I Need You Bad

"Damon." I moaned for him as his fingers pumped in and out of me while he still caressed me from behind.

My lust for him had taken over. The reluctance to have sex with him right here and right now disappeared with his touch. He knew where to touch and kiss to get me to melt in his arms. The embarrassment I had felt about if anyone would know was pushed back so far in my mind. I no longer cared, I just wanted him.

His other hand had already done away with my blouse and bra. He massaged my breast and pinched my nipple. He placed kiss after kiss on my neck which gave me goosebumps. I could feel how hard he was as his erection was against my ass.

He pulled his hand out of my underwear and turned me to face him. His lips crashed down on mine with force. Our lips moved as if we were hungry for each other. He bit hard down on my lip to gain complete access to my mouth. I don't know what came over us other than the thrill of doing this somewhere new.

His tongue battled with mine as he gained a firm grip on my ass. I removed his suit jacket and threw it to the ground. I continued on with removing his buttoned up shirt as well and then started on his belt. He used his hands to practically rip off my skirt completely along with my underwear.

He pulled away from the kiss and picked me up bridal style. He carried me over to the bed and gently set me down. He removed his pants and boxers, letting his manhood free. He bent down to his knees and spread my legs apart. He looked at me as if he couldn't wait to taste my excitement.

His hands held my thighs apart as his tongue licked my core. "Fuck." I moaned in a low tone.

His tongue continued to lap at my juices. He gently bit and sucked on my clit which sent waves of pleasure throughout my body. I covered my mouth with my hand to try to prevent my moans from being too loud. He said this room was soundproof but I still wanted to be careful.

Once he was satisfied with how excited I was he stopped licking and kissed up my body. He bit and sucked on my breast while he kneaded the other with his free hand. I could feel his manhood between my legs. I was anticipating for the moment he would finally enter me. I let out a whimper as it brushed against my clit.

He kissed up my neck stopping at my ear. "How bad do you want it?" He asked in a sexy tone.

"So bad." I answered.

"Beg for it love." He demanded.

"Please Damon, I need you bad. Please fuck me." I pleaded with him, giving in to what he wanted.

His lips came back to mine as he placed himself at my opening. He slowly thrusted into me. I let out a gasp as he filled me up. He pulled out all the way slowly, leaving me with an empty feeling. That didn't last long before he returned himself inside of me, thrusting with force.

He held my legs to his shoulder to allow himself to go deeper. He pounded away at me and I couldn't contain the excitement inside of me. He removed his hands from my legs, still propping them up with his shoulders. One and went around my throat as he squeezed gently, establishing his dominance over me. His other hand proceeded to play with my clit which finally pushed me over the edge.

I covered my mouth once more as I came hard for him. Feeling my body convulse around his member was more than enough for him as well, I could feel him throbbing inside of me as he climaxed with me.

We pulled away from each other, out of breath. We sat in silence for a moment before I decided it was time to return to the living area. After all, I was supposed to just be shown where the bathroom was. I lost track of time and wasn't sure how long we had been gone. I got my clothes back on as quickly as possible.

I fixed my hair and made sure I was presentable. "I'll meet you out there." I spoke to Damon and headed through the door bringing me back to the living room.

Stacey glanced up from her laptop and I could see her face flush for a moment. In return I could feel my cheeks heat up. Had she heard? Damon said it was soundproof. I took my seat and could feel the awkward silence.

"Did, did you hear anything?" I asked Stacey.

She chuckled. "No, but you two have been gone for quite some time." She responded.

I put my hands to my face to shield my embarrassment. "I'm sorry. That has to be so awkward."

"Hey, you're two engaged adults. I'm not judging." She spoke sweetly.

"This probably isn't a first for you anyway." I responded. Damon was attractive, I'm sure she's witnessed multiple women leaving his office or the room of this jet with the walk of shame.

She chuckled again. "It is actually. Mr. Tipton doesn't bring women into his office or on his jet unless their staff members. And when he has it is always a professional relationship. He doesn't seem to do much dating which is why he hired escorts to go to dinners with him." Stacey explained.

I was surprised at her response. Damon had to have women throw themselves at him all the time. It made me feel special though. For some reason Damon held a special relationship with me. A relationship I guarantee most women wished they could have with him.

Stacey noticed my silence. "I'm sorry, I've probably said too much. It's just nice to have another woman to talk to when there's trips like this."

I gave her a smile but before I could say anything Damon came back out. He was dressed handsomely and fixed his hair into his usual slicked back look for work. He glanced at Stacey and I, curious about our conversation.

He didn't ask though, thankfully. "I'll be right back Love." He spoke as he strode to the cockpit to talk to Charlie.

After he walked out of earshot Stacey and I let out a small giggle to each other. I was a little bit surprised to get along with her so well. She seemed very reserved and professional when working.

"I'll be back." I told Stacey and headed for the bathroom, where I was originally headed in the first place.

I closed the door and sat down on the toilet. That's when I noticed the wetness in my underwear. Upon further inspection I realized exactly what it was. "Oh no." I spoke to myself.

We had been so caught up in the moment that we hadn't used protection this time.