Not An Accept Answer

It had been a few days since finding out the update on my mother. I only left the hospital to sleep, but only really when Damon would force me. He had been checking up on me periodically but couldn't spend much time here being that there was business that needed to be done. It was Thursday and he had moved some things around to be here for me. They were going to make the decision today on whether surgery would be worth it or not.

My eyes were tired from the tears I had shed these past few days. It felt like I had cried all I could. Like my tear ducts should be in a drought right now. I tried to avoid crying in front of my mother. She needed me strong. But it was so damn hard to try to be okay.

The doctor finally entered the room, this was the moment we had been waiting for. "Good afternoon." He greeted us.

"Well, what's the decision?" My mother asked.

"You're still too weak to pursue the surgery Ms. Bush, there's nothing more we can do." The Doctor answered her.

I could feel all the hope lost. If there was no surgery then the time was ticking for how much longer I had with her. I could feel a few tears that I wasn't even sure I had left escaped. Damon placed a hand on my back and rubbed circles to try to help keep me calm. I wiped away the tears that were on my cheeks and took a deep breath. I was trying to keep myself from breaking down again.

I looked to my mother who had tears in her own eyes. I grabbed her hand and held it. I wasn't sure how many more times I would get to do this. "So how long do we have then?" I asked the doctor with a shaky voice.

"Like I had said the other day, it could be weeks up to a couple months. We can have her discharged from here and she can go home for the rest of the time she has." The doctor answered.

I nodded. I didn't know what to really say at this point. There wasn't much to say. Nothing I could say would stop her time from ticking. If the doctor didn't feel confident she wouldn't make it through the surgery then my hands were tied this time.

Damon's voice broke the heavy silence. "That's not an acceptable answer Dr. Baker."

"Mr. Tipton, cancer really isn't negotiable. I've done all that I can do." Dr. Baker responded.

"You're right. You've done all that you can do." Damon's tone was stern with the doctor. "But if you refuse to do this surgery and my fiancé's mother wants to give it a shot then I will find a doctor who will perform it. She shouldn't be given a death sentence because you're not confident in your work, Dr. Baker."

I didn't want Damon to make matters worse. "Don't argue please Damon." I glanced at him and his cold face softened up.

Damon stood up. "I'm going to step out for a moment." He walked to the door and exited the room.

"I will let you two have a moment." Dr. Baker spoke and left the room.

"That Damon is something else." My mom finally spoke.

"Yeah he is. I'm sorry he was like that with your doctor." I apologized to her.

"Oh, don't be Kaydence. It's fine." She looked me in the eyes before speaking any further. "What are we going to do Kaybug?" She called me by the nickname she gave me as a child.

"I don't know Mama. I thought we had more time." I responded holding back my feelings.

We get so caught up in the chaos of life that we take it for granted. I always thought I would have my parents at my wedding, that any children I had would have the privilege to have an amazing pair of grandparents. But then my dad passed and I had to get used to only mom being there for those things. Now I wouldn't have either one.

"You'll be okay." She reached out and tucked some hair behind my ear. "You seem to have a good man who wants to be there for you."

"I don't know about that." I sighed.

"He wouldn't be here for you right now and trying to get to know me if he didn't care Kaydence. He just seems like he isn't sure how to show it." she responded. "Alot better than that asshole who hurt you." She referred to Justin.

I let out a small chuckle. Even with everything she was still trying to be herself. "I'll be right back." I excused myself to see what Damon was doing. I didn't want him to be out there belittling the doctor.

I finally found him outside on the phone. "Yes, name is Mira Bush." He was talking about my mother. "I'll have it all arranged when you get there, you'll be on my private jet to get here as quick as possible. Rest up and lets get this done as soon as possible." He hung up the phone and turned around, surprised at me standing there.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I said before and I said it again, if that doctor doesn't want to save her life I will find someone who will." He answered.

"That's not your decision to make Damon. It's not even mine. If she's done then she's done. There's nothing I can do." I started letting tears and sobs slip out.

Damon pulled me into his arms, hugging me. "It's okay Love. Let's go ask her about it then. If she doesn't want to then I will cancel it." He pulled away and looked into my green eyes. "Okay?"

I nodded and we entered back into the hospital room.

"Mom we need to talk." I spoke, grabbing her attention.

"What?" She asked.

"Ms. Bush, I have a friend of mine who is willing to try the surgery if you're willing to go for it." Damon spoke. "He's a top doctor in Los Angeles. He's confident that we can do this successfully."

Damon and my mother were still getting to know each other. They've conversed every time he stopped by for a visit. It seemed like she was beginning to like him. Justin had never really developed a relationship with my mother. He only visited a couple times, out of a six month relationship it had only been enough that I could count on one hand.

Damon was actually making an effort with her and it was nice to see that. She definitely made it known one of the times we were alone that she liked Damon more than Justin. She said that Damon fit my personality better. I wanted her to be here if this Damon thing went south, she was my only other support.

She nodded, "Then let's do it. I don't really have much else to lose right now."