What About Amethyst?

"Get up, we have business to do." Damon's voice woke me from my sleep..

"What do you mean?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"I'm taking you to the retail space today. I want you to look it over and make your decisions on what to do." He answered.

Damon had gotten up prior and got himself ready before waking me up. He was in the middle of tying a maroon tie to go with his black suit. He was a perfect sight to wake up to. He must've noticed my stare in the mirror, a smirk made it's way to his lips.

"Come on Love, we need to get going." He urged.

I nodded and made my way out of the bed. I walked into the big closet where my clothes had been moved. Damon's room was so big there were two walk in closets, a his and hers. This one had been completely empty until I had moved into this room. I picked out a black pencil skirt and a red button up blouse.

After yesterday I was worried Damon had been upset with me when I left the office. After all he went from kissing me to sending me back home fairly quick. When he had returned though his demeanor was the same as usual. I hoped that meant he respected the fact that I didn't want to talk to Martin about the relationship I had with Justin. I needed to move forward and that involved not bringing it up.

I walked back into the room after getting changed and slipped on a pair of black heels. I ran a brush through my hair and applied some light makeup. "Is this okay?" I asked Damon.

He walked over and caressed me in his arms. "It's a shame we have work to do right now or I'd take you right here." His voice was seductive in my ear.

I placed kisses along his neck. "What a shame it is." I smirked and we pulled away from each other.

He held my chin in between his thumb and his finger, "Maybe we'll just have to schedule a one on one meeting later." I could see the lust in his eyes.

I couldn't help but blush at his response. "We'll see."

He grabbed my hand and began to lead me out of the room. We made it down stairs where Rose had some breakfast on the table for us. She had made some French toast with hash browns and scrambled eggs. Damon and I both sat at the table and ate our meal.

"Have you thought of a name yet?" Damon asked.

"Not really." I responded. "I can't think of anything good."

"My advice, don't pick something that is a mouthful. Pick something simple and memorable." Damon advised.

I nodded. "I'll think of something."

We finished our breakfast and got into Damon's black BMW. He drove off and was headed into downtown. We were going straight to the spot of the store. I paid attention to the roads we went on to remember where I needed to go when I came here myself.

About twenty minutes after leaving we had reached the building that would showcase my designs. It wasn't huge but a decently sized red brick building. We got out of the car and walked to the door. Damon had taken the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door. We entered and I was in awe at how spacious it really was.

I had never thought I would actually have my own store. Looking around it looked like some construction had already started. The walls were a lilac purple that started from the ceiling and then transitioned to a dark purple at the ground. "How did you know?" I asked. The paint was fresh, it had to have been Damon's doing.

"In the hospital I probed your mother for information. She said purple was your favorite color, so I figured why not." He answered.

"It's beautiful." I responded.

I walked around the space and checked out the sales counter that had been installed. The counter was white which helped compliment the purple. I really had no vision for how I pictured a store to be but this was nearly perfect the way it was. It had clearly been some sort of boutique before so that was an advantage.

"Now I know this is all yours and everything but I did have a suggestion for a name if you want to hear it." Damon's voice caught my attention once more.

"What is it?" I asked.

"What about Amethyst? It's a purple crystal, helps purify things and balance emotions and negativity from what I understand. Also you seem keen on the color purple. Just a suggestion though, you don't need to take it if you rather have something else." He responded.

It was direct and simple, like he had said it should be. It stood out though and sounded so pretty. I felt like it was fitting for this beautiful place. "It's perfect." I smiled.

"Good. Now, let me show you your storage room for inventory." He walked through a door behind the counter and I followed.

The door closed and Damon pulled me into a heated kiss. His tongue went directly for mine. He must have been having trouble holding himself back since we left. He removed his suit jacket and tie while his lips were still on mine. Finally he pulled away, "I need you Love." he spoke as his eyes looked into me.

"So take me then." I responded.

He had unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down with his boxers, "Please me Love." He ordered.

I got on my knees and placed his erection into my mouth. He groaned in pleasure which just caused me to get excited myself. I bobbed back and forth on him, sucking gently. I removed my mouth and licked up and down his shaft before placing him back into my mouth. He continued with his low grunts.

He had finally had enough and used a hand that caressed my cheek to bring me up. He turned me around and had me bend over the counter that was in the room. He licked two fingers and inserted them into me. He pumped them in and out of me, over and over to make sure I was prepared enough for him. I couldn't help but let the moans escape my lips.

He pulled his fingers out and without warning thrusted into me. He thrusted in and out with force, Damon was not one to go gentle. He smacked me on the ass as he continued out. My excitement had built up from the pleasure I received and I finally reached my climax. "That's right, you cum for me Love." He praised.

Even after my climax he didn't let up. He continued thrusting over and over. His grunts got more frequent, letting me know he was getting close. I moved myself back against him allowing him to go deeper. This sent him over the edge and he climaxed.

He turned me around after and planted a kiss on my lips. "You mean the world to me Love." he spoke quietly against my lips.