Where Are We Going?

After Damon had left I went to the room. The picture wasn't my concern anymore. We were way past the picture issue. Now I was frustrated with just not being told about the incident. We could've handled this together in a better way if he had said something.

It was hard to sit down and talk to him about it. I knew he was frustrated with me and I didn't know how to handle it. I automatically shut down when I was feeling the courage to talk to him about it. Then the information about Nicholas was brought up in the car which took the whole duration of the ride. When we got back I intended only to be in separate rooms so that we could maybe cool down and think clearly, then he left.

My phone began to ring. I saw it was Julie. I hadn't given her all the details yet other than Nicholas attempted an attack on me but Damon came back to stop him. I didn't really want to talk yesterday after my argument with Damon so I dodged her calls then. But if I dodged her for too long she would end up coming over.

"Hello." I answered.

"Are you doing okay? I've been so worried about you!" Her voice was filled with concern.

"Yeah Jules, I'm fine. I promise." I responded.

"You don't sound fine. What happened with Damon and the picture?" She asked. She didn't know about our argument yet.

"It was set up by Ava. He showed me surveillance proving the girl just walked up and kissed him. He pushed her away and scolded her, then she ran away." I explained.

"That's great! See, I told you there was an explanation for this. I just wish that bitch would leave you guys alone." She seemed relieved, but she didn't know Damon and I were still at odds. "So you two are good now then right?"

I bit my lip and then let out a sigh. "Not exactly. We kind of argued before he got his hands on the surveillance video. Then he got frustrated and went to do some work when we got back from Martin's."

"I see. Both of you stop being stubborn and make up. Even if he proved his innocence you're letting that bitch get to your relationship. Don't let that happen Kay." Julie spoke.

I nodded. "I know."

"If you know then the next time I hear from you I expect good news." Her tone was stern, as if she was a mother telling her children to go get along.

I let out a small chuckle at the thought. "Okay Jules. I promised."

We talked for a while longer. I proceeded to explain to her all the details about Nicholas, even telling her his real name. She was more surprised than I was at Ava's actions. To me at this point I could expect Ava may do worse now and all I could do was be prepared. She was more ruthless and vindictive than I had previously thought.

"That's insane! I knew something was off with that guy! I just knew it!" Julie spoke after I had finished giving her all the details about Nicholas.

"I know. You were right, I should've listened." I replied.

"Well I'm glad he didn't get to hurt you. Or I would've killed him myself." Her tone didn't make me doubt for a second she would've killed him if I had been seriously hurt.

"I have to get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow Julie." I lost track of how long I had been on the phone with her but it had been hours at this point.

"Okay, get some good rest Kay. And don't forget, make up with Damon!" She reminded me and then we hung up.

I switched into pajamas and went down to the kitchen for something to eat. I hadn't eaten all day and felt like I was starving. I didn't want anything that would take too long, just something quick. I rummaged through the fridge until I decided to just make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

I decided to make two for myself and ate them quickly. There was still no sign of Damon around. I was slightly disappointed he didn't return yet or he was avoiding me. I wanted to talk this out with him. I was ready to settle this once and for all and go on with our life.

I went back up to the bedroom. I was hoping he would be here in the morning in enough time we could talk. I didn't put the engagement ring back in the drawer tonight. He hadn't been thrilled when he knew I wasn't wearing it. I hoped he would see it still on me and it would show I was willing to move past all this.

I didn't know if maybe he had returned without telling me and went to bed so I went to the purple room. I didn't want to disturb him, if he returned without a word then he probably wasn't ready to talk yet. I laid in the sheets and tried to fall asleep. I could feel my anxiety in the pit of my stomach so I tossed and turned for a while before I finally slept.

"Get up." The husky voice demanded, waking me up.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's five. We have a plane to catch, get up and get into something presentable." He ordered. I couldn't read his face as he made sure he had that emotionless expression he had with clients.

"Where are we going?" I wanted to know what was so important that he decided he needed to come wake me up two hours early.

"It doesn't matter. Just get dressed and meet me in the car. Be quick, we don't want to be late." He ordered and left the room.

I pulled myself out of bed and exited the room. I walked to the door of the usual room we slept in and went inside. I made my way to the closet and changed into a pick mid-length tank top dress with a black jacket over it. All he said was to look presentable so I made sure I was dressed for business just in case. I pulled my golden hair into a ponytail and went outside to the car.

I got in and sat beside Damon in the back. Cody began to drive us to the airport. "Can I know where we're going?" I asked.

"Not yet." Damon answered, his demeanor remained the same as it was in the room.

We sat in silence as Cody drove. We finally reached the jet and got out of the car. Damon didn't say anything as went aboard the jet. It was just him and I, no Stacey so this couldn't be a business thing could it? He took a seat at one of the chairs and I sat across from him.

"Now can I know where we're going?" I asked.

"I planned to take you on vacation before the store opening. I couldn't cancel it. We're going to the Bahamas to stay at the private Tipton resort." He explained.

"Okay." I responded. I could sense he was still upset.

"My father's the one who's forced us to still go. He doesn't want us to come back the same way we're leaving. I guess we'll see how this goes." Damon spoke slightly annoyed.