a two chicken enchiladas plate with spanish rice. Damon got himself a two tamales plate that had rice as well. It only took maybe ten minutes for the food to come out. He was right, this place was good.

"What did you do before you started taking care of your mother?" Damon asked, breaking the silence that developed.

"I was interning for a clothing company. I was almost done when I had to come back and care for her." I explained in between bites. 

"So you like clothing then?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Well yes, I had some sketches I made. I wanted to be a designer." I sighed.

"I want to see them when we get home." He responded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because Love, you don't seem like the type to just sit and be a housewife all day." He had a slight smile. "I'm going to help you."

"How?" I asked, probing for more information.

"I may know a few investors if the sketches are good enough." He explained further.

We finished our meal after our conversation. I wasn't sure how I felt about showing off my sketches, but it couldn't hurt. We started to exit the restaurant and we were greeted by paparazzi clicking cameras.

"Damon! Is this your new girlfriend?!"

"She has a ring on, are you guys engaged?!"

"Yes, we are." Damon responded and held my hand tightly as we went back to the car.

"Is this all this was about? To make the engagement public?" I asked once we were in the car.

"No Love, I was trying to take you out to be nice. Someone must've told them where I was to get a story." He tried defending himself.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed from the ambush of pictures. "Sure."